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School Posters Suggestion


Level 41
IGN: jeemay
DATE: 1/1/2021

As of right now, you are very limited to how you are able to advertise certain school-related things like Clubs or Try-outs ICly. Of course, the announcements channel exists but when it comes to IC, there's nothing to advertise. Right now, there are posters scattered around the school of things like pictures of the football team or Councillors' posters, etc...

My idea is to have it so there are rentable posters that you can pay money for where you can advertise whatever you want on there. With the exception of it must being school-related. Example: If you're the football captain and you're hosting try-outs soon, you'd pay a certain fee to advertise your try-outs around the school on rentable posters. The money for these posters goes to Office-Secretaries which later goes to the SLT. A system like this already exists in the Black Market faction where players can purchase spray cans and spray certain locations on the map with whatever they wish and it remains there so why not bring this concept to the School but with posters?

Here are some pictures of current posters hung up at the school.

A poster regarding bullying.

A picture of the Spartan Football Team.

A poster encouraging students to visit the Counselors if help is needed.

A big poster outside advertising the HS Swim Team (sorry this one isn't very clear)

Now, here are some of these posters I recreated where they are empty and rentable.
(P.S The prices on the signs are not prices I'm suggesting. This is up to the SLT.)

Big poster rentable for 100k for 4 OOC weeks

Medium-sized poster rentable for 50k for 2 OOC weeks

Small poster rentable for 30k for 1 OOC week

Personally, I think this idea would be great to have. Not all players are on the K.A discord (especially newer ones) and they happen to miss out on try-outs or club applications and other things when they're advertised and this concept would help them be able to catch up to these things more often.

I hope you enjoyed this suggestion and please inform me if you have any more ideas for this, I'd love to hear them! Happy new year all. <3


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
This is already a thing, you'd just need to contact a member of SLT (Dean or Principal) and we'll setup the poster(s) for you. Of course, you'd need to be apart of a club, sports team or role to be able to request them, but it's very much possible. Secondly, I don't see much point in making players pay for rentable signs to advertise within the school, it's unrealistic and we wouldn't allow non-school related things to be advertised unless there was some kind of reason for it.


Level 41
Thread starter
This is already a thing, you'd just need to contact a member of SLT (Dean or Principal) and we'll setup the poster(s) for you. Of course, you'd need to be apart of a club, sports team or role to be able to request them, but it's very much possible. Secondly, I don't see much point in making players pay for rentable signs to advertise within the school, it's unrealistic and we wouldn't allow non-school related things to be advertised unless there was some kind of reason for it.

Oh it is? well I hope this suggestion can put it more on the spotlight and let other people know that it's a possibility.


Level 183

- Already a thing however we do not require payment, please contact one of the SLT Members through Discord for more information on how to get a personal poster sorted out to advertise something you are a part of.​

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