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Shiba Sweets Shop Application

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Level 86
Community Team
Lore Team

IGN: cloud_divider
Previous applications: Art club, accepted. (Roughly a year ago, it was a private application so there isn't a thread for it, I do have the google doc though)
Previous warns/kicks/bans: None especially recent (most of these are from over , I do remember when I first joined getting warned for metagame (Mid-2016), and then later on when phones came out getting warned for using them OOCly. No new warns as of recently, all of these warns are from at least 5-8 months ago.

Shop wanted: It’s not labeled on the shop list, but there’s one behind Shop 5 that’s like Blockymart I’d like to turn it into “Shiba Sweets” which will be of course, a candy/sweets store. (Credits to ItzAndreww_)

Why do you want to own a shop?: To me, owning a shop would be a new thing to do that might be really fun. I’d like to take on the challenge of keeping a store regularly open. Hopefully I’ll be able to tend to the shop and keep it running for at least a month or two (hopefully longer.) Plus, most cities have at least one candy store. With all of the sugary foods that are already on the server it’d be fun to make a sweets store on it. Plus, owning a shop sounded a lot more entertaining to me than say, becoming one of the teachers in the high school as they constantly get at least one slightly obnoxious player within the class.

Like many people when they apply for something, I want to experience something new on the server. I’m not sure if I want to attempt to reboot my old art club yet anyways. I want to experience having a shop, and while I gain that experience I want to interact with and benefit the community.
Something else is that I want to know what it’s like to be head of a large team. Since I go to a rather small school any group projects we do is only 1-2 other people, and it might be more fun or challenging to work with more than that.

What do you plan to do with the shop?: I plan on doing a full on renovation to fit the space to what you’d expect a candy store to look like, and a small hangout area as well. With the shop I plan to open at least weekly, and if that doesn’t work than I’ll try to do it biweekly. The shop’s icon would be a Shiba, representing friendship.

During times where there isn’t enough stock I’d like to host a kind of event like thing aimed at players who are bored, or need friends (possibly new players as well). The events would be kind of like a hang out, possibly having games running such as two truths and one lie, would you rather, etc. Within the shop being a y’know, shop, it could also host the Shiba Friendship Club which would host said meeting. People could sign up to join said club and get discounts of various items (Like a rewards club)

Of course events can be held even when the shop has stock.

How will your shop be unique?: First off, it won’t depend on whether there’s stock or not to open. (of course the stock is still important.) Second, most of the other stores are well, just stores with the occasional event. It is really nice though that you have stores with a little bit of spice to them whether it be maids serving you, or a movie night. My store’s version of an event will be based around the Shiba Friendship Club and player interaction, which will be lead by me and have some co-leaders to help lead meetings. The club will offer discounts to members, as well as host game days/nights which can include Kahoots, Would You Rather, etc. Since you can actually win a Kahoot, a prize will be awarded. This could be a week of Shiba Friendship Club discounts, or a set amount of yen.

How many employees are you planning to have?: Most likely I’ll have a maximum somewhere between 10-15, but chances are I’ll start out with only a few 5-7. Since it’s a small shop kind of tucked away, I won’t need a large staff team like some of the other shops.

Notes and Other Information

A further explanation of what the Shiba Friendship Club is: Since we’re allowed to add in more relevant questions, I thought I’d add this as the club plays a part in my shop’s existence.
The Shiba Friendship Club is a group of regular players, and be lead by employees and myself. The players pay to be in a rewards club of sorts. The fee to join would be roughly 500¥ and allow for special discounts on certain items for a month at a time. These deals would be lets say, 100¥ off your entire purchase due to being a member. Among that, they’ll get free access to the events that will probably have a fee to pay that’ll be around 750¥.

In order to keep track of the club members a google document or discord chat would be made. Within this chat or document the names of members as well as how much they paid, and the date they joined.

Checkerboard cookies 250¥ or 6 for 1500
Lollipop 500¥
Ice cream (cone/sandwich) Sandwiches 550¥ Cones 850¥
Dango 750¥

Milk 575¥
Oreo Milkshake 900¥
Hot Chocolate 550¥
Coffee (Iced & Normal) 580¥

Healthy Foods:
Onigiri 350¥
Fruits (Oranges, Apples, etc) 75¥ Each

Timezone: PST/MST

Weekdays: 1-3 Hours minus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Weekends: On a free weekend anywhere from 1-6 hours

Additional Note: I’d like the candy store to be a wholesome environment, and a place where you can buy sweets and hangout with friends. I’d like for be able to help out the people who might not have a whole lot of friends, like new players or just lonely people looking for someone to talk to. I know it won’t be exactly what a store is but, I thought it might be a really neat idea to use.

Additional Note 2: I didn’t see anywhere for what age you’d be for being a shop owner so.. I’d like to be 23 ICly, I didn’t see a limit either, sorry if there was and I didn’t notice. Thank you for reading this!

[Edit 3/17] Added playtime, and stock.
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Level 118
Although the idea is unique and all, there exists only a few models of candy and etc, your store would suffer immensely and it'd be impossible to run for longer than a month without more stock, so I'm gonna do the courtesy and deny your application based on that and the fact that some questions on your application lack clarity and information.
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