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Shop 3 Application

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Level 0
IGN: CorgiRp
Previous applications: Korean and French language applications
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Previous warns/kicks/bans: None

Shop wanted:
KFC (Shop 3)
Why do you want to own a shop?: The people of that live in this town need an active restaurant, that can be a convenience to them. As well as it's becoming a need to the town since nothing really opens anymore. But people need jobs to get the items needed to them as well.
What do you plan to do with the shop?: Open it enough for people to come around to it, or even have it as a meeting area for others. But as well try to host 'mini-events' so people could stay engaged in roleplay.
How will your shop be unique?: During holidays there will be small discounts. Or every so often there will be mini events hosted.
How many employees are you planning to have?: The most I'm planning to have is around 5-6 employees. Which would be four people to take orders and give food. And two janitors. But only half of them would be working. The reason there is double then needed is in case there is inactive workers during the time of opening.
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Level 118
If you want to get accepted you're going to have to pour more effort into this. Read the application rules properly.
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