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Shop Application { Rabendā }


Level 3
IGN: sAmMyBeEs420
Discord: sAmMy#5680
Describe your activity on the server: I have two accounts, sAmMyRP and sAmMyBeEe420. My main is sAmMyRP and I am always online due to it being my main, but since I recently got my alt, I've been on both a lot recently. I tend to have a lot of free-time because I am homeschooled.

Previous applications: None (On my main, I've applied for Chinese Language twice, both denied. I applied for JSL and got Accepted. I then applied for Builder and am pending for a response.)

Previous warns/kicks/bans: None (This is my alt but on my main however, I got warned for typing /me Dies, I wasn't educated at the time so my apologies on that)

Shop wanted:
Unowned Shop #4 (From my knowledge its not taken but if it is, any other unknown shop is alright too, if it's taken the KURASU Diner is also unowned as well)
I found this one, Right next to the subway station area, I have no clue if anyone has already gotten this but I'd seriously love to take ownership of it.


~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
~ ~ Rabendā Maid Cafe ~ ~
lavenderr (1).jpg
~ ~ ~ ~
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Why do you want to own a shop?:
In all honesty, I'm at a huge loss of roleplay lately. I don't know many people on School RP, just a few. I love to roleplay but what I mean by what I said is that I've never had someone to roleplay with. I'm not saying I have never roleplayed, I have. But, every time I do want to RP, it's Gang RP.
Nothing wrong with that, just not my preferred style.
I would like a shop mainly because I'd like the gain the experience of AdultRP. As I've never had an adult character on SRP, I think I would do just fine owning a shop and having the responsibilities of an adult, ICLY. I take great passion in roleplay, yet I fail to find people to roleplay with. Hence having a shop, people would come in all the time.
I know I'm an available and reliable person when it comes to being active and such.
Being a shopkeeper would improve future skills for people I roleplay with, and future applications as well.
It doesn't just improve myself, it gives me the experience too.
Having something to do on School RP would be nice as I've said above that it gets blank at times.
You can take being a shopkeeper as just a person who sells their stuff in a store but I'd take it as an actual serious thing. The reason I say that is because every time I go to a shop in School RP, they just want to sell and shove the person out.
I would like to appreciate the people who come to roleplay and shop instead of that.
That is why I would like the shopkeeper role, not just because it's a role,
because of the experience, I'd like to earn/have.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:
With my shop, I plan to make it a maid cafe.
I would only sell treats and drinks. If possible, I'd advertise my family in the shop as well.
The main reason why I wanted to do a maid cafe in the first place was yes, I know someone has already done it, but also because even if the one the other person had is gone, It's worth trying for another one. With my own personal design and technique of course.
Maid cafes are interesting and players could be easily drawn to them.
I also plan on making sure it is not just an eating/drinking joint, but an entertainment area as well.
I want people to come to the cafe and have a good time, and just relax.
Characters can even go on dates here, and etc.
For the entertainment area, I would have a stage in the cafe that employees can perform on. I know this part sort of belongs in the unique question down below, but because there's a stage, characters can ask to rent it for anything. Such as proposals or just karaoke night. Anything in general, really.
It would bring business to the shop and I think planning is a huge part of the entire shop because when staff asks me about the details, I have them down in this application or just in my notepad.
I do plan on making a discord for the shop as well, I don't know if that is required but I will do it if accepted.
The discord is for OOCLY purposes only. Players cannot rent the cafe unless it is open and they go ICLY to ask about renting it.
The discord would be for OOC meetings, such as voice calls and general FAQs.
Those are all my plans so far and I'm sure I'll add more later!

How will your shop be unique?:
The name of my requested shop is Rabendā Maid Cafe, a cafe with the sole purpose of selling, entertaining, and taking fun photos.
If I got the unowned KURASU Diner, I'd turn it into this cafe/restaurant

The interior would consist of the things I write down below, A cashier counter/bakery styled counter, a stage and a photo booth. Also, cafe tables and seating.
The counter would be in the back end of the store than the front because in the front I plan on putting a podium so customor's can have maids direct them to a table, if needed.
The exterior is going to be a bit textured and colored using Minecraft's blocks of course. To add little texture since it needs to be small due to it being in the shopping district, It has little pillars. I found an example I really like, and could build. It has some flowers overhanging the shop and I just really enjoy this style of the exterior. There would also be cafe tables outside, not many just like 2 or 3.
If this cafe sounds more like a restaurant, I wouldn't mind having a restaurant. Cafe's are just technically a type of restaurant and I like these ideas. However, they can be easily adjusted if needed.

Examples: PeggyPorschien (1).jpg

pegyporschienn (1).jpg
maid (1).jpg

Selling is the one thing in the shop that will keep it running. Treats and drinks. Customers will be served by the maids in the cafe.
Maids typically go around, asking if the customer needs any assistance and if not? Walks off in a peaceful manner.

Entertainment is one of the other unique things I want in the shop. A stage for the maids will be available for them to perform and dance on. If there are any announcements in the shop, the maids will use the stage.
Maids and/or the shopkeeper will have the ability to tell customers to leave the shop when it is closing when on stage. Entertainment is free unless its the other type of entertainment. Proposals, or private events. Players can come to ICLY when the shop is open to pay and plan a private event.
Private events are if someone got married, or even someone's ICLY birthday. The reason it's planned ICLY is that OOCLY I feel like it would be metagaming, If I became a shopkeeper, I would want to know why someone is renting my shop out for an event instead of it just happening without ICLY knowledge.

The second before last thing in the shop, a photo booth. OOCLY, I love to take Minecraft photos, randomly even. I think it would be fun if I had a photobooth. The photobooth will be made if I get accepted and can create the shop in creative. It will be a normal photo shoot box like you'd see in real life. With a twist.
In reality, I would be taking the photos from inside the photo booth. ICLY, I would ask for the players to get into the box, and then tell them to smile. OOCLY, I would go inside the box, take however many photos they order, and then come out, asking for discords in LOOC. Then ICLY ask for payment and wish them a good day.

The last thing that would be in the shop is a bar type of table around the stage. If accepted, I would build it like how I'm imagining it. It's basically a table with chairs around the table that is directly under the stage. Kind of like front-row seats.
I hope I have given enough detail on the unique things I'd like in the shop.

a0000048_parts_58aa431f18510 (1).jpg

How many employees are you planning to have?:
I plan to have a range around 6-10.
The only reason I'd want so many is because it is a maid cafe, and servers are highly recommended in cafes. However, I do want a couple maids, But 2 cashier people, and a photographer for the photo booth idea.
When I get this shop, I'd like to do interviews ICLY inside of it. (If possible)
I feel as if I gave players the chance to do an interview ICLY, it would add to the roleplay instead of just hiring them OOCLY on the spot. I don't think it would make a lot of sense ICLY for someone to be hired OOCLY.
I would never hire someone just because they're a friend or they know me. It's all ICLY to me.

Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it:

Questions I have for you

1. Does the Entertainment/Paying for a private event idea okay?

I know its a cafe and you may only sell food and drinks. I would like to be accepted in flying colors in all honesty, I wouldn't want to put a good idea to waste. The private event thing varies in prices that could be decided in DM's (If accepted)

As a follow-up to the question above, is that the same thing with the photo booth?
I created the photo booth idea because I have never seen someone else do it before, I think it is unique and different than any other shop.

My character if I were to be accepted:
If I'm accepted I'll probably just tell you.

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Level 192
  • Your application is pretty short and is filled with large images which makes it overall unorganized.
  • Your idea is great but it's nothing we haven't seen on the server, we're looking for something that stands out new and unique.
  • You may re-apply in 7 days

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