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Shop application~ Shino's Cosmetics!


Level 0

IGN: My ingame name is~Kyro 'Ky' Shino
Discord:My discord name and my hashtag is~Spec Wit Attitude#6744
Describe your activity on the server: I normally attend school and sell items to players around.
I play around 3-4 hours a day, with this shop i will become more and more active over time.
Sometimes i just dont have a purpose to come online sometimes but with a shop i will have a purpose.
Previous applications: I had a previous College application.
And A previous Police officer Application.
Previous warns/kicks/bans: I have not had any previous warns/ kicks or bans
Shop wanted: The unowned shop, The shop will be called 'Shino's cosmetics'

Why do you want to own a shop?: I would like to have my shop because im trying to learn new skills in roleplay and spend more time on it, and with a shop this will boost all of those things that i need improvement on.

Another reason why i would also like a shop is to give to the people what they want and need. Lets imagine a guy coming into the shop and wanting to buy a specific watch that no one else has, he goes around the corner and sees that watch hes been wanting for so long, he gets all happy and runs up to the till and checks out with it,
that is what i want to do. Make people happy.

I have many other ideas like~ adding a sitting place to chill out with your friends and you can even get something to snack on while you stay there. My Waiter will be standing at the desk which leads to a mini kitchen and you can just choose off of the menu what you want and you will be given after you checkout.
What do you plan to do with the shop?: I plan to have events every month in the shop. So randomly picked,
One month i will have~ Anime day, A whole section with anime and you can come talk about anime and do other really cool things!
One month i will have~cosplay day, I will be hosting a event with A bunch of cosplayers coming dressed up.
There are so many more ideas on this based on what people and enjoy and love.

How will your shop be unique?: I will try to have all the cosmetics as possible, but i will have a relaxing area where you can sit, eat, relax and also make memories.
It has many cool features that other shops might not have, personally i think that all the people that come to my shop will come to my shop and have the time of their life being at and they will appreciate the moment.
I want to make the coloures of my shop~ green and white.

I think that the customers going to my shop will have so much fun and i would get alot of reviews. I would make my advertisement very lively and friendly that all the people in the server will be interested.

How many employees are you planning to have?: i am planning to have 4, including a waiter that will bring you food from the back while you sit in the sitting area of the shop. The other 3 workers will be working around the store, 2 at the till, 1 walking around the shop waiting to see if anyone needs help.
The workers i'll have will be very experienced and kind to the customers.

If a customer needs help the workers that i have will be there 100% of the time to help all of the lovely customers.
Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it: My character has no college degrees at the moment



Level 192
  • You did not follow the formatting rules properly and failed to write down your IGN.
  • Your application is fairly small compared to other applicants
  • You may re-apply in 7 days

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