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Shop Application (Shop 1)

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Level 2

Previous applications:
Shop Application [Not sure what happened to it]

Previous warns/kicks/bans:
Kicked for flying [Not sure why]

Shop Wanted:
Shop 1 (11-7)

Why do you want to own a shop?:
I want to own a shop because number one, it's a big responsibility to have and to be able to open constantly and I think I could take it on. The stress of owning this shop is nothing to worry about for me, since I have people who can help me run this shop. I'm used to handling busy situations and multi-tasking. If things get rough or messy, I can ultimately handle it and make sure to keep things orderly if needed. Plus, this is one of the main stores on the server and it should be able to open a lot during the weeks. So many people ask about it constantly, if it's going to open or not, and It will be open. It also takes a lot of trust between the owner and the workers since there is going to be a lot of different items stored in the back and sold. The workers will have to be respectful and honest, and always serve the customer what they ask for. Unless they are underage. I have fully read through the rules, and pretty much memorized a lot of them, and I know how to identify if the rules are bring broken in and outside of the establishment. There are many things which I have seen that could be improved in the shop, whether it be to open more lines where people can check out at or selling more stuff. I also think that being able to take on this sort of responsibility will be a good learning experience and a good place to be able to interact with more of the community. It will be an honor to own that shop and I do hope you take my application into consideration.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:
I plan to open the shop on a certain schedule that I will make to fit time zones, as well as hire two co-owners to make sure we stick to that schedule or to open during other times if they are on and people are asking for it. I plan to also be a family friendly convenience store and keep respect towards the customers and the workers. It will stay as a convince store due to the fact most stores like this are wanted constantly since people want to buy stuff. I also plan on keeping the design or possibly change it up later on, it depends. I will pay my workers every week and they will get the right amount of pay. People are allowed to apply for a position if we are running low. I will make sure that the store is kept in tip top shape all the time.

How will your shop be unique?:
I am planning to make the shop as unique as it can be, by bringing in respect for customers, and staff as well as a healthy attitude. The entirety of the community will be welcome here to buy or just to chat with people. The shop will be selling items from phones to accessories and have a number of different rows for the certain things, to make it easier to find them in the massive crowd of people that come here. Also, if able, I would like to be able to sell some pharmacy stuff, but that's up to you if you would allow me to sell them since that may be reserved for Happy Pills only, but they don't open very often. That would be another part of our store that would make us unique. Another thing is, we will have a set schedule of when we open, to allow the public to know the times we open and what days, since it would be easier than having to deal with the newer people in ooc that ask about it. We will hire only when it is needed and not have an over amount of staff. As well as these staff will be active when they are called. Overall, the environment will be a positive one and I will get the job done when it needs to be. And open on time, every time. It will also be constantly restocked when needed. To make sure that we don't run out of anything.

How many employees are you planning to have?:
1 Owner: This is the person who has control over the shop and how it runs. They the head and what they say goes.
2 Co-Owner: These are the people who are just under the Owner. They follow the Owner's wishes, and when the owner is absent they run the shop.
4 Workers: These are the people who will be the ones in the front taking what people want, and making sure that they get it. They will have to do a lot of calculating due to the fact that people usually buy a lot of stuff. And they will keep track on what we are out of and come directly to me or one of the co-owners to have it ordered.
2 Janitors: They will come twice every week to make sure the store is cleaned and ready for the next span of customers to come in.
2 Delivery people: These people will be the ones taking the orders fro what we need and delivering them at an appropriate time, when needed or such.​


Level 118
-Not detailed enough to my liking
-Kind of difficult to read (refer to below)
-Answers are not paragraphed.
-I believe you underestimate the number of employees and stress that goes with owning a shop like this.
You may re-apply in 7 days.
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