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SIMPL3Z | Psychiatrist application


Level 103
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i spent too long on this..
Schermafbeelding 2022-11-19 om 18.17.20.png

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous bans:
1 week ban for glitching into Inaccessible areas and stealing
1 day ban (Maxed out warnings)

All of these offenses are longer than 1 - 2 months ago.

Describe your activity on the server?:
My activity on the server is quite divided in a time scale. I only give myself 3-4 days to play SRP since I need to manage my time and include school since I am still in middle school, but generally when I do play, I play for around 2 - 4 hours or more to do whatever. I’ve previously been involved, or well, always have been involved with the GangRP & CrimeRP side of SRP, from around april 28th till the 14th of november, where I decided to take a break from gangRP for a minimum of 2 weeks, or more and this would further extend that break to a minimum of 3 months. I’ve spent a lot of my time on this server as I said involved with the crime side of Karakura, generally being a higher up in the gang chain of Daggerfull and Co lead in Otake Tatsu lead by nylu, but I’ve decided to step away from this scene of SRP and really try and discover all the different sides there are to this server, as it’s not only focused on crime & gangRP which ultimately led me towards just a big shot, EMS. So why not try?

Which timezone are you in?:

Do you have discord? If so what is your tag?:

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes I do have a mic

List your current and past applications: ACCEPTED ACCEPTED ACCEPTED DENIED DENIED (we don't talk about this one)

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:
As mentioned before I have been involved for months in gangRP, this was also a good build up for detailRP in my opinion, this of course mostly used in Events or mini events, as I’m not talking about those copy and paste keybinds that are always way too detailed. I am a good fan of detailRP although I try to not always overuse it, as this takes some of the fun away of it sort of, if something becomes a bit too detailed then it doesn’t really fit anymore, but I manage this correctly making it nice to use in Roleplay

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?:
I stated before that I’m taking a break from gangRP to try and discover all the other and different sides of SRP. I never really knew where to start on this however, until I saw the announcement that EMS applications were open and being reviewed on the 20th. I thought this might be a big shot but I might as well take the risk, as if I am successful this would really be a different change to what I previously used to do, as far as how I will benefit the current team. I’m always and have always been very dedicated to what I do on this server, look for example at Otake-tatsu & Yamagashira. Putting a lot of time and effort into whatever crosses me in my path is something I just almost do unconsciously, with now applying for Psychiatrist I will of course try to put in as much time as I can, and keep this effort always up trying to help in whichever way I could possibly be of use, and try to create unique and interesting RP scenarios ICLY as well, and with my past history I won't exactly say no to a Kidnapping event or anything like that ;).none the less I also have a lot of experience working with teams and groups of people. Although that Isn’t of course my main reason to join EMS, It’s truely to try and discover new styles and sides of SRP, meet new people who have a different Interest than all the people I previously knew and talked with (GangRP’ers), and I feel like a good supporting spirit is always something you would want on a group based team.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist):

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:

A psychiatrist is a medical professional who specializes in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders. As medical doctors, psychiatrists are different from other mental health professionals, such as psychologists. Psychiatrists can assess both your psychological and physical symptoms and can prescribe medications to treat mental health disorders.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:
Internship : Internship is a college program law / law enforcement students can apply for to take a 1 week unpaid internship program either in the KPD (law enforcement) or EMS (medical) scene to try and see what it's like to then further apply for the job they’d like

Attendees : Attendees (Attending Doctor, Psychiatrist, Surgeon). As a sort of promotion to each EMS class, these EMS’ workers are in charge of training the trainees / newcomers to the EMS team.

Doctor : A Doctor (hospitalist) is a physician whose focus is the general medical care of hospitalized patients. Their duties include patient care, teaching, research, and leadership related to hospital medicine. They take care of the most batch of patients and for all the normal / minor injuries or illnesses

Surgeon : A surgeon is dedicated towards taking care of the more majorly injured hospitalized patients, think of restitching limbs, attaching prosthetics and treating most major and life dangering wounds or cuts.

Psychiatrist : Read the last question

Head Psychiatrist/Doctor/Surgeon : The underboss of all the different branches in the EMS section, they are the ones who more closely manage every worker in the designated branch, forward suggestions and feedback to their branch clinical lead.

Clinical lead : there are 3 clinical leads, 1 for each branch of the EMS, they are in charge of overseeing and managing each designated branch even more so than the Head leads of the branch, they are the ones to call out if Trainees have completed their training and deserve to be an attending Doctor/Psychiatrist/surgeon.

Clinical Manager : The clinical manager does not have the same executive powers as the Hospital director, but they do work along more closely, helping in numerous tasks for example; training, supervising, hiring and overall management of the branches in the EMS

Hospital Director : The hospital director is the boss of the entire EMS, they are of course the most important addition to the job and supervising everyone and every single branch in the job, quite difficult. They are the one who hire the new trainees and call off when someone has completed their training and is now an attendee.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the
Hospital Staff role?

Yes x2

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?
Yes x3

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes x4

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Seta M. Yoichi is a Visayan male, with fluffy but messy black hair and sparkling hazel eyes, he stood to a height of about 5’10 ½ . Most people mistake them for earrings but Seta wearings a set of hearing aids, always has and done due to being in a car crash when he was younger, although he may sometimes turn them off due to him also suffering from tinnitus with the hearing aids, being 80% deaf but still having tinnitus.. yikes.. Seta has multiple small scars across his body from the car crash as well as the initials of his mother and fathers name who sadly both passed away tattooed on his arm, yes, Seta is an Orphan who was sent to multiple families and foster cares, his main interest in psychology actually originated from himself! After his mother died in the car crash and his father passed away 2 years later, Seta suffered from depression and terrible social anxiety around the time middle school came up, due to him being bullied for being ‘different’ or ‘weird’. Him suffering through this later developed into his interest on how to treat people who went through the same stuff he went through (FAQ ANSWERS: no he does not suffer from this anymore. Yes he can hear)

Schermafbeelding 2022-11-19 om 18.13.32.png

What are they like on and off the job?

On the job
Seta is always very nice and formal, of course always in for a joke or two but generally likes to keep it serious whenever possible and most certainly when needs to, he tends to treat everyone with respect and really put himself more a bit forward to try and be the best of help towards others that he can, always welcoming and open for any type of conversation and just a really outgoing person.

Off the Job
Off the job Seta isn’t much different, although he is a bit more quiet, still an outgoing person with a couple of friends always in for a conversation or meeting new people, which he tries to do frequently! Seta always is still trying to be a source of help, to his friends, family but also just to random strangers in need. His warm personality doesn’t always match with his clothing style off the job, it’s a bit more of a darker and closer off style, but he doesn’t let this get in the way of approaching people in a polite manner.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Seta’s look on his co-workers is kind of plain like everyone’s view might be, just co-workers but also having interest in everyone who Seta works with, their story, reasons why they are on the job and how they do the job and everything, of course with a couple of people he might befriend and see as just friends and colleges. His only real plans for the Future is to try and find someone he can spend his time and life with, further he just wants to keep on doing what he loves and help people via his medical jobs and volunteer work. Eventually he will probably retire around the right age and once he has saved up enough to do so. But he would like to stick to his medical side of jobs

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to?
Tinnitus, partially deaf in both of his ears (80%)

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

[ 1437 words ]
Seta Yoichi was born on the 7th of April, 1984 in the Philippines (Visayan), Davao City. Seta really didn’t have anything out of the ordinary in his childhood for a good 8 years of his life, he just lived as a normal kid going to school, spending time with his friends and messing about since well, he was only a child, when Seta was 8 years old though him and his parents went on a road trip from Davao to Cotabato city, roughly a 2+ hour drive on the road, Seta was a bit of a quiet kid though, he didn’t talk all to much and liked to keep for himself most of the time, mainly because his parents were not having the best time of their lives, they fought a lot, screaming at each other etc. Seta’s dad supposedly was also diagnosed with something, Seta didn’t know what since he never asked, but he heard his mother scream to his dad about it. During the road trip, the 16 years married couple once again got into another fight. Seta just kept for himself, he got a gift from his grandpa before he passed away, it was an Old apple Ipod with earbuds. Seta just took it out of his pocket where he always kept it and started listening to music. Until he suddenly heard a loud bang, glass shatter, and then a big pause of nothing. Seta woke up in the Cotabato city hospital, he supposedly had undergone multiple surgery’s already, they told him they had gotten into a head on collision, which ultimately put his mother on IC (Intensive care) with life support, Seta was kind of freaked out. Not necessarily due to the car crash but his hearing, he heard almost nothing except a loud, non stop beep in his head, all the other sounds were muffled very much, almost like before you pass out. Seta was hit with a forceful strike, since his head was laying down on the side of the door, with the impact he not only twisted his head to get striked in the right ear but also once the vehicle was come to a almost abrupt stop, his left ear got striked too, uncertain how though this took almost all of his hearing ability, and the surgeons tried to make it the best they could carefully trying to fix the non stop beep in his ears too via the eardrum hairs but to no success. Seta was given 2 hearing aids to put in his ears at all times, whilst he was kept in the hospital for a couple more days to undergo more scans and check ups, and to wait for his mother to hopefully recover. Seta and his father were dismissed from the hospital and suggested to go to a nearby hotel or motel, something they could come pick up their mother with quickly, but sadly after 6 days Seta’s mother passed away due to the strike of the car damaging her brain and leaving a hard piercing through the skull which couldn’t be repaired.

Seta and his dad took the train away home, a 4 hour long train ride, all in silence. Not for Seta though, not only did his hearing aids enhance the normal hearing but also that loud, annoying beep inside of his ears. Whenever he subconsciously thought of it, it would just get louder and louder, quite annoying, Seta usually just sat through it though, or whenever he was alone he would take his hearing aids out, enjoying a bit of quiet and peace. It was hard for him to listen to music now, his ears would just kind of be ‘full’ is what kids at his school said, so he refrained from doing that. He was quite insecure about it, and with all of these kids kind of strengthening that insecurity sooner or later he got a hold of a bit of social anxiety. A couple years of nothingness passed by, Seta just went to school, kept to himself whilst his dad worked 2 jobs every day. Seta was usually the one who was home first, sometimes he made dinner for himself, some easy meals his father had taught him but sometimes his father came back on time to cook dinner for the two of them. Life kind of became a bit boring, everyday used to pretty much be the same for Seta, the death of his mother affected most of it, including his own feelings, Seta had a hard time enjoying the things he used to do or do group activities with his father or family members as his mother was not there to join them, Seta’s father took it rather well just like Seta, so they both did not have any troubles on that side of the tragedy lucky although sooner or later Seta would get a lot of trouble.

Once Seta had turned 12, he was just living through another day at school until one of his teachers pulled him out of the classroom to the principal's office. Seta thought he was in trouble but didn’t care to protest, they had sat him down and told him awful news. Seta’s dad had been hospitalized due to his terminal lung cancer that he was diagnosed with, his dad used to be a strong smoker but had to quit after a while, never telling Seta why. But now Seta knew. Seta knew what this meant, of course being sad due to his dad being in the hospital, with no guarantee of him making it out alive. Seta was sent home for the week, not having to attend school for a while until Seta thought he’d be alright, it was put in his own hands. But after a week or so, Seta’s father unfortunately passed away in the hospital. Seta was now all on his own, no good friends, no family in town, no nothing. Seta stayed home, alone for a couple of days. His father's death hitted him like a truck right in the face, causing Seta to generally be really sad and falling into a long term depression eventually due to the Government issued Seta to be transferred to foster homes or an Orphanage after a couple days. The next following years Seta was kind of passed along foster care and orphanages, he generally stayed outdoors every day, only time he would go inside was to school, eat dinner and sleep. Then the next day he would just stay outside again, everyday, every single foster home again and again. Until Seta found himself in the Mallari family foster home, who were a really nice company to Seta, a good foster care family for him, taking care of him in a nice way, caring and listening to what he was going through and dealing with. Getting Seta to not stay outdoors all day and into therapy, where he learned and recovered about what he exactly dealt with as well as self evaluation, Seta took it to himself to try and be more outgoing, for once he was meeting new people and trying to make friends, even having his acquaintance with love whilst doing so.

Seta started to realize how complex the human is and their feelings, how intriguing and interesting, and he looked up to his the******, being able to help Seta when he was going through, it was at this time in his last year of high school he looked over to a study for medical school, philosophy & Psychiatry, setting out to get a college degree and eventually moving out of the Mallari family it’s home to go study in Tokyo to get his medical degree after getting his masters and bachelors degree after college, he studied in Tokyo for another 4 years. Seta set out to do Voluntary work in a nursing home in Tokyo, Japan for his studies there. Then after finishing his studies and getting his degrees he worked for 3 years as a licensed Psychiatrist at the Sakuradai hospital in Tokyo, Japan. After that he had to move to Karakura for financial reasons, settling and getting his residency for 5 years, before again applying for a licensed psychiatrist job in Karakura. His skills and knowledge have only improved in that time as Seta kept on learning and reading books throughout the books he could purchase on online shopping services, although moving to a new town was weird in the beginning. Seta’s old social anxiety played up for a good year or 2 but he was settled in enough to try and make friends in Karakura again.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Seta Mallari Yoichi

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):
Mr. or Dr.

Characters Given Name(s):

Characters Preferred Name:

Characters Age:

Characters Gender:

Characters Religious Domination:

Characters Marital Status:
Single, unmarried

Characters Nationality:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

Only 5 years in Karakura, Japan.

Working Experience(s):
Voluntary work in a nursing home in Tokyo, Japan for his studies there. Then after finishing his studies and getting his degrees he worked for 3 years as a licensed Psychiatrist at the Sakuradai hospital in Tokyo, Japan

Academic Degree:
Masters degree
Bachelor's degree
Doctor's degree

Year of Graduation:
Highschool graduation in 2000 (Skipped 2 years),
College graduation in 2002,
Majors degree in 2006,
Bachelor’s degree in 2010,
Doctor’s degree in 2014.



Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Japanese, Korean, JSL*

* = application is not reviewed yet.



Level 236
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
We appreciate your interest in the Hospital Faction, and we hope you're happy to hear that you have been accepted.

- Refer to the Karakura Emergency Discord as soon as possible for further information.

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