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SimpleZ his reporter application!


Level 102
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Lore Team

OOC questions.

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?: SIMPL3Z and i'm applying with my alternate account: S1MPLEZv2
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: Simplez#2390 and yes of course, I have a mic

List your timezone and country: The Netherlands, CEST / GMT+1

Describe your activity: My activity on this server is, surprisingly ‘low’ / limited compared to a lot of other people. I only give myself around 3 - 4 days per week to even play any games, which 90% of the time is SRP, due to me needing to manage school and other stuff in my personal life of course, but generally I haven’t really seen this become an issue inflicting with SRP jobs

As for my activity on the server it is quite divided.
Currently on my main account (SIMPL3Z) I work as a Psychiatrist in the EMS, which is a generally fun job which I really like doing. I took this job when I kind of stepped off to the side from my usual group of involvement: crimeRP. Which is also a reason why I'm here (stated further below). Next to my job in EMS and before I joined the EMS. I’ve always been very fond of crime & gangRP and was always involved in the community itself with it. This used to be most of the activity I had on the server. Nonetheless gangRP is still a thing I very much enjoy and that I put a lot of effort in, especially currently at the time of writing this application. (Again, stated further below).

Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:
2 bans in total, 1 ban was for glitching into inaccessible areas and stealing. This offense was over 3-ish Months ago now and this won’t happen again
The other was for maxed out warnings (1 day ban)

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages): Denied Accepted

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I have a couple of different reasons to apply for this role, which just for the ease of it i’ll break them down into sections of their own

Probably as much as people have said this numerous times again I cannot leave it out: I love writing. Truly it’s something I put effort into and really enjoy doing, just the sense of having freedom on a page to create your own stories brings a lot of joy, and even though I am not fond of reading. I am a sucker for a good story which is of course even better when you wrote it yourself! I’ve also been experimenting with different perspectives in writing as of recently, which this might help me learn a bit more of. As I see it, a reporter tells a story which is factually correct around the main points etc. Coming from an unbiased standpoint. This is a new style I have tried experimenting with in the past but of course I’d like to evolve with this style of writing. As mainly the perspectives i'm used to writing with are a first person or third person perspective

A different side of SRP, yet again
I used this same styled argument in my EMS application, because again it’s true. This is a different side of SRP that I originally am somewhat used to, joining this server around february 2022 I was instantly clinged onto the crime scene of this server and the longer I’ve spent on this server the more interested I’ve also became into the different kinds of sides of SRP and what they all have to bring, I firstly explored this of course by applying and being accepted as a psychiatrist, which really showed me a different side which I ended up enjoying much more than I thought. I’ve always had the thought that I should maybe apply for reporter, even before I applied for psychiatrist, as I was always interested in this job and the way it works as well as the idea of being able to make interesting reports / interviews for others to read somewhat inspires and motivates me to wanting to put more effort into writing. Do not get me wrong though, this doesn't mean I won't dabble my feet into some criminal roleplay ;)

I've got big plans

ICLY motives
As much as this is an OOC decision, it has some IC based motives behind it as well. The character which I am applying with isn’t in my eyes just a normal character, made specifically for this job. It’s a character with a lot of interesting lore & backstory to them, which I am also writing a document about. This job from an ICLY perspective just makes sense for him to study and apply for, further supporting his morals and motives on what he is really doing. I want it to make sense from his lore. Of course I could make another character but why would I do that? This is just extra lore (which is always nice) and saves me a crap ton of effort from making another character with a complicated backstory etc. Of course I could apply for any other job, some which might be easier or more to my interests (but currently, reporter is my #1 interest) but then It wouldn’t make sense from an ICLY perspective on why I, if I do get accepted, my character studied and applied for the job.

I hope that last section makes sense..

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

Do I have any experience with writing? Oh heck yes I do.

It never started out as specifically writing, but I always had this general love for creative designing of worlds, stories, plots, scripts etc. I’ve taken this love for this creative freedom and just a couple years back started to throw it into paper and in documents. The freedom of being able to create a story from the ground up is something I absolutely love. I spent a lot of time creating and writing stories, ideas, poetry & even some songs here and there. But let's focus more on the stories here.
I have a wide range of basically my creativity, I take a lot of inspiration from things I’ve seen, experienced or inspiration from others. Usually my stories are more of a thriller styled genre, never really fantasy. I like to keep the stories highly detailed and somewhat feel reletable in some scenarios and being able to base it off real places gives it Just an extra nudge in which people can imagine it for themselves a bit better. I always wrote short stories, not really entire ‘books’. Maybe just stories with a couple chapters but they generally wouldn’t take an excessive amount of time to finish
Overall my relationship with writing is outstanding, and really motivated. If I know I’m making a good story I refuse to let it go unfinished and will push forward to try and put in as much effort as I can to finish it, and If it’s not up to my liking? Then we change it up till it is like something I imagined. Of course, still going off by the theme and stuff. Just change the ‘current’ sentence / paragraph if it’s just not right. Writing overall brings me a lot of joy and I am always thrilled to make a good story so I can let others read it and give them a nice piece they can just enjoy which I always hope they do as I enjoy writing them!

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?: Yes of course

Why should we accept you over others?: You should accept me because overall, even with a busy schedule at some moments I still strive to put in as much effort as I can, due to this also evolving of course the main topic ‘writing’. Motivation won’t even propose an issue at any given time as in the end, I'm doing something I like to do.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.) Yes of course x2

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?: yes, because time management is the most beautiful thing I’ve learned

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is: Writing interesting, detailed, fun to read and informative reports on relevant topics, recent events or other fun/important/relevant stuff going on. Putting in effort and really going out there to search and find information about the certain topic they chose to write about this time, maybe including some interviews with people linked to a certain event. But generally gathering the information and compiling it into one, non biased report to broadcast it for everyone to read.

IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name: Suzo Yamagashira
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr) Mr. Suzo / Suzo
Current Age (25+): 25

Past job/work experience: A small local newspaper firm in my home area, back in the philippines. And as for general work expirience just the normal 9-5 jobs in stores or malls.

I Have a masters degree in my major: Criminology, and also minored in both Journalism & English

Nationality and born location: Filipino. Philippines, visayan.
Phone Number: 030-737-0481

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?: I'd definetly say an interesting man, who has a story to tell and willing to share! I might come off as a little bit closed off due maybe my clothing style and general body language, but I am still a very friendly and talkative guy, always up for a good conversation with someone!

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this? and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
Honestly I am interested in writing a lot about Karakura, Itself is a really interesting town where you can visibly still see old relics of the past that are currently present. Of course a favor of mine due to studying Criminology will of course be: crime related reports. But these aren’t necessary for me, as truly Journalism is an amazing job, and I’d be happy to write about anything interesting that happened in the past, present or will happen in the near future. Going out of my comfort zone for this won’t be an issue, as I go out of my comfort zone everyday, it’s just an extra step to achieving things I know I can, want or am capable of doing but generally one wouldn’t do, of course it’s still going out of your comfort zone, so every now and then it might be a little bit rusty so to say, but generally I think it can only help me in the end, more than bug me in the moment. So in another way you could see it as I use it as motivation!

What are your expectations for the job?: My main expectation is that I will find this job with my co-workers fun. Which I’m sure will be the thing as well, the job is fun from the short experience I had writing for the small local news paper and a co-worker can always be an amazing friend, just have to meet them. Next to that I haven’t really set any expectations, so I both can be surprised but also not disappointed, call it more of an open mindset.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
I do not have a criminal record, no.


Report 1: - The discovery of armed shipments around Karakura

Hey there folks of Karakura, today I’ve gathered some information and compiled it into one report, regarding the recently discovered armed shipments in hidden places in Karakura.

On January 28th, a couple of days ago. The Karakura Police Department had gotten their first of many calls and visits from citizens who were wandering around, exploring or doing whatever in maybe some darker and questionable places. Who happened to stumble upon some heavy packaged ‘shipment’ cases. Naturally due to curiosity the packages were opened and the citizens stumbled upon a variety of sharp edged or less lethal weapons, contained inside of the packaging. The main reason for these shipments to be sent here into Karakura still remains unknown, but many have a suspicion of it being in connection to a variety of arms dealers who might be established in Karakura.

The Karakura Police has taken in the given arms and are setting out for a wide search for citizens with any information regarding locations of these shipments, so they can intercept them before citizens come across the shipments - The Karakura Police department is scared to some extent of these now, public drop off of armed weapons as the spike in crime rates has only gotten higher and higher in the last couple of months.

[!] - An image would be linked to what the shipment packages look like

The Karakura police department discourages citizens to go and look for them, but if they do manage to stumble upon the packages they advice you to call the Emergency Hotline: (110)

This is currently all the information publicly known, if there ends up being another chunk of useful information. I’ll be sure to update you guys with a refreshed report.

until then,
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day

Report 2: - An Interview with a Psychiatrist

Hey there! For today I have an interview with an EMS worker, specifically the Psychiatrist Seta Yoichi! Who will be telling us more about why he started working as a Psychiatrist, and more

[!] - A faint beep would be heard, insinuating the audio recorder had started

Suzo: - “Good evening! I am Suzo Yamagashira with the Karakura news department. Just for the listeners to get to know you, could you state your full name, age and occupation?”

Seta: - “My name is Seta Yoichi! And I am 33 years old, working as a Psychiatrist for the Karakura Hospital!”

Suzo: - “A lot of excitement is heard, so let's get into it! So tell me Seta, why did you want to work in the Hospital branch of jobs?”

Seta: - “It’s just my way of helping people! There are a bunch of other jobs to help people, but being a Psychiatrist seems interesting after a while which does fall under the Hospital branch!”

Suzo: - “And were you always aiming to be a Psychiatrist? Or did you get the idea later on?”

Seta: - “I got the idea later on in my life, still at a young age! As a kid myself I struggled with some mental health issues and I had a assigned psychiatrist myself, the job didn’t seem all to interesting at that time but later when I grew older during middle school I started to kind of do a little bit of research into it, I wanted to be able to help people like how my psychiatrist helped me!”

Suzo: - “And do you get reminded of these past mental issues when you are working on the job?”

Seta: - “Well it's logical I do of course, but it no longer really bothers me. I’ve gotten over my own issues and in my eyes they helped me to study well and become a Psychiatrist myself! So in the long run they don’t seem all too bad!”

Suzo: - “And for maybe any people interested in becoming a Psychiatrist, why would you recommend they try and become one?”

Seta: - “It’s honestly an amazing feeling being able to help people as you help them in the psychiatry department, you build up a lot of close bonds as you dive into people their problems to help them figure it out, so achieving them doing better or slowly becoming more and more well is an amazing feeling!”

Suzo: - “I can understand helping people would make you feel amazed by your achievement! As a Psychiatrist you of course have a lot of knowledge about certain disorders and stuff, do you go on in your regular life and sometimes notice that something is a part of a specific disorder and what not?”

Seta: - “It’s something that pretty much goes on naturally, since well I’ve been trained and studied to recognize certain things or patterns but I never use it to judge someone or to recommend therapy, as just experiencing maybe one symptom or so isn’t enough to be diagnosed with a certain disorder.”

Suzo: - “And what would really be needed to be diagnosed with something?”

Seta: - “That’s all in the therapy aspect of it. It’s about the story that connects to the symptoms, from that we are able to make out if it’s a clear sign of a certain disorder, if they need medication for it and so on!”

Suzo: - “Alrighty! And just for a bit of general knowledge, how long have you worked at the Karakura Hospital for?”

Seta: - “I’m quite the new face around here! I think I started working here somewhere around mid december of last year, but before that I worked in a psychiatric hospital in tokyo during and after my studies!”

Suzo: - “And do you do anything else besides the standard psychiatrist functions when you are on duty?”

Seta: - “Not really! It doesn’t go much further than conversing with my co-workers and working in the Pharmacy if people need their medication or other stuff like crutches! The only time I really sub in for a doctor or surgeon is when there is a desperate emergency, but I am only allowed to do stitches and what not, no whole operations or X-ray scans etc!”

Suzo: - “and what would you say is the most difficult part of being a psychiatrist?”

Seta: - “Well as much as it’s part of the job it has to be hearing the stories, some can be quite the shocker as it’s best to have no expectations when heading into a session with someone. You’ll definitely feel a lot of empathy but in some way this also motivates me atleast to try and help them the best I can! I definitely recommend taking short breaks in between session though!”

Suzo: - “And how would your current Co-workers describe you?”

Seta: - “Lolly man.”

Suzo: - “...An interesting response to say the least!”

Seta: - “I’ll elaborate a bit further. I think my co-workers would generally describe me as nice and outgoing! I’m always in a friendly and happy mood which some might also say my behavior is a bit childish. But I try to have the best relationship I can have with my co-workers, and as for the lolly part… I tend to give all of my co-workers a lolly everytime I see them, just for fun!”

Suzo: - “Aha well it’s always nice to have a lolly pop in the pocket! I don’t have any more questions for you Seta, but is there something you would like to add before we round up?”

Seta: - “nothing comes to mind right now! What I do want to say is that if you are hard working and want to experience some new stuff, but mainly help people! You should definitely look at applying to join the EMS faction!”

[!] - Another sound of a faint beep was heard, as the audio recorder was heard to be turned off

Well now that we have finished the interview, maybe you have started to think about wanting to join the hospital faction!
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