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Accepted Skyhigh2's Art & Design Professor Application.


Level 5

What is your Minecraft username?: Skyhigh2

Do you have any previous bans/warnings?:
1 ban from Mariav for medium ERP lasted 6 days on September 29th, 2022.

What is your time zone?: Green Wich Time / BST

What is your discord username and discriminator? (e.g. Tippie#6666): S!kyl4r#7108

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP: If I were to describe my activity out of a ten I would most likely say it's a six or a seven depending on my oocly schedule. I am decently active and mainly online every day of the week that I can be, I do have college on a Wednesday - Friday but only for a couple of hours which makes my schedule quite flexible, So I am able to hop on after college as well!

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general: My roleplay experience on SchoolRP has been decently wide and all over the place. I’ve done GangRP, I’m currently doing FacultyRP & I have also done JockRP from time to time. Not all my roleplays have been positive and had a good outcome but a lot of them have and my good roleplays have definitely out-weighted the bad ones. I mainly enjoy detail whenever I get the chance to, So I think becoming a professor would be a lot more of that as when you are a teacher you don't really get a chance to. You have to pick a subject and then teach about it, as listed being a professor has a lot more freedom which I would prefer.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP: My current role on SRP is an NQT (Newley Qualified Teacher).

What is the subject you want to teach?:
I would like to teach Art & Design.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?
: My motivation to become a teacher is to teach college students or people in general how art is more than just a subject. Art is a wide variety of everything possible when the word art comes to mind you can possibly think of everything you would want an art piece to be made out of, to look like, to feel like and all around just to see through the artist's eyes. If I am able to show people that art can really spread awareness and a lot of different subjects through it then it's my motivation to do so, I just want to show people that art can mean anything possible, it never has to be just one subject or one piece of art done over and over again.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

The first class I would hold would be about painting your emotions. To just place your feelings into a canvas, yes some people may not know how to do that but there are many ways to do it. Say you make your canvas black and paint a white frame or a shadow of a person in the middle and have eyes looking right at that shadowed person. This could represent you’re anxious or feeling anxiety from being in a room full of people you may know or hardly know.

2. The second class would be making a sculpture out of whatever you please that is at least suitable for a classroom and for younger ages to look at. I would want my students to go wild with their imagination with this sculpture and to design what comes to their minds and what they want the sculpture to look like. I would want my student to be able to present it to their class with their emotions & to explain what it is and what it means to them and how it came to mind.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted: I would like to take the students to the Karakura monastery to paint scenery & the wildlife that is around the monastery or to even paint some of the maiden's portraits. This would expand the kids to learn more about Karakura's history of life in the monastery and what the tradition of a monastery is all about. They would be able to paint more in-depth with colour and style as it is more of a traditional Japanese area to Karakura.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?:
First, my character would most likely asset the situation and see what was going on. She would split the spartan jocks & the bobcat jock apart. She would then first speak to the bobcat jock as they are alone and most likely have the right answer towards the situation. After speaking to the bobcat jock she would then repeat this but with the college jocks and ask what the situation was about and take it from there from both sides of the situation.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?: Reason would most likely warn the students a couple of times and if they constantly and continue to disturb detention she would then explain that if the student didn't stop and continued with their behaviour she would have SLT speak to them. If the student had then stopped after SLT was brung up she would have left the situation at that. On the other hand, if the student didn't stop and continued she would then inform SLT and either allow them to come down to detention to speak to the student or bring the student to them and have them handle the situation.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and call out other students in the class, what would your character do?: The first thing Reasen would do would most likely be to warn the cheerleaders and explain that if they didn't stop that she would see them in detention & that this was unexpectable behaviour for college cheerleaders to be doing in a classroom and around their peers. If the cheerleaders stopped at that and allowed Reasen to carry on with her lesson she would leave it at that. If not she would then give each of the groups a detention slip for disrupting the class and playing music as well as calling out other students and she would then remove them from her class so she could carry on with the lecture in peace.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?: As Reasen couldn't break the fight between the students up she would radio it in to allow other faculty to arrive to help with the situation, if this worked and the group stopped she would give them each a detention slip for all participating in the situation & fight on school grounds. If the students continued to make a fuss about the situation she would then allow SLT to take over and would allow them to find a solution.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future:

Reasen Lunamrue Ryder is a female in her mid-twenties who stands at a medium 5’6. The female has two tattoos on either side of her arm and they both are roses with vines intertwining within them. The female seems to have two stubs where her pinkies once remained on her hands. She has light brown eyes which come across as red so the female always tends to wear red eye contact as people do normally ask what colour her eyes are. Her hair sits comfortably by her chest with natural curls at the end and it is stained a dark rose red which matches her eyes. She seems to have a vertical liberty piercing, an eyebrow piercing on her right eyebrow. A bridge piercing on the bridge of her nose, two nostril piercings and one septum piercing as well as her surgically split tongue that has two piercings on either side.

Reasen is clearly unique from a lot of the other professors as she doesn't look as professional or as tidy as them. She likes to wear outstanding outfits with colour and contrast to her piercings as she likes to show off her out-going personality throughout her whole life, She wants to show students that even though she may be a teacher and an adult she can still express herself and make herself look how she pleases but also comfortably.

Sens's personal point of view towards students is different from a lot of people's. She likes to see them as people she can help to strife to get what they want out of life. She wants to show and let them know that even though they may have had a rough life yes or a bad time when they were younger but that doesn't mean that it cannot be changed, She wants them to know that she is in their corner for them but only if they can respect her and that she will give the same respect back towards them as it goes both ways in her world.

The female's point of view towards other teachers and professors is different. She can see some of them as friends but others most likely not as much from past experiences from when they were younger. She mainly sees them as all colleagues that she has to get along with during work hours so she will be polite and keep her answers simple. Some may dislike her some may not but in her eyes, it doesn't matter as she is working there for her own reasons and for her own time to teach students.

Reasens personality can be bland or bubbly it depends on what mood you catch her in as the female struggles with heart failure & PTSD. She tends to try to keep a smile on her face and to be polite to everybody but sometimes under pressure or stressful situations, she can't end up exploding it's rare that this happens it mainly happened a lot when the female was younger. She tends to stay close to her boyfriend when stress appears to be affecting her as he knows how to help her and calm her down and get her to catch her breath.

Her plan for the future is to hopefully get married and end up having a family of her own that she can look after and help throughout life. Reasen has always wanted a kid or two mainly just to give them the childhood she never had in her life. Her life was different and so was her boyfriend so she wants to make a life for herself and her own family so that she can make memories. She mainly always looks into getting married as she can't wait for the day to walk down the aisle again in her white dress as she looks at the love of her life she dreams about the day.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended:

Reasen had always loved Art & Design from when she was younger and it was probably the only one out of three classes she would attend every chance she was able to get. The female was always getting qualifications in that class and would always be top set in it. She was able to pass through art in her life with ease, unlike some people who don't really have the ability to do so. The female would then attend an Art & Design course in college with the degrees she was able to get there. After being in college and getting through the course, she would then go on a 4-year span of teaching course in her home town in Russia. The female would then come back to Karakura with her qualifications of being a teacher and becoming one in Russia. She would then go on to apply to be a drama teacher for high school students as there weren't as many spots open for Art & Design. Finally, she decided to go ahead and apply to be a professor for Art & Design which leads us here to Reasen Lunamrue Ryders Art & Design application.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)

Fill in your answers on the lines ( _____________ )
To tick an 0 cross it or replace it with an X


Miss Ryder , Miss Reasen
Legal Name: Reasen Lunamrue Ryder
Birth Date: 31 / 12 / 1994

Preferred Name:
Phone Number: (030)-803-6165
0 - Male
X - Female
0 - Other, namely

Religious Domination:
Martial Status: Taken
Nationality: Scottish & Russian
Current Location: Karakura


Preferred teaching subject:
Art & Design
1st choice: Chemistry
2nd choice: Biology
3rd choice: English

List other subjects you are qualified to teach:
Chemistry, Biology, English, Art, History & Drama.

List any activities you are willing to supervise; i.e., clubs, groups, drama, etc.:
Willing to supervise any doesn't matter what it is.


International Academy of St. Petersburg​
2006 - 08 -20​
2012 - 10 - 26​
Highschool Diploma​
West Dean College​
2013 - 05 -20​
2018 - 14 - 23​
Bachelors Degree​
Chemistry & Biology and English​
De Montfort University​
2018 - 17 - 20​
2021 - 20 - 23​
Bachelors Degree​
Art & Design and History​
24 - 27​

4 - PROFESSIONAL CAREER - PRESENT SCHOOL (or another place of work, leave empty if not applicable)

Name of School:
School Type:
Address of School:
Date of Appointment: __ / __ / __
Post subjects taught and special responsibilities in the present post (where appropriate):
Reason for leaving:

5 - PREVIOUS TEACHING EXPERIENCE (leave empty if not applicable)

Post ( Name and type of school)
: Russian Academy Of Art
Date from: 2021/20/23 Date to: 2022/20/28
Ages Taught:12-18
Fulltime or Partime : X - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities: English , Tutoring & Art and Design
Reason for leaving: To become a teacher in Karakura

Post ( Name and type of school): Karakura High
Date from: 14 / 11 / 2022 Date to 16 /01 / 2023
Ages Taught: 12-18
Fulltime or Partime : X - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities: Performing Arts, look after students keep them out of trouble & teach Performing arts

Reason for leaving:
To become a professor at Karakura instead.

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:


Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.):
Chemistry Major
Obtained on: 2016/14 /23
Instution where obtained: West Dean College

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.):

Biology Major
Obtained on: 2017 / 13 / 22
Instution where obtained: West Dean College

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.):
English Minor
Obtained on: 2018/12 /21
Instution where obtained:West Dean College

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.):

Art & Design
Obtained on: 2020/14 /23
Instution where obtained: De Montfort University

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.):
History Minor
Obtained on: 2020 / 13 / 22
Institution where obtained: De Montfort University


Any extra notes about you or your application (if applicable):


Reasen Lunamrue Ryder
Date: 16 /01 / 2023


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Welcome to the professor faction! You have already received your roles in the Karakura Academics discord server!

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