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Some little suggestions to improve drunk state :)


Level 14
IGN: kiloJoule_
DATE: Aug. 5, 2023

So, fellow srpers, lets just get this out of the way - we've all gotten our characters drunk before, at least once. If not, then you're either a greenie or like me who played an extremely uptight character for years - though I switched characters and almost immediately became an alcoholic :)

But enough about that, that's not the point here. Upon having been drunk a few times in srp, I noticed a few things and had a few thoughts on some (albeit small) issues that felt like they could be improved upon.

I have no idea if anyone has suggested any of these before, but after a quick skim though the forum I didn't see anything so I decided to make a post about it. Yes, I have more than one but they're all related so I'll list them all in one post for viewing convenience.
As someone who plays a character that frequently speaks in a different language, it kind of irks me that the slight distortion of messages doesn't apply when using /lang commands. I feel like it would be a nice addition if drunk messages didn't just apply to regular messaging. Not sure how this works on the backend, but it seems (keyword seems, idk anything abt plugins and shizz) like a relatively easy change.

Screenshot 2023-08-05 213935.png
Above is an example of what I'm talking about. :) The first message was altered by the drunk state, but when I tried the same message with /lang it stayed intelligible. I know this probably isn't super important to most people, but honestly it would be cool if /lang was affected by being drunk as well, since I heavily use it with my main. Usually I end up having to 'drunken' my /lang messages myself, but I feel like it would be much more convenient if it changed them as a built in feature since that's more reliable and also more unexpected/random as to how the messages come out.
We all already know about the slightly obnoxious random movement thingy. You know, the thing where your character randomly runs 10 feet to the side into a road while trying to walk 2 inches towards someone. Both incredibly funny and inconvenient.

But honestly, I feel like the character moves pretty fast for being, well, drunk. It might be of interest to add a speed debuff for when intoxicated, or to just make the character move more sluggishly at most times. I feel like it just makes more sense and would make it a bit more realistic.
For this one, I'm not sure how other people would feel about it. While I enjoy the idea of having drunk actions be less up to the rper as a result and direct consequence of being intoxicated, I am aware that many people prefer to be able to curate and rp out their own actions. Though I would still like to mention that it would add a bit more realism if a character isn't fully aware of their actions when drunk.

For example, I think it would kinda be funny if your character could randomly trip and fall over, or having random actions happen periodically like a character involuntarily hiccupping or similar. Nothing too excessive, but maybe have chances increase the more drunk a character is - similar to how the nausea effect kicks in at a slightly higher percentage than message distortion.

I feel like this, if implemented, would make drunk effects feel more realistic irp. Also, it could serve as further counterincentive to people getting their characters drunk, since its technically illegal for highschoolers (which is most of the people on the server). Maybe that would mean we would have less drunk greenies running around like they own the world ;)

I'm not vouching for complete removal of control of one's character when drunk, however; that would be a bit excessive. I mostly just think it would be a fun addition to add some unexpected twists for when your character is drunk.

While I like the idea of an unpredictable aspect of being drunk, I know that many people might not be as fond as this idea as I am, so I am interested to see other peoples thoughts on this.
This one is a joke lmao.

But actually, it would kinda be an interesting idea to add a 'hungover' feature for if your character gets extremely drunk and then sobers up. It would be a bit funny aswell. :) And also, it would create for some pretty cool rp ideas like getting super drunk on a school night and then having to deal with a hangover during school hours x-x.

Though I have actually no idea how one would even go about implementing this and what that would look like, so for now I'm just gonna leave it as a random passing idea I had while thinking about being drunk on a minecraft rp server. :]
I'm pretty sure I had more ideas but I can't remember anything else right now x-x

But yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say for this. Wondering what other people will think of these ideas, honestly the first one is the only one I'm super passionate about haha. But all of these came to mind during regular gameplay and I think they would be pretty cool additions if implemented into the server. So it was worth a shot to share my take with you guys :)


For the most part I included short descriptions of benefits in my thingies above, but the overarching benefit of all of them is mostly that it would make the drunk experience more realistic. :p


Level 20
We actually do already have hangovers, kind of. If you log off while relatively drunk, you can get I think slowness and hunger effects for some minutes when you log back on.


Level 14
Thread starter
We actually do already have hangovers, kind of. If you log off while relatively drunk, you can get I think slowness and hunger effects for some minutes when you log back on.
wait really?? x-x
I'll have to test that some time lmao. If i ever actually experienced it then ig i didnt notice, haha.


Level 118
Except for the first one (JSL) unless some form of coding could prevent it.. But maybe like distorted signs so uh.. idek

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