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Accepted Sourmilki | Nurse Application


Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
sourmilki (Did the thingy so there's no more #)

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm pretty active on the server, I would say i play anywhere around 2-7 hours a day.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Honestly I have but it was a really long time ago i think it was around 2017 and i really don't recall it as much (1 ban)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes i am aware of it and i don't plan on becoming inactive and if so, Somebody will be notified.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
School nurse. A school nurse is responsible for helping and providing aid for any student, or any co-worker that may of sustained an injury whether it be a minor injury or a mild one, they will not shy away from helping someone. They will do everything in their capabilities to help but if there is a major medical emergency they're responsible for calling the hospital and getting the person the help they need. Nurses aren't only responsible for just injury's but illnesses and any other diseases as well. Some of examples of this could be checking a students temperature, checking blood pressure levels and or heart beat, letting a student or faculty rest or provide them temporary help with some medicine. The nurses #1 priority is making sure that everybody in the the school is safe and healthy. They always must be ready to help a person in need and to be someone the school relies on. On top of their primary job it is also they're responsibility to make sure school rules and conduct is followed and if someone is disobeying one of them it is their duty to report it and use disciplinary action.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
from SRP alone i have accumulated around 700 hours of roleplaying. I am always in some sort of roleplay on the server whether it be Romance Rp, Gang Rp, or even just overall just playing my character out. I have a ton of experience role playing and I'm always comfortable doing it. I always like to spice up moments and make roleplays more exciting and enjoyable for all parties (And Detail Rp ;P). Some Roleplays I've done that my help with the Nurse role might be caring to friends and loved ones that may of sustained an injury or just over all illness and caring for them. On top of my SRP roleplay experience alone i have done many other different forms of roleplaying in other games for example Dungeon's and Dragons.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Honestly the school employee faction seems very appealing to me. being somebody that students can look up to and depend on. I like the responsibility that is given and honestly i think its time for a change. Most of my characters have just been Grade 12 and i really would like to try something different. I also see being a nurse as an opportunity because i really enjoy Medical Rp and i see this as one of the first steps into becoming something greater like a doctor for the hospital or a surgeon later down the road. Overall it seems like something that would be very enjoyable and something i'd be comfortable doing.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:



What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade 12



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Selena doesn't really have a tolerance for extreme disrespect hence that if it were the first time the specific student said something to her or her co-workers she would give a firm warning to the student making sure that she'd reprimanded them in a still professional way but being perfectly clear that she wouldn't take that kind've disrespect and one more action like that would have them ending up with a detention. And obviously as stated if they continued or do it again she wouldn't try to explain it anymore and would just hand them a detention slip and notify a co-worker

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Selena would instantly stop whatever she would be doing and would rush over to the fight breaking out and as safely as she could would try to intervene and break up the fight between the students, If she couldn't do it by herself she'd make sure to radio another part of faculty to come assist her. After the two students have been broken up she'd immediately separate them. First she'd rush to their well beings asking them what hurts and looking for any signs that could could indicate something more severe. After Locating all the injuries she would aid to each and every one. After making sure the students physical health is good, she would speak to each one separately getting each side of their stories and what exactly happened. Afterwards she would try to explain to them that there is no reason to get into a physical altercation and instead try to speak about it more thoroughly or notify faculty to resolve the issue. After speaking to them she'd unfortunately have to report them and give them detention to prevent this issue from happening again in hopes of them learning their lesson.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Selena would quickly notice her co-worker acting inappropriately and would instantly take action. If it were something minor she would tap their shoulder and ask to speak to speak to them privately. She would calmly and carefully explain that the action/action's they're doing is wrong and inappropriate and would remind them of their responsibility and to better follow the code of conduct. If it were something more major she'd also try to tap their shoulder and speak to them privately but not as calm and would be more stiff and firm. She would quickly reprimand them explaining to them what they did wrong and let them know that she doesn't let that kind of stuff slide. She'd also remind them that actions have consequences. After she had spoken to the co-worker she'd report them to someone with more authority and ask to stay anonymous to keep away from drama and to be professional

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
In the employee break room one could catch Selena chuckling and smiling as she'd be chatting with her co-workers. She'd always be the kind of person to provide peer support and motivate others around her. She'd always be talking to someone with her easy to talk to and bubbly demeanor. You could catch her Making coffee for herself or offering to make some for her co-workers, showing co-workers something she found funny on her phone, or even spilling some drama!

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

The female would usher the male to take a seat on one of the medical beds "Sit tight for moment dear" She'd say as she'd rush over to her desk grabbing a pair of synthetic gloves and would grab her thermometer putting a new probe cover on the thermometer, a quick Beep could be heard as she'd turn the device on. "alright you're just going to stick this under your tongue and sit tight for me" She'd place the end of the thermometer under the males tongue and would wait a moment placing her hand on her hip and would tap her foot as she'd patiently wait. Beeeep The sound of the thermometer could be heard again, she'd gently remove the thermometer and would check the reading it gave. "Oh my!, 102° degree fever, go ahead and lay you could relax for a moment as i call home for you okay?"

/me she would guide the student by gently placing her left hand on the center of the females back as she'd rush her to her office. She would quickly sit the female down directing her to face her head up to keep her nose from dripping with blood. "Okay dear stay just like that for just a moment" as she'd quickly put her synthetic gloves on, grabbing a box of tissues and would immediately take a few out and would place them on the females nose pinching it to stop the flow of blood.

/me The female would closely examine the bruise on the males arm. "So, how exactly did this happen?" She'd gaze at the male while listening to him speak, slightly nodding her head as the male would continue explaining. " Ah i see. . . Running into doors isn't fun you need to be more careful!" She'd playfully say following with a chuckle. She would walk over to the freezer retrieving an ice pack and would wrap it in a thin cloth as she'd gently press it against the males arm. "That's it. . . just keep it on the bruise for around 10 minuets it will sooth the area and it should help with the bruising!"


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Selena Romorí

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:


Science in Nursing



Known Languages:

Selena Romori, a 27-year-old Mexican female, was born in the vibrant city of Cancun, Mexico. Growing up in the heart of the Yucatan Peninsula. From an early age, Selena developed a deep appreciation for her Mexican heritage. She loved the traditional music, the colorful festivals, and the warmth of the local community. As a young girl Selena did very well in schooling scoring top of her class in most of her subjects but this didn't come easy. Selena was born with a slight leaning disability that made it hard for her to learn how to speak. even at the age of 3. After figuring this her parents seek' d help from physiatrist's and tutors. After years of tutoring and help she became fluent and learned the power of a strong work ethic which helped her in schooling where she would work hard, study and go the extra mile to be successful. Everything was just starting to fall in place, lots of friends, just finishing high school. . . However, Selena also possessed a curious spirit and an eagerness to explore the world beyond her hometown. At the age of 19, she made the bold decision to leave Mexico and pursue her dreams in a completely different country. . . Japan, Upon arriving in Japan, Selena faced the challenges of adapting to a new language, customs, and a completely different way of life. With determination and a strong work ethic, she dedicated herself to learning the Japanese language and immersing herself in the local customs. Selena's warm personality and genuine curiosity allowed her to form deep connections with the people she met along the way. Selena's always had a passion for healthcare. This led to her pursuing a career as a nurse. She enrolled in a nursing program at a prestigious university in Tokyo, where she excelled academically and gained valuable hands-on experience from interning at local health clinics. At the end of college she was left with a major in Science in Nursing and a minor in Psychology Her empathy and compassion shown through in her interactions with patients, earned her a reputation as a caring and dedicated nurse. After all the schooling and hard work she went through she decided to take some time off and to herself. She used this time to make friends. Unfortunately she didn't find it working out for herself. Most of her friends became involved with dangerous and illegal stuff that she didn't want to be a part of so she decided to leave her little life in Tokyo behind and this is where she finally made the decision to move to Karakura for good. Once there she settled in, bought a beautiful house and this is even where she met her current boyfriend Tyler. After her new beginning she decided it was time to finally start her career in Nursing
She applied for a job at her local school in Karakura where she became a school nurse and has hopes to become something even greater.
Motivation for Joining KHS:
My motivation for joining KHS is for the safety and well being of students and my co-workers! I also see this as my first step in following my dreams. I took schooling specifically for medical reasons and i hope to put my skill and resources into something that can benefit others! I also hope to be a surgeon some day and i think this is a great first step towards my goals!

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I think i should be accepted over other applicants because of my very active daily playtime and also since I'm in the eastern daylight time zone (i checked a view of the other applications for nurse and most of them are from different time zones so i may be useful and active while other people necessarily wont be on) On top of this I also like to detail rp which makes roleplaying a bit more interesting and more in depth.



Additional notes about your application:

Thank you for your consideration!!! <3​
  • Do you have any questions?
  • is there a certain uniform school nurses wear or is it just like business casual?​


Level 121
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