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SRP | Tachitsu Re-unification.


Level 112
For a long time in Karakura, the Tachitsu Family was divided between two brothers, Hideyoshi and Fujikawa Tachitsu due to some 'competition' and 'disagreements' though nobody knows the real main reason why these brothers got in a fight and divided the family.

chapter 1

Amidst the bustling streets of Karakura, Masuyo Tachitsu made his arrival in the town, with one specific goal in mind. His eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in every detail with an eagle's precision, until he arrived at the house of a particular family member - Yelana Tachitsu.

The reunion with Yelana was filled with warmth and nostalgia, but the shift of conversation with Masuyo asking about the family had cast a dark shadow of truth. The once united Tachitsu family was now fragmented across continents, with the majority residing in distant lands like America, England, Russia, Kazakhstan, and China. The family's situtation troubled Masuyo deeply, sparking a light in his heart to bring the family back together and assigned himself as a temporarily leader.


Embracing his role as a leader, Masuyo wasted no time rallying his closest confidants. He called for his brother, Metagarou, along with other family members like the stoic Kojiro Tachitsu and the spirited Yuto Tachitsu, as well as his uncle, the experienced Takehiko Tachitsu. Together, they convened at Bobcat's, a local bowling alley that had become their headquarters.


The dimly lit alley resonated with the clattering of pins and lively chatter as they engaged in deep discussions. Masuyo spoke up, his words wavering throughout the air. "Hideyoshi and Fujikawa... These two morons are dividing our family with their complete pathetic drama..." Metagarou carefully listened to his words. His fingers traced the bottom of his drink as he remembered a few details about the two. "Why dont we put some sense in their head? We know where Hideyoshi lives, though, it's gonna be tough finding Fujikawa, since he's in America, the only clue I got is that he's in Chicago." As the group fell silent for a moment, with Metagarou’s words hanging through the air, they all finally decided that even though there’d be a challenge, it was needed to bring the family together again.

chapter 2
(This chapter will be using scenes from Reservoir Dogs.)

The city of Chicago greeted them with its towering skyline and vibrant energy. Their temporary apartment became a base for exploration, allowing them to learn the layout of the land.

One day, Metagarou returned to the apartment bearing a box filled with weapons - tools he deemed necessary for the pursuit of their goal. The gleam of steel under the apartment's lights added an air of anticipation and danger. “What are these for, exactly?” Kojiro asked as he peered over the box of weapons. Metagarou replied, “I figured out where Fujikawa's location is.” With that being said, the group made their choices for what weapons they found fit for their skills.
Kojiro, chose the Smith & Wesson Model 30, while Metagarou and Takehiko, opted for the Glock-17s. Masuyo selected the Colt MK IV. Though, the realization settled as there were no weapons for Yuto. However, it wasn’t even a mere problem to them. They believed Yuto would be fine without it.


Their unified sense of purpose propelled them forward, leading the charge to confront Fujikawa. The warehouse, the scene of their encounter, felt like a battleground. Amidst the dust and the echo of footsteps, they found Fujikawa conversing with an American associate.

Fujikawa's surprise at their arrival quickly turned into negotiation as Masuyo expressed his heartfelt desire to bring the family back together. Surprisingly, Fujikawa agreed, prompting him to summon Yuto and Takehiko to gather his belongings. Metagarou and Kojiro left the room for a smoke, leaving things unguarded. However, Masuyo's instincts tingled with suspicion, sensing something amiss. He believed Fujikawa agreed to his request too quickly, and it kept him on his toes.
Questions lingered in his mind, though, they were quickly answered.


In an expected turn of events, chaos erupted as gunfire filled the air, leaving Takehiko critically wounded. He had fallen to the ground, a hand over his chest where the bullet rested snugly. Yuto on the other hand, was left dead with five stab wounds to the chest instead. The sight was horrifying, and it left Masuyo feeling pain in his heart. The room had fallen into chaos, and Masuyo found himself in a tense standoff with Fujikawa, who seemed resolute in his defiance. Though two more associates breached the warehouse, keeping their guns aimed at Masuyo and Takehiko, who was bleeding to death as it was. Fujikawa’s defiance was engraved in the ground as his words wrung out; his neglect to come to Japan to fix things with the family. Metagarou and Kojiro entered the warehouse silently and shot both the assailants that had their guns aimed at Masuyo and Takehiko. Masuyo’s courage never wavered once during the situation. He quickly went after Fujikawa as he noticed his swift exit.

A quick shot was aimed at Fujikawa’s leg, landing effortlessly. It was obvious that it wasn’t what Masuyo wanted, his mind filled with guilt, but his heart sought justice. He kept his gun aimed at Fujikawa as his words cut through the silence. “This isn’t how it was supposed to be, Fuji. All I wanted was for you back in Japan, that’s all… You never had to go to these lengths.” His voice filled with a sense of disappointment. Though, the guilt and disappointment quickly subsided as Fujikawa pulled a gun at him. “No, you don’t get it - I swore I’d never speak to Hideyoshi again!” Masuyo stared at Fujikawa’s aimed gun, seeing the obvious tremble in his hand, and fear in Fujikawa’s eyes. The standoff felt everlasting until Masuyo made up his mind, though it wasn’t a decision he wanted to make.


“I’m sorry,” Masuyo stated, before ending the chaos in an abrupt manner. A quick gunshot ran through the air, and the arguing went silent. Fujikawa was shot, and killed. His limp body had quickly fallen to the ground.

The loss of Takehiko and Yuto weighed heavily on their hearts, and with heavy hearts, they left the warehouse, vowing to preserve their memories and legacy.

chapter 3


During their return to Japan, many thoughts lingered throughout Masuyo’s mind. An event so small turned into an area of death. Though, a profound realization washed over Masuyo, clearing his mind of the negative past. He finally understood that he had to be the one to lead the Tachitsu family into a new era.

With firm resolve, Masuyo announced his intention to take up the mantle of leadership. The journey they undertook had forever changed their lives, igniting a bond among the remaining family members that would forge them into an unbreakable force, united in their pursuit of strength. Masuyo Tachitsu, the visionary leader of a once-divided family, was just beginning, and his name would echo through generations to come.

(Special credits to @Undesires for making yet another lore-post for Tachitsu possible.)
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Level 112
Thread starter
thanks guys I'm glad you liked it, I have more coming soon :P

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