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Student Council Application

Roza C

Level 7

What is your Minecraft username?: My Minecraft username is RozaC

Any previous warns/kicks/bans?: I got warned for talking a foreign language in LOOC. I totally understand what I did wrong and I won't do it again, my warning is expired.

What is your timezone in GMT?: GMT +2 (CEST, Amsterdam)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord username)?: Yes, I do! My username is RozaC#5768

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?: - Dutch language application, accepted. - Basketball team role request, accepted.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: I'm very active at the server, because I enjoy the server a lot. I started on the server around November 2018. My laptop broke around February/March and that made me quit the server for a while. Since March 2020, quarentaine, I started playing the server again. Since then I have been very active on the server again. I am online for more than 4 or 5 hours every day, so I can get all the roleplay experience. I am also active on Discord, because I want to stay up-to-date on all updates, events and open applications. I'm always online on Discord, because the messages can come in on my phone.


What is the student council?: I think it is important that students have a place where they can give their opinion on certain problems or issues at school. The student council offers an opportunity for students to grow in experience, ideas and activities. It is also important that students have a place where they can show their ideas to their teachers. If something is wrong with a student, or a student runs into a problem, they can turn to the council. The student council helps to grow education, skills and leadership. The student council can organize all kinds of things in the school, for example they may sell cookies to raise money or a charity event. I believe that the student council also helps in society, because through the council students can get rid of their problems and not stuff them up with themselves. The student council is a group of students who represent the students of the school.

Who or what brought you to applying for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc): I have seen several council students walking around the school. My thought has mainly brought me to it, because I think it is very important that students can put their problems somewhere.

What does the school council of Karakura do?: The school council offers an opportunity to let students grow. This gives them an opportunity to grow in leadership, presentation and experience. If students had no opportunity to do this, we would not have come this far in society, because the Student Council makes the school lives of students a lot easier. I'm a vice-president in my OOC council, I changed schools 3 times and in every school I have been in a council.

How would you describe your work ethic?: I love standing up for students, because students also have rights. I think it is important that students spend the time they spend at school safely and fun, because otherwise a student will only look back at their Highschool or College time. I would consider my work to be professional because it is important to the other students. If I behaved unprofessional it would not be educational for other students. I am a very motivated student myself, because I have that chance and I would like to take it if there is one.

What interests you the most about the student council?: I am most interested in creating a safe, good place for a student. I am also interested in how well the student council can work together to create a really good school time for students. Finally, I am also interested in free speech. Of all the things I can choose, free speech is one of the most important things, because I think it is important that being a student can give it or her opinion. I think the student council suits me, because then I bring a student who is very motivated and will do her best to represent the students.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?: Yes, I've been playing the server for a while now and I've learned a lot from it. For example, I think it is important to tackle every possibility. I see every mistake I make during the roleplay as an opportunity for the future, because you learn from mistakes and that makes you the person you are now. I am in different clubs and I am also setting up a club, which is actually already ready. I have a good knowledge of how the server is put together and what you should and shouldn't do.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?: I would give the member a chance to convince us why his idea is good, because he is entitled to it. If it is a very bad idea, I would honestly say that, because you come there to learn and you learn from the bad ideas. Actually, there are no bad ideas, because every student sees an idea differently, because everyone has a different view of their problems, so one member may find the idea very bad, but the other also very good.

You submit an idea - everyone hates it. How do you deal with the situation?: I would accept that, but first I would use my time to convince the other members why my idea would be good. An idea is there to put forward and if the other members don't like it, it's not their fault, because as I said before everyone has their own opinion and opinions are there to share.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councillors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?: I would enter the debate, because it is good to hear the other opinions, but it is also good to give your own opinion. Of course I would remain calm in the situation, but this situation would be very educational as a group. This sounds like a situation that you can learn a lot from, because that wouldn't be the only time in a life that this will happen. This way you learn to deal with these kinds of situations.

A councillor is stirring up problems and abusing their position on school grounds! What would you do?: I would report to the councilor that this is not what he intends to do with his position. If the person concerned continues, I will go to higher staff, because that is not the intention of the student council.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?: I would say in a nice way that I disagree, because I am a councillor, because then I can give my opinion and it would not be educational for myself and the other if I were to refuse my opinion.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councillors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?: I would be honest with the councillors and say that their work is affected by their problems. If they would not solve this quickly, it is wise to go to a teacher together and look for a suitable solution, but that only happens if they cannot solve it together.


Character Name: Sayoko Dot Hanasaki

Character Gender: Female

Character Age: 18 years old

Character phone-number: 252-238-522

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: Sayoko is a cheerful girl, she loves to stand up for other students. As a child, she learned a lot from her parents, but unfortunately they died in a tragic accident. She wants to use as many things as she has learned in her life. Sayoko is a very motivated student and very progressive.

Character appearance/attire: she wears different kinds of clothes, at school she always walks around in her uniform: blouse, skirt and her Basketball team jacket. She often walks around in her uniform outside school, because she thinks it is the most comfortable. When she has to work she wears uniforms and in her spare time she wears skirts or dresses.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: I am a very motivated student, if I have a goal in mind I like to fulfill it, otherwise it feels as if my "mission" is not complete. I offer the utmost of myself and I also go for it, because I think it is very important that students simply have a safe and pleasant place.

Why do you want this position?: I think I am a perfect candidate because I think it is really important. I can assure you that I will do my very best and not leave anyone. I also think this is a perfect opportunity to broaden my knowledge and experience. The student council offers me the perfect opportunity to do that.

What interests you the most about student council?: I am most interested in creating a safe, good place for a student. I am also interested in how well the student council can work together to create a really good school time for students. Finally, I am also interested in free speech. Of all the things I can choose, free speech is one of the most important things, because I think it is important that being a student can give it or her opinion. I think the student council suits me, because then I bring a student who is very motivated and will do her best to represent the students.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
All I could give is my utmost concentration, opinions, good attitude and a motivated student. If I see a problem in school, I would raise it with the council, because it is important that the problem is resolved.


Level 110

- Thank you for taking the time out of your day to apply, however the council & myself have chosen to deny this application.
- Please note that you cannot be on a sports team and on council on the same account.​

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