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Denied Student Council Application


Level 0

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?: None

What is your timezone?: EDT | Eastern Daylight Time

Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001): gwambledd#3073

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending): I have never applied for anything ;-;

Describe your activity on the server: I would say I am fairly active within the server. I spend a lot of my free time roaming the server finding new things I haven’t seen before.

List your accounts and roles on this server: gwambledd | Grade 12

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?: I am fully aware!


What is the student council and what do they do?:
Student council is a group of students within the school that help out the school faculty! Councilors get together as a group and decided on different things to help make the school a better and safer place. While school is in session, they roam around to stop any fights, help answer questions, and much more. Councilors also remind students to stay on school grounds, and that they make sure to go to all of their classes! As a councilor you need to be a role model for other students within the area.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.): What motivated me to try and apply for council would have to be how fun it looks to be a councilor. It’s almost like being a teacher, but you don’t have to take charge of any classes or teach… But you still get to help others, and help them learn in different ways other than just teaching! As well as talking to other councilors and seeing how cheerful they are and how much fun they're having as a whole.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events): Yes, I am fully aware that I will have to use my creativity and teamwork ethic within the council! I have many upon many different ideas that could be added into the server for example, different amazing club ideas, shop ideas, builds, and much more!

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

Council President: The council president has a very huge role in the school itself. They patrol the school grounds, and monitor the students' activities. They make sure the other students are acting as they should, answering questions, and helping with anything anyone may need help with. They also are the ones who finalize any events that the other councilors may come up with and make sure things will run smoothly, while including everyone else! They are the star of the council show!

Council Vice-President: The vice president has a very similar job compared to the council president. The vice president is also very good with leadership, and is there as a sort of backup in case the president isn’t there. They also have a big say in event finalizations, and much more.

Secretary and Treasurer: The secretary and treasurer are the financial guides of the group. They are there to make sure that any finances the school and council as a whole makes up is budgeted and ends up where it specifically needs to be. They need to be very good managers and are NEEDED on the team! They also make sure everyone attends certain events, and so on.

Councilors: Councilors as a whole have familiar roles to the regular school employees. They go around and patrol the school grounds, while managing any issues that may pop up as the school day passes. They also help run and manage any events the council may plan and host. They are the core of the team! They prioritize all of the students' safety, and they make sure all students are following the rules while on the school grounds.

SLT: The SLT team are the main men in the entire show. They are the ones you go to and threaten last if there are any students misbehaving and are in need of major punishment. SLT as well as the secretary and treasurer, are there to manage any and ALL finances. They also help and host the school events that are planned… as well as accept or deny event ideas the council as a whole comes up with.

School Employees (Nurses, Teachers, Etc.): School Employees are there to not only teach, feed, or care for the school's students and grounds… They are also there to help the students as they go along with their day. They, as well as the councilors patrol and monitor the grounds and students. Helping in any situations that may occur within school hours. They watch out for all students' safety and help with things that the council members may need help with like cooling down an argument or punishing students that need punishments.

Students: Lastly, we have the students. The students are there to learn with their fellow peers. These students tend to act up, and do wrong and not follow rules… Which is a big reason the council exists! The students from time to time may also have questions or even ideas that the council may even end up using in future events!


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?:
Upon hearing the verbal harassment, I would wait for a second.. Making sure that they aren’t talking about something else and a misunderstanding on my end. If there is a misunderstanding, I will simply remind them to keep it positive while on school grounds as well as telling them to have a great day…before turning around to walk away. But! If… Upon further examination, I hear the verbal harassment… I would then quickly step into the situation, making sure my voice is heard while asking what the issue may be. This would be my first attempt in calming the situation down. If it worked, I would simply tell them to wait until they are no longer on school grounds. If it did not work, I would continue to try and talk things out between the two of them.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?: Well, firstly! I would not know who it was due to the mask covering their identity. So I would quickly examine their clothing, in hopes I can see them again without their mask on… While trying to process their clothing, I would quickly call for backup from any available school employees describing the clothing and mask.

There seems to be a councilor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?: Oh boy! A fellow councilor abusing their powers… a councilor that is supposed to represent the town and school in a respectful, mature way… Quickly I would throw myself into the situation asking the other councilor what the issue is and why they are acting this way. Trying to calm the situation down, and hear both sides of the story. With further examination, I would let any higher ups within the council know about the other councilors actions and behavior, and the story both sides gave me. Letting the higher ups take over the situation from there.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?: I would finish the meeting strong, making sure I understood everything else.. Before reaching out to any other council members to see if they got the pieces of information I may have missed. To make sure that I understood every last bit of the meeting.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?: I would quickly ask them to explain to me how I am doing such a thing wrong, and how I can fix my actions. Apologizing for what I had done, as I had made a mistake.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):

Karakura High Bonfire Night: A bonfire night could be hosted at the beach, or the football field by Block A, being a huge get-together for the school’s students! This event could consist of many different activities, booths, games, and so on. The main attraction would obviously be the bonfire, or miniature bonfires spread out across an area. The students would have different kinds of foods like marshmallows and hotdogs to roast over the fire and enjoy while talking amongst their friends! There could also be a ray of different types of games like corn hole, darts, ladder toss, capture the flag, and many other types of outdoor games. There could also be a large variety of booths to buy things from such as drinks, snacks, and souvenirs. As well as having a small stage, or area for karaoke to be performed!

Karakura High Spirit Week: Within a certain week of the school we could host a spirit week! Informing the students a good time before the week starts in order for them to be prepared. These weeks could be anywhere from celebrating different holidays or events like basketball or football games, halloween, christmas, and so on! I personally think seeing everyone dressed up in similar, but different ideas would be such a fun sight to see. This could also bring in a lot of new friendships and or bonds within the school grounds, which I think we all would love to see! There could also be a contest for each day, or at the end of the week to see who everyone thinks was the best dressed! As well as having a small prize for the winner of said day/week!

Karakura High Lock-In Night: Another fun school event could be a lock-in! In which the students and school employees could pack up for the night and stay the night within the school! Again, different booths, games, and movies could be played! We could have teachers or councilors be in charge of different classrooms. Each classroom could hold so many people to have sleep in them. Having possibly some extra classrooms, movies could be played throughout them! Around the baseball field, different booths of drinks, foods, and souvenirs could be sold. Near the track, different games could be played like corn hole, and other outdoor games.

Teacher vs. Student Competitions: As we all know, competition is a big thing within any school ever… So with that being said. Teacher vs. Student Competitions seems like a really fun event idea that could involve everyone. It could be hosted as a huge tournament, playing all the different sports Karakura High has to offer. Each team (Students and Teachers) would go head to head in all the sports, racking up points. The points at the end of each game would go into a large total… For example, say the teachers won 17-9 on the baseball field. We could keep track of these points for the next game they play. From there, the students won 18-12 on the football field. And that’s where they stopped the tournament. We would take those totals together for a final score of teachers having 29 points, and the students having 27… Leaving the teachers with a small win over the students! Of course there would be other competitions like running the track to see who is faster, and swimming tournaments. But those scores could be added into a different prize since they’re just speeds and not scores!

(These are just a few of the ideas I have come up with since thinking of becoming a councilor!)


Character Name:
Ide Y. Tattachi

Character Gender: Female

Character Age: 18

Character phone-number: (030)-922-6329

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality: Ide is a very calm spirit, and tries her best to succeed no matter the situation may be. She had a rough start to the school year, quickly getting two detentions due to peer pressure. But learned her lesson and how to say no! Since then she has attended a few classes, trying to clean up her act!

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
As seen, there are no other applicants at the moment. I’ll just explain some of my strengths and weaknesses! I would say some of my best strengths would be how patient I am with everyone and during different situations. How calm I can remain under any and all pressure. And how easily it is for me to communicate to others in attempts to cool situations and people down. Really the only weakness I can think of is how messy my schedule can get. There are times that things randomly come up without knowing, and I have to prioritize them over things I had planned within my gaming life.

Why do you want this position?: I would say I want this position because I really enjoy watching and helping within the school… but many different people don’t quite like to listen since I don’t have much power to help them do the right thing. All the councilors that I have met have been really laid back and super nice… while also making sure the school is in order. Which makes me want to join as well!

What interests you the most about student council?: What interests me the most about student council is coming up with different school events and helping plan them out. As well as having the chance to really help out within the school and helping my fellow students and school employees.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: I would say that I could actually contribute a lot to the school. I have many many different creative ideas for events and such as well as a very positive cheerful attitude which I think makes me really fun to be around. You can always count on me if you think you need a good laugh! I also am always looking for new things to learn.
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Level 138
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, the council did not find you suitable for this position.

- Your application was rather short, and the quality felt as if it was not reaching it's full potential, perhaps spend a little more time bulking your answers up if you choose to re-apply.

If you have any questions, please contact Customable#1590 on discord​

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