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Student Opportunity Suggestion

avie ♡

Level 50
IGN: Watermelon_100
DATE: September 2nd, 2020
I would like to suggest a possible new job or a opportunity students can apply for.

So, before I actually explain what I am wanting to suggest, there is kind of a backstory that I think will help understand my suggestion more.
So, my friend who recently got her teacher application accepted asked me to help her before her classes. She needed my help with a few things and asked me to help. But I was told by a staff member that technically isn't allowed...I would apply for the T.A position but I want my char to be a student.
(Btw no hate to u doughlah)

So, my idea was to have the opportunity to have students become Teacher Assistants. I think it would be very helpful to teachers and the students, because I have seen IRL student T.A's and I think it would be a good add in.
I think it would be helpful to teachers, because teachers sometimes just need help on these little things and especially during SRP's low time, mostly only students are on. And sometimes a teacher may need help, so having student T.A's would be greatly appreciated by a lot of teachers, i'm sure.

As a follow up, you could have this position only open a few times so the regular T.A position could still be a thing. I for one would definitely apply, and I know others would too.

Let me know if you'd like more information on this :)


Level 77
my character is a Councillor- it’s interesting and never gets boring. if you want your character to have a job but be a student, apply for Student Council. :D


Level 143
I can see from your point of view why this role could be useful, but as a teacher myself I am against it, primarily for two reasons:

First, this role would be a violation of the labor section of the Faculty Code of Conduct. You can read up on the COC here if you're interested in doing so, but here is an abridged version: As a student, you are basically only allowed to help a teacher during class if it is necessary. An example of this, a teacher wants to continue lecturing, but also wants to distribute worksheets to the class; your character would be allowed to hand these papers out in place of the teacher. In addition to this, the role would promote favoritism, which is also against the COC. The role would be placing a student into a position of superiority in the classroom, which is unfair to other students.

Second, teachers shouldn't need help in the first place. If a teacher is prepared for their lesson beforehand, they will run into few issues as long as they are keeping players engaged. In the case of newer teachers, they should turn to other faculty members for help hosting their classes until they are capable of doing it on their own. Unless it is to get students engaged in the lesson, I see little reason why a teacher should need help. Being prepared OOCly is a big part of the role, and if somebody can't do this then I don't think this is the position for them.

Coming from both a teacher and a student, if you want to help teachers then simply gain the favor of them ICly. We typically like interacting with people who actively participate in our classes, and on the off chance we need some assistance then we'll be turning to the students we know to be capable. A role isn't necessary for this sort of thing, since literally anybody can do this.


Level 107
Student Council 2.0- I say no, just simply apply for the council and I am sure whoever needs your assistance in behaviroal class issues, or even just assisting the teacher passing out worksheets, assessments, etc; that's not all that councils do, however.
I suggest applying for council if you're interested in sharing compensation towards the students and teachers.

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