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Subject: Proposal for New Job Title - Musician Role in our Minecraft Role-Play Server

Markus Sentryon

Level 12
IGN: Ingressuss

DATE: 10/5/2023

how will this benefit the Server/community?

I hope this message finds you in good health. I wanted to share a proposal that I believe can enrich the immersive experience of our Minecraft role-play server and provide a unique avenue for creative expression and player engagement: the introduction of a new job title - "Musician."

Why a Musician Role?

In a vibrant and ever-evolving role-play world like ours, the addition of musicians can breathe new life into our server and offer several advantages:

  1. Enhanced Role-Play: Music has historically played a pivotal role in many cultures and societies. The presence of musicians can enrich the lore and atmosphere of our role-play world.
  2. Community Building: Musicians can serve as natural community builders, bringing players together for performances, ceremonies, and other in-game events. Their presence can encourage interaction and collaboration among our player base.
  3. Diverse Skill Set: Musicians can offer a unique skill set, such as playing various instruments, singing, or composing original music for in-game events. This diversity can attract a wide range of players with different interests and talents.
  4. Inclusivity: A Musician role can be inclusive, allowing players of varying experience levels to participate and contribute in meaningful ways, even if they are not deeply involved in other role-play aspects.​
Implementation Ideas:

To bring this idea to life, we could:

  1. Recruitment and Auditions: We could hold auditions to select players who are interested in becoming official in-game musicians. They could showcase their musical talents and role-play abilities during these auditions.
  2. Performance Schedule: Musicians could have set schedules for in-game performances, concerts, or events. This schedule can be shared with the community, creating anticipation and excitement.
    1. Recognition and Rewards: Recognize the contributions of our musicians through in-game rewards, titles, or special perks that showcase their importance to the community.
      I believe that introducing the Musician role to our Minecraft role-play server would not only enhance our immersive experience but also foster a sense of community and creativity among our players. I would be thrilled to discuss this proposal further and work collaboratively with you to make it a reality.

    Thank you for considering this idea, and I look forward to your thoughts on how we can enhance our server through the addition of this exciting new role.


Level 89
I'm with Ethan here, I can't tell if you are formal or this is an AI. Either way it's a -1 for me, I'm my opinion there's lots of roles already and I don't see an additional one being added for musician.


Level 135
I'm also with Ethan here, it sounds too formal. Also yeah -1 we got too many roles here. You can be a musician without a tag.


Level 20
-1 since a role like this doesn't really fit into the theme of schoolrp and another -1 if this is indeed written by AI


Level 17
this is def ai generated; the organization is sooo weird (extra spaces, extra numbers, indention, centered words) also the "I hope this message finds you in good health." is so out of place for a forums post lolol.


Level 35
-1 You can just roleplay as a musician?? you can literally do all of the stuff the AI listed without a role


Level 44
Community Team
Lore Team

If we simply ignore the fact that this suggestion was written and formatted in AI, I genuinely dislike the idea of a new role as such being added to the server. This branch of RPH is called 'School RP' for a reason... if you wanted to expand more for you character down a path like that, turn your view to the entire list of drama and performance based clubs that have been created or if you don't see one already, apply for your own! (just not with AI...)


Level 174
my brain is trying to figure out if I should be concerned or laughing as ethan said. anyway -1. there are way too many roles.


Level 80
AI stuff aside - most musicians IRL don't make nearly enough money off of it, so they work other jobs/go to school. believe me, i would know lol
point is, you can be a musician, even without the tag.


Level 136
Frankly I actually like the idea. Despite the fact that it can’t be an official faction, you can apply for a music related club for school and expand your team in that direction


Level 47
Since there's no rule against using AI to write Suggestions for servers, there's nothing wrong with you doing so.
But I think you should write it yourself, it would be more respectful to everyone.

About this suggestion:
1. I don't know how to implement it, how can we hear this in virtual Minecraft?
Even if it can be achieved, such as using in-game musical instruments to play, it is very difficult to succeed. It requires skills, multi-player performance also requires cooperation, and even network delay is also a problem.
2. It’s not necessary, I don’t think this career will bring anything to the server. Of course, you could do similar roleplaying as a student, but there's no need to design a career specifically for it.

Markus Sentryon

Level 12
Thread starter
I appreciate your feedback immensely. Personally, love music, have a great rest of your day

BTW i write out what i want to say and ask AI to fix the wording and make it look a little more Professional.

I wont us ai at all next time.


Level 29

While the idea is cool, I don't see this being a very fun role in the context of SRP. You using AI, regardless of your reasoning, also steers me away from this suggestion. Have a great night/day though.

Markus Sentryon

Level 12
Thread starter

While the idea is cool, I don't see this being a very fun role in the context of SRP. You using AI, regardless of your reasoning, also steers me away from this suggestion. Have a great night/day though.
yeah i can see how that wouldn't fit in with the theme and stuff, but they have a priest as a job title and to me that doesn't fit with the theme (but i still like that job title so no complaints here)


Level 29

yeah i can see how that wouldn't fit in with the theme and stuff, but they have a priest as a job title and to me that doesn't fit with the theme (but i still like that job title so no complaints here)
Seeing how the server is based in Japan, a lot of player's characters are Japanese, meaning that a lot of them are shinto. The server has a shrine and priest and maidens who tend to the shrine. I can see that you're a relatively new player so I will I direct you towards the servers lore.

Cheers on your SRP journey.

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