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Level 0
IGN: 5165
DATE: 04/08/22 (8th of august 2022).
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST/MENTION: the allowing of players to break CCTV cameras

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY: well for starters this would allow the players to adapt in strategy, breaking CCTV’s doesn’t go unnoticed of course. U see a couple seconds of CCTV before it gets broken so u’d need strategy to use this for if ur being chased by the police, it would also definitely benefit the players to not keep it at so long chases, and say if ur doing an (UNORGANIZED) kidnapping to adapt some more strategy besides hiding the sewers do 45 mins. This is already a thing with CCTV’s in shops if owners agree, or with scripted events. But this could deff have its use in non organized events like cop kidnappings, mass killings, gang wars. Etc. Which in my opinion would make the strategy actually a cool idea, having to plan out where to go, which CCTV’s to break ect. It puts a whole ‘nother planning process to kidnappings etc.

There are multiple ways we could balance this out, for starters if it ever will become a problem we can lock CCTV breaking behind major/kidnapping permissions. Only allowed to tamper with the CCTV’s if ur kidnapping someone / majoring someone within CCTV range. Or we can make it item exclusive, say with a special weapon like a hammer, or we put it like a stat on existing BM items (EX: a metal bat would have CCTV breaking stats, or a spiked bat. Or other weapons like crowbars, spray cans; being able to spray over the camera. Or new weapons/items. EX: ladders, being able to reach any CCTV if u have the item.)
This would be hard to prove to staff of course, since they wouldn’t know when there would be tampered with the CCTV. My idea is just to take a clip of u actioning to destroy/hit/smack/spray over the CCTV’s. And then moving on, if u haven’t encountered the cops by then u can always send the clips to staff already, so they know what to meta game and what not. And in what direction they should go ICLY wise. If the cops already encountered u, u can always go to discuss “I have clips of us tampering with CCTV’s”. And then send them if the RP gets paused, else just RP it out and then send the proof.
+ this already used to be a feature before, when the map was littered with CCTV’s and was nothing wrong with that feature back then up to my knowledge, so we’d just be reintroducing an old feature.
Icly wise this would give another criminal charge, not a new one. Most likely tampering with government equipment, but again it would (if necessary) be locked behind major/kidnapping permissions.

Yours truly,
SimpleZ (5165) <3


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

This is encouraging more ooc interaction for specifically IC situations, if police request CCTV, then find someone from that CCTV, arrest them then later on they find out that the CCTV was broken.. the situation will get re-done or even voided- keep it for planned situations :D


Level 0
Thread starter

This is encouraging more ooc interaction for specifically IC situations, if police request CCTV, then find someone from that CCTV, arrest them then later on they find out that the CCTV was broken.. the situation will get re-done or even voided- keep it for planned situations :D
Agree to disagree, depends on how far and deep u go within the situation, as well as u can directly let staff know if u broke a CCTV , yes it may cause issues sometimes but they wouldn’t be as big as situations being re-done all the time if u take good care of the clips and when to send etc, it’s a worth wile risk given it allows for strategy roleplay, which in my opinion is a good thing


Level 164
Community Team
Lore Team

I agree with Zinth and Hatola on this one. Even if it was brought to SRP, the most that you would have done is destroy the camera. The video itself is saved elsewhere so that would mean even if you did break the camera, if you all aren't wearing masks/blackout, you would still be caught from the recording. If you really wanted to avoid the CCTV cameras, just go around the map and plan out your trail. It would also be difficult to work with as staff/shopkeepers would have to confirm the action, and sometimes they aren't always on discord.


Level 0
Thread starter

I agree with Zinth and Hatola on this one. Even if it was brought to SRP, the most that you would have done is destroy the camera. The video itself is saved elsewhere so that would mean even if you did break the camera, if you all aren't wearing masks/blackout, you would still be caught from the recording. If you really wanted to avoid the CCTV cameras, just go around the map and plan out your trail. It would also be difficult to work with as staff/shopkeepers would have to confirm the action, and sometimes they aren't always on discord.
Again agree to disagree, it’s not hard to confirm the action, since most likely scenario we are talking about is a cop chase, highly likely it being a staff member, with shopkeepers its only during an organized event, and then again if its agreed on with u are allowed to break cameras in organized events (Yonio himself confirmed this) so it would most likely be about the same managing system (sending proof of which CCTV’s are destroying/ gonna be destroyed). And the entire point of still being seen is mentioned in the thread itself


Level 130

CCTV is here to make it harder for gangrpers to get away with stuff like this, murder was already easier than school classes on this server. As much as I'd be in support of this if SRP was an ideal roleplaying world, it's not. GangRP is heavily flawed, and though it's gotten better, something like this shouldn't be put in the hands of the community just yet.


Level 12

I do like the idea of being able to destroy/vandalize CCTV as it was helpful in the past, but it would be hard to control and it would cause a lot of problems that could be easily avoided.


Level 130
Once the cctv plugin is introduced, this mechanic could be added with it, allowing you to disable/ "break" cameras for a certain period of time. Of course this would alert KPD however


Edit: Def should not be implemented without the plugin though. Like do you wanna have more arguments?


Level 194
I believe it will be very hard to control it. .
Once the cctv plugin is introduced, this mechanic could be added with it, allowing you to disable/ "break" cameras for a certain period of time. Of course this would alert KPD however


Edit: Def should not be implemented without the plugin though. Like do you wanna have more arguments?
My thoughts


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Although breaking or disabling CCTV is every gangrpers dream, it would cause a lot of issues. Even in unplanned and unorganized kidnappings or majors, you can just do it away from CCTV and avoid them. I also think ICLY, if a CCTV would be broken, cops would quickly go to check it out, so that would only draw more attention to where you are, and leaving a trail of broken CCTV would only show them where you're going.


Level 266
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

It's pretty much as Yonio has already said, it's impossible for staff to tell which cameras have been tampered with. Even with proof eventually being supplied of you breaking the camera, it'd take forever to clear up in looc and there's several issues of metagaming that come with it. I can possibly see this in the future as thing though once there's a legitimate CCTV plugin.

So till then, avoiding CCTV cameras is easier than you'd think. While yes we do have a lot of cameras, the most random locations often have no CCTV in sight. Look at the family store, it's arguably one of the most recognizable locations on the map yet there's no CCTV anywhere in range of it. Knowing which routes will keep you clear of cameras is the way to go for now.


Level 70
Community Team
Media Team
Event Team

From my little experience in the KPD, this seems like a lot of trouble for both parties! Doesn't seem worth it.


Level 9
only adds more hassle to the poor kpd, introducing more arguments with rowdy gang roleplayers. besides, most cameras are too high up to be broken, deeming the suggestion to be useless in most scenarios

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