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Suggestion for a new rule


Level 29

18/08/2022 (or 08/18/2022)

A change regarding limiting the possibility to use major assault permissions on someone for a fair chance from both parties.

What this would simply mean, giving the victim of a major the chance to get the police involved right after the happening, so they can get onto the perpetrator on the spot (sort of manhunt/immediate investigation as it'd realistically happen). As we all know, police would realistically be available to respond to any emergency (mostly the ones involving major injuries), this is not asking the police to be more active, which would be quite offensive, but instead limit the happening of a major assault only to when police officers are online (the limit could be the minimum needed to start the manhunt scene). I'm aware this going to damage the GangRP aspect heavily, but it's only fair to give a chance to those people receiving the major (which I remind is permanent damage, even if you get a prosthetic) unwillingly and have the chance to get justice.

As I stated above, people who maybe didn't want to get majorly assaulted, had no one to talk to after the happening which could be quite unfair as when they usually get to the hospital for that kind of injury, police would arrive and question the victim and try to look for the criminal but it couldn't happen if no one was available. It's not about making the police more active, because as I mentioned, it'd be offensive on their end as they couldn't be available for a reason, but it's a way to give the police department more roleplay when they're online and respond to more crime scenes so that criminals don't abuse the 'no cops on' advantage.


Level 68
The current permissions system, as well as when the Karakura Police Department is expected/seen intervening in criminal situations, is working just fine - making it any stricter than it already is will only harm the criminal roleplaying subgenre

Those who have been majorly assaulted are always able to report the incident to the Karakura Police Department after it has happened


Level 29
Thread starter
The current permissions system operates just fine - making it any stricter than it already is will only harm the criminal roleplaying subgenre

Those who have been majorly assaulted are always able to report the incident to the Karakura Police Department after it has happened
Oh I meant more like on what occasions you can use them, people use the 'no cops online' loophole to use their permissions which is annoying in some aspect.
Also reporting it afterwards would be too late because the person will have their skin change after their supposedly manhunt chase (doesn't make sense if no police is online)


Level 68
Oh I meant more like on what occasions you can use them, people use the 'no cops online' loophole to use their permissions which is annoying in some aspect.
Also reporting it afterwards would be too late because the person will have their skin change after their supposedly manhunt chase (doesn't make sense if no police is online)
From personal experience, I have never seen criminal roleplayers purposely waiting for officers to go offline so that they can act on any form of requirements safely - criminal roleplayers often act on these permissions when they get the chance to (e.g - the player they have said permissions on is online)


Level 130

While yes this would make sense from a "cops always respond to emergencies" sense, it doesn't make all that much sense from the eyes of a criminal. Like, if a guy who I wanna slice their leg off (with proper reasoning) is standing there, why wouldn't I attack? The characters don't know icly about cop activity.


Level 29
Thread starter
From personal experience, I have never seen criminal roleplayers purposely waiting for officers to go offline so that they can act on any form of requirements safely - criminal roleplayers often act on these permissions when they get the chance to (e.g - the player they have said permissions on is online)
Of course, there are people who properly roleplay their criminal activities, but adding a rule to prevent such loophole could make it fair for both parties, as usually when a criminal hits their target, 90% of the times they succeed and I think they should also have to struggle with the police being after them.


Level 102
Ain't gonna lie cuz it's when cops on I see these goons majoring people, when cops are off yeah it's a loophole i guess but what's stoppin' the cops from responding is the risk of them being ran up on a 4v2 when cops arrive at a scene if the criminals are still there and that's big if, and timezones are different aswell


Level 102
Of course, there are people who properly roleplay their criminal activities, but adding a rule to prevent such loophole could make it fair for both parties, as usually when a criminal hits their target, 90% of the times they succeed and I think they should also have to struggle with the police being after them.
It isn't a loophole just very bad timing


Level 68
Of course, there are people who properly roleplay their criminal activities, but adding a rule to prevent such loophole could make it fair for both parties, as usually when a criminal hits their target, 90% of the times they succeed and I think they should also have to struggle with the police being after them.
I truly love the idea of your suggestion, but I’m failing to grasp the change it can possibly make if a rule illustrating this was to be implemented


Level 29
Thread starter

While yes this would make sense from a "cops always respond to emergencies" sense, it doesn't make all that much sense from the eyes of a criminal. Like, if a guy who I wanna slice their leg off (with proper reasoning) is standing there, why wouldn't I attack? The characters don't know icly about cop activity.
Of course not, but the thing is if the victim is defenseless, and has no way to contact someone for help (such as law enforcement), the criminal would get away with it and since they're probably dressed up in an attire, once their timer is over they'll just change skins and move on. Think that police also have some disadvantages on the investigation side, not being able to recover fingerprints or any trace a criminal could probably leave (hair or anything of the sort as it's only a Minecraft server), this could only be a fair advantage. EDIT: I'd like also to add that police wouldn't know of criminal activity either unless there's a screenshot of the happening (which basically means you can't get proof unless you screenshot it). And also, as criminals don't know about police IC'ly, they'd still know about it OOC'ly and potentially metagame
Ain't gonna lie cuz it's when cops on I see these goons majoring people, when cops are off yeah it's a loophole i guess but what's stoppin' the cops from responding is the risk of them being ran up on a 4v2 when cops arrive at a scene if the criminals are still there and that's big if, and timezones are different aswell
Of course, timezones could be an issue. That's fair, I can't argue with it. And about the pulling up, the police officers don't have to be patrolling, just online would be already fair
I truly love the idea of your suggestion, but I’m failing to grasp the change it can possibly make if a rule illustrating this was to be implemented
Very simple, the rule could state you can't commit a major assault unless ex. 2 police officers are online, etc. (if that's what you meant)
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Level 26

Taking out Kill Permissions was already a huge step-down. I believe GangRP should have at least that.


Level 135
um... no. This will seriously restrict GangRP. I believe it's perfectly balanced right now. As you should FearRP the consequences of acting on major permissions, it is also in fact metagaming to wait until KPD are offline to act on permissions. If you see this fault while observing/participating in CriminalRP, you should report it to staff. I do not believe the community should be limited to waiting for KPD OOCly for something that is IC. If KPD are unavailable, they are unavailable. It happens sometimes and that 's fine. The GangRP community should not be on their time, just as the KPD should not be on the criminal faction's time.

Lastly, the term "life isn't fair" is quite a literal term. If you can't get KPD involved in time then that's your own fault for not being prepared for your own consequences that lead to major permission on your character. Also KPD receive emergency calls via the Karakura Emergency Discord, so it's not like they're always unaware of the situations.


Level 196
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(it is actually classed as metagaming if you're purposefully waiting for KPD to log off to commit crimes) A rule to enforce this would only limit Roleplay, as sometimes IRL, response times can be pretty bad too, You can always ask in #lobby in the Emergency discord if anyone can come online if you'd like to report something happening! -1 from me though :)

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