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Suggestion for applications


Level 10
IGN: Sithness/Sithpai
DATE: 6/2/21
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I’d like to suggest something about applications. So I know plagiarism is taken seriously, and is an offense, but there are instances where it is only partial. I had a friend recently apply to become a teacher again, he was accepted and then demoted that same day for partial plagarism. Not only was he given the role before they reviewed the app further and realized, but he was permanently black listed for plagiarizing parts of the application, not the entire thing. I understand why people get black listed for this sort of thing, but I don’t believe someone should be permanently black listed with no chance of appeal. I’d suggest it be temporary based on how much was considered plagiarized, for instance, don’t be as harsh on someone who only did specific definitions that anyone could google, because in that case, people will have very similar responses. I think a few months or week of black listing, or at the very least a chance to appeal should be allowed. I do understand a lot of the rules on this server and why things have to be strict in order for it to run well, but in cases like this I think it’s taken to far and should be looked at again.
If you read this far, thank you. Also I was not asked by anyone to do this, I’m doing this after hearing of people’s experiences and having my own opinion formed.


Level 87
I feel like there’s a certain extent to what a person can plagiarized on an application such as server-wide information that everyone already knows about. It’s more about how you actually word the rest of your application. But I honestly agree plagerism is bad on its own but it shouldn’t be something that completely blacklists you unless you do it again and again. +1


Level 154
Reminds me of the time when someone plagiarized my council app. It was one paragraph from it, and I was reading it and like "Huh.. Why's this sound so famil- wait a sec-".


Level 87
Reminds me of the time when someone plagiarized my council app. It was one paragraph from it, and I was reading it and like "Huh.. Why's this sound so famil- wait a sec-".
What’s crazy about it is how they know it was plagiarized. Like idk if they run it through a system or what but it’s crazy o-o


Level 343
HS Sports Lead

pplications can take days to write up, it's simply unacceptable to steal another person's hard work and claim at as your own. I understand your frustration due to your relationship with this player, however this could've been easily discussed in Discord DMs. The outcome of their application will remain the same due to the severity of their actions & the blacklist only applies to Highschool Teacher faction applications.

If you have any direct concerns, feel free to contact me via Discord.

The applicant you're referring to was given a second chance to improve/re-word their pre-existing application. Upon 'finishing', they were accepted as all Pending applicants usually are, however they had word-for-word stolen responses from another applicant therefore plagiarising alongside lying to a staff member.
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