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Level 3

DATE: December 6th, 2022

Height nerf

If I'm being honest, this doesn't really benefit the server/community but, I think nerfing height should be a thing in SRP, I know you have to apply to be over 6'5 - but realistically speaking, in Japan pretty much everyone is short, like the average height for Japanese citizens is; Male: 5'7, Female: 5'2. Seeing a bunch of 6'5 people running around is heavily unrealistic and pretty weird. How this height nerf would work is players would have to apply to be over anywhere from 6'0-6'2, or if they're a transfer student, it should be motivated for them to state they're from said country in descriptions and biographies.​


Level 166
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Different countries, different average height. I get needing to apply taller than 6'5, but it's not uncommon for people to be taller than said height(which is why you can apply to be taller than 6'5, max being like 7'5 or smth like that). Then there are different disorders that can make a person taller too.

And even then, if you want to know where someone's character is from(country/nationality) ask icly.


Level 174

average height
I'd like to emphasize, average height. Average being what is typical for the majority of people. Yes I understand there is a lot of people who are over average height, however this is in Karakura, a role play city inspired by a anime town (Bleach), I think the average is possibly going to be off. I'd also like to take into account that a majority of Karakura population isn't even from Japan, I've met one character in total who were actually born in Japan, and in Karakura. Plus as Liz stated, there are disorders that cause people to be shorter, taller, etc.

doesn't really benefit the server/community
If it isn't actually going to benefit the community, it isn't really much of a suggestion. Many people already have characters over 6'4, and it would be annoying to shorten these characters because we got rid of certain heights.

Height nerf
Definition of Nerf

(in a video game) to reconfigure (an existing character or weapon), making it less powerful

I also don't see how nerfing height is an effective description of what your suggesting.

As much as I find it extreme when character are 7'5 so on so forth, I don't think "Nerfing" height is the answer.


Level 130

While I don't exactly agree with making people unable to make tall characters, I do agree that there are far too many characters that are unnaturally high in Karakura. At somepoint literally every guy you clicked on in the server was either 6'5" or taller, which was honestly really stupid.

Unsure of how to actually solve this issue though. Maybe making people actually roleplay the problems that come with being 7" tall could work, but it would be pretty difficult to solve.


Level 60
While I find it pretty sad that someone feels the need to make their character ridiculously tall in order to feel intimidating, this really isn't necessary.
Just imagine that everyone above 6'3" is like.. 4'0", that's what I do.


Level 99
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Japan pretty much everyone is short, like the average height for Japanese citizens

Karakura's population is diverse and filled with many races which give for diversity. Not only that, but we are on a small island AWAY from Japan
a role play city inspired by a anime town (Bleach)
At this point, we stray WAYY further away from that than you think

We're an educational island


Level 143
There isn't really a point because height doesn't give you any inherent benefit in roleplay (for most people who don't P2L). As much as I dislike people using the tired cliche of tall "scary" and "intimidating" dudes, it's not a significant enough issue to actually do anything about.


Level 101
Majority of Karakura isn't even Japanese
this just restricts peoples character making, height really holds no benefit as people think it does, and when it can matter (like 6'5+ people) they have to apply for it and get it accepted by staff

tbh this just really makes no sense and really holds no point in doing it aside from controlling and limiting people's character creation for no reason


Level 15
Karakura is filled with foreigners, its super rare to run into just a Japanese person on SRP, which is crazy by the way. I get this would be like normal if SRP had a rule that you HAVE to have a character that is fully Japanese, but that is not the case. Karakura is filled with people that have main character syndrome and that alone speaks for itself. Even I have the illness U-U


Level 53

Nerfing doesn't seem like its a good idea, yes there are some people that use the height to be "scary" icly but what about the people that just use it for roleplay purposes? This doesn't seem fair to those people either or anyone in that matter, as the other replies are also saying Karakura is very diverse in what people make for a character, you see Italian characters, Korean, characters even from the Philippines as well and it is rare to see a full Japanese character and adding onto what others have said it just wouldn't make sense. Doing this would also remove the possibility of creativity as well as removing the distinctive parts of what SchoolRP is currently, this just wouldn't last well and would probably cause a lot more issues to the server than just people having 6'5+ characters to be scary. It also would cause majority of the server to revamp their characters entirely to fit the new rule, just seems unfair.


Level 10

"While I find it pretty sad that someone feels the need to make their character ridiculously tall in order to feel intimidating, this really isn't necessary."
I do agree with this. Its honestly quite sad that a lot of players rely on height to make their characters feel intimidating when there are other ways to do that and are more fun and creative.

However, I don't think lowering the height will fix this.
"...players would have to apply to be over anywhere from 6'0-6'2, or if they're a transfer student, it should be motivated for them to state they're from said country in descriptions and biographies."​
Then why lower the height? If people can still apply to be over 6'2", they can still apply to be 6'5" or above. And most people, from what I've seen, already state if their character is French, Italian, Japanese, etc, in their character descriptions and biographies. And if you said this isn't going to benefit the server, then I agree, this isn't really a suggestion.

I really don't think this will benefit the server or change a lot of things. There any many things that contribute to someone being tall like what country they are from and genetics. There are also different disorders that would affect someones height. Karakura is also full of characters from many different countries, taking the height away or lowering it could affect diversity, and probably would. It is also realistic in some cases to have a tall character, such as being on a basketball team where even in real life, most of the players are tall or if they aren't, the character having a disorder that affects height.


Level 278
There isn't really a point because height doesn't give you any inherent benefit in roleplay (for most people who don't P2L). As much as I dislike people using the tired cliche of tall "scary" and "intimidating" dudes, it's not a significant enough issue to actually do anything about.
me with my 5'1 character :3

he's pretty intimidating to an average irl person, but everyone kind of disreguards him BECAUSE of his height, and its a little annoying because i put a lot of effort into that yk yk

-1 still, but i agree that height isnt really beneficial to anyone except the people who do the grocery shopping..


Level 91

I do see your point, though this is a fictional world. So having somewhat changes to it is not lethal. Thus, applications for heights over 6'5 are not something easy to get, people have to have good reasoning for it.

And as much as I have played, I have not seen many people be over 6'5. Thus, I think all people have the right to have different types of char, nerfing height is not something vital nor is it helpful.

If you would suggest nerfing height advantages in battle, for instance, a 7'5 vs 5'6, this could be a debate. Yet again, need a separate thread with good points and valid explanation.


Level 231
massive +1
There's no (good) point for your character to need to be so tall outside of a 'tall girl' character arc, which... I assume is quite rare.


Level 120

Despite it not being realistic, it won't change a thing. Now, logically when roleplaying, the thing that gives off "traditional Japanese character" is the actions themselves. Nerfing such a thing also limits creativity, and that's not something welcome. Players have to have the freedom for character creation.


Level 0
there's not one good way to go about "nerfing" height and there's honestly not much that can be done to encourage players to consider roleplaying more ""realistic"" heights (or at least be content with being ≤ 6'5). but I agree that the amount of 6'5+ characters residing specifically in Karakura is a little funny lol

while the abundance of taller characters on the server itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, the application being as simple as it is sort of makes its worth in the first place questionable. If any changes concerning height should be made, height auth applications should either simply be held to a higher standard (requiring more thought/originality to become 6'5+) OR even better they should gain their own specific format, with that format having additional detail-oriented questions to encourage people to actually convince the reviewer why it'd be materially worthwhile for their roleplay (more than "I think it'd be cool" stretched to 30 words)

that or the cap should just be lowered to something like 7'0 because let's be real, why


Level 14
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I do agree people having 6'5 characters is unrealistic, but I don't think "nerfing" is the solution. We should simply encourage players to choose lower heights.

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