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Suggestion | qwbigayl


Level 77
The removal or change of the rule which states that once a character changes appearance, they are no longer recognisable by police or other gang members hunting them.

As someone who is in the KPD, I have noticed that this rule is quite odd. Whilst me and some friends who are also in the KPD were browsing the Wanted list- we remembered an incident. A player who had dwindled themselves onto the wanted list was standing right in front of us. However, they had changed their physical appearance in the slightest. This player had changed their characters hair colour, as well as the colour of their jacket. Obviously, we could not detain this individual as the rules state that they would be unrecognisable to us.

This is confusing as their are other factors that would completely counteract this rule. For example, you can recognise people based on facial construct rather than something minor as a change in haircolouring. As well as this, if the suspect is described as being 6'2 and 178lbs with blue eyes- that's quite a specific description as they aren't going to be many identical people running around Karakura possessing the same described height, exact weight. Another example could be something as minor as a crooked nose from breaking it in a fight. If someone was described with blonde hair and a crooked nose, but now have brown hair- they are STILL going to look the same. Hair colour and clothing doesn't really change anything.

Thank you for reading my suggestion.
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Level 39

I don’t want to seem biased against the gangrpers and because I am a member of the KPD it seems that way. To me it doesn’t make any sense that someone changes their hair color and attire, and suddenly we are unable to recognize them. I got a bit lazy with writing with comment, but everything is included in the suggestion already.

If there are any counterpoints brought up, please let us know and I’ll do my best to respond to them.,


Level 87
I was going to say that the only people putting -1 under this post are the same gangrpers that use this rule and if the rule were to be taken away, all of their characters are done for. HOWEVER.

I get where you're coming from and I was about to agree but if a person knows how to use this rule to their advantage, they would change their wardrobe entirely, the eye color, the hair, and very little does anyone mention anything about their face structure in their description. A broken nose? At this point, almost everyone has a broken nose in a high crime-rated city that also happens to have some reckless people in it. The thing about weight can be easily altered. People either lose or gain weight and height won't help that factor either. This is why you guys should rely more on DNA when a crime is committed. Now of course as realistic as it may be when it comes to hair color and clothing being changed, I get that. But what I mentioned in this response is if the person actually knows how to use the rule to their advantage properly.

Right now I'm on the neutral side of things though I do think that rule in specific should be more... specific as to what counts as unrecognizable.


Level 39
ive never changed my char appearance over a possible arrest?

Yo, no one has ever stated you or anyone in specific has done that, but we’ve experienced this and it’s quite annoying. No we aren’t “arrest hungry”, because I could care less about how many arrests I have/could get. It just doesn’t make sense at all and people abuse the power of it.


Level 77
Thread starter
Yo, no one has ever stated you or anyone in specific has done that, but we’ve experienced this and it’s quite annoying. No we aren’t “arrest hungry”, because I could care less about how many arrests I have/could get. It just doesn’t make sense at all and people abuse the power of it.
period thank u laur


Level 17
A change to the rule seems like it will be the best. Though very detailed appearances (broken nose) seems a bit over the top, being able to change your hair color and not being able to be recognized by the police seems really stupid. Like, if my friend were to change their hair color, I would still be able to recognize them, heck, it would make them stick out even more in my eye. Though, there would have to be a sort of list distinguishing if an action of the character's appearance is or is not affecting whether they are recognizable.
(hopes this makes sense) : D


Level 328
Japan has one of the best facial-recognition devices in the whole world. There, if you are caught by CCTV, police will most likely end up knowing your identity. Besides, a change in the hair color is something really minimal, and does not really change police intervention (unless they are masked, of course).


Level 231
facial structure doesnt count as changing an appearance (unless for example, you havent seen the person for more then a day)

if you have a photograph or cctv of a person, regardless of hair colour you should be able to tell who they are.

so yeah i kind of agree in a way but also if you've only seen the person once and you dont have any proper evidence of their face to recall from and its been a few ic days then no


Level 41
Quick Note to add;

For all the GangRPers thinking this is a horrible suggestion, please learn to be creative with the way you GangRP. You shouldn't be walking into the KPD and messing about when you're clearly on the wanted list. That's just a rookie move and if you get arrested doing it, don't get all mad about it and say that the KPD are just cheaters or something like that. Try to be smart with the way you do things and don't just purposefully walk into a trap expecting not to get hurt.

If you want to change your appearance, try to come up with a more creative way to do so and a realistic way too. Don't just color your hair and put on a buffy jacket and think you're a completely different human being. That's 100% not how it works. Make your GangRP experience fun, not stressful, and annoying.


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team

I'm gonna take a guess and say that everyone disagreeing gangrp themselves and have the fear of losing their character. However, I gangrp myself and I feel gangrp is dying out (probably because there isn't an even fight when it comes to gangs anymore) so this would bring way more interesting roleplay when it comes to it. Plus, everyone is forgetting that you still have the ability to wear a mask. It wouldn't be a big deal and I see this as being a good idea.


Level 110
if BMD does this already with every deal they do & dont get caught by the police
then so can every other criminal on the server

cool awesome suggestion


Level 22
Im kinda iffy about this but yeah i feel like characters shouldnt be able to change their facial apperence cause i feel like that would be like unfair for the cops cause like if your a gangrper and you going out to kill if your wearing a mask you should be fine and won't need to change anything but outfits but if you forgot your mask then that's your lost and i feel like you shouldn't be able to change your face by makeup or like some weird shit but from what ive heard if you see a criminal without a mask and your after them and somehow they get away and change hairstyle you can still remember that from what ive heard so for me its +1/-1 since i think you shouldnt be able to change your face or eye color but its normal to change outfits just not your apperence.


Level 39
Im kinda iffy about this but yeah i feel like characters shouldnt be able to change their facial apperence cause i feel like that would be like unfair for the cops cause like if your a gangrper and you going out to kill if your wearing a mask you should be fine and won't need to change anything but outfits but if you forgot your mask then that's your lost and i feel like you shouldn't be able to change your face by makeup or like some weird shit but from what ive heard if you see a criminal without a mask and your after them and somehow they get away and change hairstyle you can still remember that from what ive heard so for me its +1/-1 since i think you shouldnt be able to change your face or eye color but its normal to change outfits just not your apperence.

I forget if I have seen someone change their entire chars character’s appearance, but it’s more of them changing hair colors and being “unrecognizable” to the police that is bugging me. Honestly yeah if you wear a mask and an attire that reach the requirements of you being unable to get detained/arrested, you’re fine..

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