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SUGGESTION; Senior Admin+

Add another command called "/occupation"

This is so we can switch from a certain tag to another tag instead of spending twenty-five bucks on an alt just for this server.

Let's say you applied for Teacher, and you also want to GangRP, you can do /occupation and choose between all the tags you applied for.

For example, let's say you applied for Shopkeeper, Teacher, Adult, Maiden, and Volleyball.


Choose your occupation:

Suggesting this command specifically because of those who are on sports teams and can't GangRP because of their tag, so instead of buying an alt they could go on a and fill out a forum for each character they have, one for volleyball/any other sports team and one for grade-18(Optional), that's if they want to GangRP or participate in something else.

Also another suggestion to the command, I think it'd be better if you could only apply for three occupations on one account.


Level 131

As cool as this would be, I think it could be easily abused. Imagine you have a teacher role on that character, so you just switch to Grade 12 for 5 minutes to go kill one of your students. Even if they created a rule against this, it'd be very hard to moderate.


Level 87

As cool as this would be, I think it could be easily abused. Imagine you have a teacher role on that character, so you just switch to Grade 12 for 5 minutes to go kill one of your students. Even if they created a rule against this, it'd be very hard to moderate.
Pretty sure this would have a cool down. A very long one. +1


Level 194

As cool as this would be, I think it could be easily abused. Imagine you have a teacher role on that character, so you just switch to Grade 12 for 5 minutes to go kill one of your students. Even if they created a rule against this, it'd be very hard to moderate.
Rules 3.1a and 4.6 prevent this anyways, since you could just go to your alt and do the same thing plus you'd have to find out icly


Level 328

FantasyRP has a similar thing with "Souls". It is true that it does work, but it must be noted that SchoolRP is not FantasyRP. The latter one requires a whitelist and has a way easier way to moderate. SchoolRP, on the other hand, has a way bigger playerbase, meaning that the odds of it being abused are extremely high. Besides, if we did this for roles, we would also have to code the plugin so that it saves inventories, which would also come with the risk of losing items, not to mention the AvoidRP rules, manhunt guidelines, etc.

Overall a good idea in theory, but when put to practice, it has little chances of succeeding


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator

I don't think it should be worked out like described here, however, I completely understand and agree with the point that if you want to play more than 1 role you gotta pay mad money for alt accounts. After all, SchoolRP is something we do in our free time and we shouldn't be forced to focus on only one role and that one role only. However, I do also understand the concerns about things such as AvoidRP though in my opinion this would just be abused by a small group and we shouldn't allow ourselves to stop the major part of the community from having a great feature like this just because a very small part of the community will probably abuse it. Next to that can the staff team and development team of SRP find countless ways to make it harder and less rewarding to abuse. It will probably be easier to moderate than someone switching to their alt account either way, so who knows will help in the battle against avoidrp.

Imagine you have a teacher role on that character, so you just switch to Grade 12 for 5 minutes to go kill one of your students. Even if they created a rule against this, it'd be very hard to moderate.
When creating custom plugins we can make it harder to abuse and thus easier to moderate as mentioned above, I myself already have some ideas for this, e.g. limit the number of changes in 24 hours to for example 6 as there are 4 IC days in 24 hours and so allow a teacher to switch to another character after they hosted their classes. And make it able to lookup every change from and to what character.. etc etc, tl;dr : Not really an issue to be worried about in my opinion.

The latter one requires a whitelist and has a way easier way to moderate.
That FRP requires a whitelist, doesn't directly mean it's easier to moderate, I can't say anything about that myself as I am not a member of the FRP staff but from what I know from being RPH staff is that it's not really comparable as the communities differ a lot, whilst we have to deal with hackers, they have to deal with castle raid request or whatever.

SchoolRP, on the other hand, has a way bigger playerbase, meaning that the odds of it being abused are extremely high.
I don't think this should be our main concern, as stated above devs can work very good for counter-measures against abuse but we should not let a minority of rulebreakers ruin the fun for everyone else

Besides, if we did this for roles, we would also have to code the plugin so that it saves inventories, which would also come with the risk of losing items
will probably be in the same plugin, and you can save inventories as a Base64 string, just like we do with lockers, it's really fast and efficient to use for developers, the risk of losing items shouldn't again be something that causes a -1 on this idea but a concern for the developers making it, who are very capable of making very good plugins and can for sure prevent and fix issues like this.

the AvoidRP rules, manhunt guidelines, etc.
I still believe that it wouldn't have any more issues than people just using warp spawn or log off, maybe in the first few weeks/months but after that not. In fact it'd be even easier to monitor than when someone just alt-f4's their game, we can then still /sr them and get them to play the other character.

- Great idea, but should be worked out a little different if accepted.
- Things like abuse are very much preventable in the way we make it.
- Monitoring this system would be easier than someone logging of and switching to their alt.
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Level 131

I don't think it should be worked out like described here, however, I completely understand and agree with the point that if you want to play more than 1 role you gotta pay mad money for alt accounts. After all, SchoolRP is something we do in our free time and we shouldn't be forced to focus on only one role and that one role only. However, I do also understand the concerns about things such as AvoidRP though in my opinion this would just be abused by a small group and we shouldn't allow ourselves to stop the major part of the community from having a great feature like this just because a very small part of the community will probably abuse it. Next to that can the staff team and development team of SRP find countless ways to make it harder and less rewarding to abuse. It will probably be easier to moderate than someone switching to their alt account either way, so who knows will help in the battle against avoidrp.

When creating custom plugins we can make it harder to abuse and thus easier to moderate as mentioned above, I myself already have some ideas for this, e.g. limit the number of changes in 24 hours to for example 6 as there are 4 IC days in 24 hours and so allow a teacher to switch to another character after they hosted their classes. And make it able to lookup every change from and to what character.. etc etc, tl;dr : Not really an issue to be worried about in my opinion.

It doesn't require a whitelist, as stated in my reply to Kana.

I don't think this should be our main concern, as stated above devs can work very good for counter-measures against abuse but we should not let a minority of rulebreakers ruin the fun for everyone else

will probably be in the same plugin, and you can save inventories as a Base64 string, just like we do with lockers, it's really fast and efficient to use for developers, the risk of losing items shouldn't again be something that causes a -1 on this idea but a concern for the developers making it, who are very capable of making very good plugins and can for sure prevent and fix issues like this.

I still believe that it wouldn't have any more issues than people just using warp spawn or log off, maybe in the first few weeks/months but after that not. In fact it'd be even easier to monitor than when someone just alt-f4's their game, we can then still /sr them and get them to play the other character.

- Great idea, but should be worked out a little different if accepted.
- Things like abuse are very much preventable in the way we make it.
- Monitoring this system would be easier than someone logging of and switching to their alt.
Excellent reply. Thanks for your input. I'd like to change my thing to a +1 then :)


Level 23
Add another command called "/occupation"

This is so we can switch from a certain tag to another tag instead of spending twenty-five bucks on an alt just for this server.

Let's say you applied for Teacher, and you also want to GangRP, you can do /occupation and choose between all the tags you applied for.

For example, let's say you applied for Shopkeeper, Teacher, Adult, Maiden, and Volleyball.


Choose your occupation:

Suggesting this command specifically because of those who are on sports teams and can't GangRP because of their tag, so instead of buying an alt they could go on a and fill out a forum for each character they have, one for volleyball/any other sports team and one for grade-18(Optional), that's if they want to GangRP or participate in something else.

Also another suggestion to the command, I think it'd be better if you could only apply for three occupations on one account.
+1 Genius idea, honestly this will improve roleplay of different factions
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Level 11

This is so we can switch from a certain tag to another tag instead of spending twenty-five bucks on an alt just for this server.
Not only alt accounts, but also in-game ranks. Not sure about you, but buying F+ over again just because not having /feed is annoying... it can get a little problematic for people with multiple accounts.

Great idea, would love to see this implemented someday (even if changes have to be made).


Level 183

I don't think it should be worked out like described here, however, I completely understand and agree with the point that if you want to play more than 1 role you gotta pay mad money for alt accounts. After all, SchoolRP is something we do in our free time and we shouldn't be forced to focus on only one role and that one role only. However, I do also understand the concerns about things such as AvoidRP though in my opinion this would just be abused by a small group and we shouldn't allow ourselves to stop the major part of the community from having a great feature like this just because a very small part of the community will probably abuse it. Next to that can the staff team and development team of SRP find countless ways to make it harder and less rewarding to abuse. It will probably be easier to moderate than someone switching to their alt account either way, so who knows will help in the battle against avoidrp.

When creating custom plugins we can make it harder to abuse and thus easier to moderate as mentioned above, I myself already have some ideas for this, e.g. limit the number of changes in 24 hours to for example 6 as there are 4 IC days in 24 hours and so allow a teacher to switch to another character after they hosted their classes. And make it able to lookup every change from and to what character.. etc etc, tl;dr : Not really an issue to be worried about in my opinion.

That FRP requires a whitelist, doesn't directly mean it's easier to moderate, I can't say anything about that myself as I am not a member of the FRP staff but from what I know from being RPH staff is that it's not really comparable as the communities differ a lot, whilst we have to deal with hackers, they have to deal with castle raid request or whatever.

I don't think this should be our main concern, as stated above devs can work very good for counter-measures against abuse but we should not let a minority of rulebreakers ruin the fun for everyone else

will probably be in the same plugin, and you can save inventories as a Base64 string, just like we do with lockers, it's really fast and efficient to use for developers, the risk of losing items shouldn't again be something that causes a -1 on this idea but a concern for the developers making it, who are very capable of making very good plugins and can for sure prevent and fix issues like this.

I still believe that it wouldn't have any more issues than people just using warp spawn or log off, maybe in the first few weeks/months but after that not. In fact it'd be even easier to monitor than when someone just alt-f4's their game, we can then still /sr them and get them to play the other character.

- Great idea, but should be worked out a little different if accepted.
- Things like abuse are very much preventable in the way we make it.
- Monitoring this system would be easier than someone logging of and switching to their alt.

Yeah true true.. It also helps fill up roles and have people for other school teams that barely got activity. I also don't think people should pay for alts to be able to play multiple roles they wish to try..

I won't give this a +1 but I'm not against it.. Though it it does get implemented make one switchable between 3 or 2 roles maximum


Level 11

Imagine how much this would be abused. Also imagine being able to swap from KPD to grade 12 to kill another officer out of spite. Also it's against the rules. This would be cool on fantasyRP (which was stated above) but it allready is partially in frp so thats my reason for a -1


Level 25
Community Team
Imagine how much this would be abused. Also imagine being able to swap from KPD to grade 12 to kill another officer out of spite. Also it's against the rules.
Did you even read Tippie's post? How is the possibility of this being abused any different form multiple alts being abused? What's stopping a cop from swapping to an alt and killing another officer out of spite? For everything you can think of: if there's a rule against doing it with another account, that same rule would apply when doing it on another character.

Regarding the original post, I love the idea. In fact, I've already talked with Tippie about implementing basically exactly this system in the past, only instead of just switching roles it would switch the entire character. This would mean a different name, age, description, but also locker, inventory, balance etc. It could even include different access to houses, but that might be a bit too difficult to implement in an understandable way (if you trust zegevlier, which characters of zegevlier are you trusting?). Either way, amazing idea. People should stop worrying about things like inventory loss, that will be dealt with. Especially with the more recent plugins (think banking) it has become near impossible to lose your inventory from them.




Level 11
Did you even read Tippie's post? How is the possibility of this being abused any different form multiple alts being abused? What's stopping a cop from swapping to an alt and killing another officer out of spite? For everything you can think of: if there's a rule against doing it with another account, that same rule would apply when doing it on another character.

Regarding the original post, I love the idea. In fact, I've already talked with Tippie about implementing basically exactly this system in the past, only instead of just switching roles it would switch the entire character. This would mean a different name, age, description, but also locker, inventory, balance etc. It could even include different access to houses, but that might be a bit too difficult to implement in an understandable way (if you trust zegevlier, which characters of zegevlier are you trusting?). Either way, amazing idea. People should stop worrying about things like inventory loss, that will be dealt with. Especially with the more recent plugins (think banking) it has become near impossible to lose your inventory from them.


yes but it is a cheaper way of doing it rather than spending 52$ SRP is the kind of server to have those players who will abuse methods as a cheaper way of buying 2 other alts

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