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Suggestion | Smaller Business Opportunities


Level 21
IGN: altarlamb

DATE: 11/11/2022

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The creation of new builds for smaller business / roleplay opportunities.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Before delving further into the hows and whys, I want to reinstate the key word; smaller. In my suggestion, I'm talking venues around the size of the laundromat and mechanics workshop, possibly smaller.

When it comes to having a job ICly, most if not all venues require your character to work in a professional and formal manner- these job can sometimes feel unnatural to roleplay especially for those with characters who aren't naturally polite and formal, almost finding it hard to actually take working a shifts as roleplay. Karakura has both upbuilt metropolitan areas, such as the shopping district and business park, both of which harbour plenty of server traffic due to the businesses and other interactable features. However, as seen in numerous cases in lore and general build style, there are some lesser 'rich' areas such as outside the shopping district, towards the housing estates and also the skatepark vicinity. I feel as if there are lesser reasons to commute further into these zones, simply as interactions there are limited.

So, to enhance player foot traffic to these areas, I think adding smaller opportunities such as fast-food joints and takeaways would be an excellent idea; they add a more humble side of Karakura, as currently I'm finding we're quite oversaturated with tea-houses and oriental style diners. This would give players an opportunity to roleplay more loosely, eg. a lack of customer service, rude employees and other roleplay starters that would get you fired elsewhere. I imagine locations like these would have 2-3 working employees at most and a very limited menu, but the focus is on the roleplay; not the economical benefit.

Furthering, akin to the laundromat, locations with zero economical income ( purely just venues ) could be built upon more. Having a chance for a family to own a business lore wise, or utilising these locations to harbour as a 'front' for those interested in Karakuras crime aspect. Examples of these could be tattoo parlours, a garbage disposal unit and dry cleaners. As previously mentioned, these are less so for personal gain, but for an opportunity for players to have their own input on Karakuran lore.

I'll begin to round off my suggestion now. Aesthetically, some areas in Karakura feel lacklustre, like there was less thought and planning and therefore harbour less traffic. These empty, stone walls outside the shopping district for example are a perfect canvas for more lore, more locations (all be it small) and more interactions. As hinted at before, all genres of roleplayers would be affected by this- students who work lower-wage jobs, gang members using these locations as a 'front', families building lore around these locations, hospital workers sent out due to mass reporting of salmonella and police being called due to rough housing outside these venues over bad-customer service. Even builders have an opportunity for smaller, more manageable and expressive builds without being daunted by an entire 30x30 grid with oriental traditional interiors. Coming to a close, give us tools to create roleplay.

TLDR: give me a big greasy burger already, maybe even salmonella. shruug!


Level 131

I have been wanting this for a looooooong time, I've just never had the ability to put it in words, I thank you for doing so. PLEASE, the server feels dead, the map feels unorganized, and I think this could take some of the boredom away. As a shopkeeper, I would even be glad to give up my shop to own one of these small stores if that would somehow make it more likely to be accepted...


Level 91
+/- It is great idea, not only would it expand roleplay possibilities and map scale making it in somewhat way more entertaining.

I would like to add to this, maybe planning a future map like a port city of main island where people could engage more with the roleplay (you could add more business chains in there, maybe allowing legalized tailoring companies have their own building)? It was debated many times - adding a new map with teleport setting would be hella loads of work and would take a lot of frustration monitoring players across two set maps. But it is worth to take a risk once and make some grand changes. (:
This is only green idea and is concerning of how players would manage it, but who knows maybe it will turn one or other way round).


Level 71
Shrine Lead
More lore love it!! I also think it’s great to have people expand out and give those who aren’t so fortunate or well done at handling big business to take up a smaller one. It’ll also revive that side of the map that lacks some interesting aspects!


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
+1 I love the idea of more lore <3_<3 Revive certain parts of the map! Im always roleplaying in the same 5 general areas


Level 136
Ok I’ve got a -1 on this but I’ll explain it tomorrow bc I’m very tired. Know this though, my -1 is purely from a builders perspective and map development perspective. However the idea itself is extremely creative and thoughtful and if it were possible I’d add a +1, I just don’t think it would be possible for several build/development related reasons

(Again I’ll elaborate tomorrow I’m very tired rn I apologize)


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
As an existing Shopkeeper, you may DM the faction lead if you wish to re-locate or down-size your shop.

As for other business opportunities, you can apply with a Governor In-Character at the town hall to become a 'Verified Business'; the benefits of this is that your business can claim/purchase an office in a tower as well as have easy access to start your own flash events with the Mayor's support.

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