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Sukii’s (ALSO) Late Introduction


Level 12
Why Hello, Who am I? WELL THIS IS WHO I AM >:D.

okay, for real let’s get this started

Hi! I am Sukii
The Characters I currently Play areeeee
Hiromi Vermillion [Adult]
Atsui Heddo [12-Grade]
- More but not Active right now
Want to roleplay with me? Think you can be apart of either of my characters stories? Or overall have no one to rp with. DONT BE AFFAID TO WALK UP TO ME!

some ooc facts. I am 19! Cis-Female, She/Her They/Them Pronouns.
I am Mixed irl (Caucasian, African American and many more) but I consider myself Black/African American.
I LOVE Sanrio (Cinnamonroll Girl! Also Kuromi)
My favorite Music is Indie but My music taste is pretty much anywhere

Advocate for Positivity, Self Health, Growth, and Spiritual Thinking, as well as Open Mindness.
I believe everyone deserves to live a happy life(if they aren’t actual bad people..), so while you are here let me say this.

Enjoy your life everyday, live through your day and be happy for tomorrow.
thunderclouds will never stay forever, as a Rainbow appears right after.
Love yourself and your body, We only live on this earth once. We are only living in our temporary bodies before we leave them spiritually when our time comes.

so, Please love yourself, take care of yourself. Go clean your room, take a long bath or shower, drink that water, go buy that toy or plushie that heals your inner child, who cares you are over 18? If you want to trick or treat go do it, want to learn something new? Go do it while you can. Do not let anything stop YOU from doing anything in this world as long as it makes you and your life better.

and if you experienced things about yourself that aren’t good, remember no matter how old you are. You can always change, never let the past haunt you.
You can always change for a better version of you, even if you lose people, things, situations. When life notices you are trying to Heal and be better, Life will remove those that bring an negative impact in your life.

And ONE more thing, Do not live life with Hatred or Past Negative feelings. When you let it all go, taking in what you learned instead of regret, or etc.

Life seems a bit more happier when you don’t let the Negativity come knocking :)

Some Amazing people/Groups that I am SO glad to be apart of and met.
The Heddo Family - The Heddo family is a great family. Mo, and Spork (Yaban & Himawari) Are both lovely people oocly and their characters are So fun to rp with!!
Shrine - Sharkiggy is a great person I met through my character, along with the characters Sho, Shoji (Character names) who make the Shrine fun


Asogi Family - This family is a very interesting family, I’m glad my character is apart of them and only hope more to come !

The Peeps who get a Friend shoutout on my introduction!:
Sporkmoment : I love her sm! Literally do anything for her.

BoringBread: We’re siblings, even if we aren’t blood related (yes I still remember this joke)

Zero: They are so cool, I think everyone who meets their character NEED to do actual rp. They make sure to give everyone the best rp experience even when it’s tough times icly. Their detailrping is still something I scream out because not many still do it :)

there are more but one day I’ll just display a list of friends soon so :)

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