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Taekō Lukas-Togomi


Level 7
Basic Information:

First Name: Taekō
Surname: Lukas-Togomi

Preferred Name:
Thai A-ko ( Not Tay-ko )

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 156 lbs

Build: skinny, tall

Skin Color: Creamy reddish white

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Style: Taehyung's Haircut

Hair Color: Brown

Date of Birth: 7/17/2005

Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan

Nationality: Japanese, Asian

Race: Asian

General Appearance

Appearance: A handsome 18 y-o dude standing at 6'4", He has a strong and well-chiseled jawline

Personality: Noice

Diseases/Illness: He got no problems

Character Voice:
He has a Deep voice

Equipment: Bat, glasses

Clothes: A normal white shirt on a black T-shirt

Hobbies: Playing VollyBall, hanging out with friends!

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

Skills: He can do mathematics easily, He is good at fighting

Family: Lukas's & Togomi's


Taekō Lukas-Togomi, an 18-year-old with an insatiable passion for fighting, was at the heart of Karakura's gritty landscape. His life was steeped in mystery and marked by a relentless pursuit of justice. By his side was his younger brother, Kyron, whose life took a vastly different trajectory, one that led him deep into the dangerous world of local gangs and street battles. Taekō's journey was one defined by constant conflict. His enigmatic presence made him stand out, even in the turbulent corridors of Karakura High. He was fiercely independent, prioritizing the honing of his combat skills over the typical teenage drama. He was well-versed in a multitude of martial arts, a perfect blend of his father's cunning intelligence and his mother's rich martial heritage.

Kyron, in stark contrast, was a charismatic and adventurous teenager who found it difficult to avoid trouble. He was drawn to the excitement and camaraderie of the local gangs, living a life filled with reckless behavior and street fights. It was a stark contrast to his brother's commitment to justice, and their lives appeared to be on separate paths.

Karakura High was a battleground, with rival gangs carving out territories and Snake Tanaka's crew being the most notorious of them all. The constant tension in the school only added to the complexities of Taekō and Kyron's lives, creating a dynamic that was both dangerous and unpredictable. Taekō was determined to shield Kyron from the dark family history that had haunted them for generations. He recognized in his brother the same hunger for justice and street justice that he had felt as a young man. The brothers shared a deep bond that transcended their differences, even if it was occasionally strained by their contrasting choices.

Despite Taekō's efforts to guide Kyron onto a better path, he watched as his brother delved further into the world of gangs and street fights, and their relationship became fraught with tension. Taekō couldn't bear the thought of losing his brother to the perilous path that had marked their family for generations. The climax of their story came in a final confrontation, a moment of reckoning for both brothers. It was a time to confront the choices they had made and the impact those choices had on their family.

In the end, the brothers found a way to reconcile. Kyron realized the importance of his brother's guidance and decided to make a change. He began to distance himself from the dangerous world of gangs and violence, choosing to focus on his studies and a more promising future. Taekō and Kyron's journey through life was marked by struggle and sacrifice, but their unbreakable bond as brothers allowed them to forge a new future that wasn't defined by the shadows of Karakura.
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