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Accepted Teacher application || Tcb || Science


Level 7


Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes I do, TcbIsEvil#5311

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, I do have a working microphone

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do acknowledge the importance of the role and that I'll be demoted if I won’t remain active

Describe your activity on the server:
Usually I log on the server for 3h-4h in one day, even though it really depends on how busy I am or how many upcoming exams I have.

Do you have any previous bans?:
Yes, I’ve been banned for not listening to staff, this happened in the first week of me playing on the server and it was hard to understand what's going and I didn’t realize this message was towards me, I’ve re-read the rules since then and learned from my mistakes, hopefully I won’t be banned again

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Nurse application (ACCEPTED)
JSL application (ACCEPTED)
School Receptionist application (ACCEPTED)
language application (ACCEPTED)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

School Nurse


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Science (astronomy and chemistry)

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I’ve been roleplaying as a school employee for a lot of time and now that I gained experience for more major rules, I wanna try myself in different roles and aspects of the server as-well as to see how they work. Personally I think that interacting more with people will make my and their experience much more fun!
IC: Shiori, while working in school, was really enjoying her job and helping kids out. Understanding that she have made her final decision and that she’s ready to work specifically in kid’s environment and helping them in their life progress and teaching them important things

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I do understand

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs helping to the faculty lead confirm that the teachers do join the server and do host classes, by that their amount of activity/classes can be calculated and their paycheck will be based on it

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
I’ll mention the most important rules in my opinion

No eating in class
There are breaks between periods, and only then you should be eating

No electronic devices in class
You shouldn’t be using any type of electronic device e.g.: phone, toys, music etc.

No misbehaving in class
As a student you must behave and listen to the teacher, you shouldn’t be running around or acting immaturely. or in general, doing anything that will disturb the class.

No speaking with each other
In class, you should only listen to the teacher, in case you have something to say or ask you must raise your hand and wait for permission to be granted.

No speaking foreign languages
In class you should only speak Japanese and not any other type of languages to make everyone around you feel more comfortable, unless the student has some sort of type of disabilities and only then they’re allowed to use JSL (Japanese sign language).

Basic rules
Come prepared to class, don't ask for notebooks etc. Don't cheat on tests, always be respectful towards others, don’t curse, don't argue with teachers, don’t get in psychical contact with someone. Listen to the teacher and be focused on the class

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I’ve been playing SchoolRP around 2-3 years by now and I gained a lot of experience from that, StudentRP DetailRP RomanceRP and different situations in general. I’m also currently a school employee and I’m very familiar with the environment of school and students, so it’ll be easier for me to get started. Besides that I also played on some GtaRP/FiveM roleplay servers and other less known minecraft roleplay servers.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of department
↳ Description: Head of department are the most experienced teachers, they’ve worked for a long period of time and deserved their rank, it means they have a lot of experience. Usually they are assisting newly qualified teachers with any questions they may have, and are also responsible for training of UT’s

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Qualified Teachers are teachers that have been working for some time, they’re not new and already got their needed experience. They can assist Newly Qualified Teachers with any questions and will most likely know how to act in many different situations

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Newly Qualified Teachers are new to their job, they’ve finished their training and now ready to host classes by themselves, they still might need assistance and not be sure what to do

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: Unqualified Teachers are new to their job, they’re still under training and not experienced, they cannot host classes by themselves and need assistance from an higher up.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Education is one of the most important things in the modern era, and Teacher’s purpose is to provide education to students and knowledge which will help them later on in their lifetime. But besides educating students Teachers can also play a role as a supporter. Usually they’re very connected to their class and students spend a lot of time with Teachers. They can give the students advice, help them with basic things, etc.

Within SchoolRP, Teachers play the role of teaching students who attend to their class, their main point is to make the server more fun and bring cool experience for those who attend to their classes.

Teacher’s payment can be very different, it can as little as 350,000k yen and as big as 500,00k yen
The amount teachers are going to get is based on their monthly activity. For example if a Teacher hosts 10 classes (minimum requirement) they’ll receive a paycheck of 350,000k yen. This amount raises each time they do additional 5 classes which adds another 50,000k yen to their paycheck, so it can look like that: 350,000k yen (10 classes) 400,000k yen (15 classes) 450,000k yen (20 classes) and 500,000k yen (25 classes)
It is also possible to claim additional 50,000k yen if you get the title of “Teacher of the month”, You can receive it by be the first to teach the class limit (20) and overall show activity besides that

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers play one of the most major roles within the server in my opinion due to a few reasons. Firstly mainly because of the server name and point, SchoolRP is most mainly based around the school and the events that happened with it, and one of the most important things that schools have is Teachers, they change everyone’s experience and give the server’s name an actual meaning. Teachers also make the experience of going to school more fun and maybe even actually teach people a thing or two that they didn’t know. Teachers also of course just make the school environment more enjoyable and they’re very important for the server

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
MoSCo (Must have, Should have, and Could Have)

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plans for the future?

Shiori’s height would be about 5’4, She’d have a skinny figure and weigh around 132lbs. Her long blonde hair and set of green eyes are very bold, as well as her colorful outfit. Her voice would be very calming. The way she talks can sound sometimes too childish for her friends, whenever she smiles you could always hear a little laugh and see her bright white teeth. What’s unique about Shiori is her psychology skills, the way she talks is very convincing and you could always feel a little bit trusted. Shiori would appear to be very innocent, and full of life happiness

Shiori is always happy to help strangers, even if she just met them. She loves to help in general, just as she loves to teach and help her students out. She is always happy to see each of them and see how they have changed and progressed since last time. Although Shiori hates the misbehaving type of students, She always tries to help them understand that education is important and that they should start paying more attention in classes. She likes sometimes when the class is making jokes, only if they’re not disturbing the class or wasting time. With her co-workers Shiori does her best to not act childish as her friends stay as professional as she can, Although if that’s someone who she knows closely, during breaktime she will act a little bit more in her normal behavior.

In a few years, the future. Shiori hopes to progress, help many students and get to see them also succeeding in life. She sees herself making more friends and mainly improving herself, she has a lot of goals that she wishes to achieve and make. Although Shiori trying to mainly focus on what’s going on right now, on the present time as she doesn’t know how her life might go and she always considers the fact her life could go in the wrong direction.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Firstly Shiori would give them a terrifying stare making her face expression emotionless, as she raises her voice tone making it loud and clear. Asking the ‘gang of delinquents’ what exactly do they think they’re doing? Explaining them once more the school rules and that misbehaving, swearing and cursing is bad and can get them in trouble. If the group of students won’t listen she’ll try to call via the radio to higher up to assist her with the situation

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Shiori would firstly stand in the middle of the class, to try and attract most of the student’s attention, making her voice loud and clear and yelling at the class to calm them down. If this won’t help, Shiori will try to use any item that makes loud noise and make noise grabbing the student’s attention and telling them to be quiet. If all the things mentioned won’t help Shiori will will start asking the students that make the noise to leave the class, as also will try to call to an higher up in order to assist her

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
In Teacher’s lounge Shiori will firstly make for herself coffee also offering for her co-workers, after making some hot coffee and taking out the lunch she packed for herself earlier this morning she will find a comfortable small spot with a table and will join the conversion if any is going on, if not she will start one by asking how everyone doing or how their day is so far. If no one in the Teacher’s lounge then Shiori will simply try to plan her future classes and find a cool subject and a fun way to teach it

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me She would organize her workspace a little bit as well as the class itself, clearing her throat before speaking into the intercom announcing her class. Stacking some papers in front of her together and opening the class room’s doors as she patiently waits for the students to come in.

/me She’d take a marker shelf nearby, proceeding to write on the white board, before turning around to the class and telling them to open their notebooks and start copying. As she sits down on her chair looking at the class making sure everyone is copying.

/me She would take a quick look at the papers in front of her before stacking them quickly and getting up, walking to the student’s tables and placing 1 for each before going to the front center of the class and saying “Now a quick test guys! The first three to complete it without any mistakes will get a reward token from me!”

/me She’d sit down, turning a little lamp on, taking a sip from her coffee and proceeding to check the tests, checking each carefully and writing a score as she sighs and takes another sip from her coffee, before hearing the school back and exiting the Teacher’s lounge.

(450+ words)

Shiori Yamada was born into a small, tight-knit family in Karakura, Japan. She didn’t have any siblings, so was given the most attention from her parents. Her parents were cultured Japanese and were madly in love. Despite the years to their marriage, they still had a spark between them and would do a lot to maintain their affection and love for each other. Her dad was quite the romantic, and would seize any opportunity to take her out to dinner for example. Growing up Shiori idealized their relationship and therefore became a hopeless romantic. She would spend a lot of her time watching movies and reading intriguing books, expanding her knowledge of the wider world. But it also meant that it gave her something to compare her parent’s relationship to. Over time, she realized that she didn’t want love if it wasn’t as exciting and as committed as her parents’.

Throughout her childhood years, she was very committed to her studies. Her dad was quite strict when it came to education and had taught her from the start that to be successful in life, education is very important. She would set goals for her to complete on a monthly basis, after all, she was a very organized and punctual person. Her father was a businessman and she was always interested in his line of work, which led to her taking up a Business Studies class in highschool and she pursued this at College. She particularly enjoyed psychology which she studied in her spare time since her school didn’t offer the subject. She had built a foundation of psychological knowledge by talking to her mom’s aunt who was a psychologist for younger kids and researching different topics that took her interest in her spare time.

In school Shiori wasn’t so popular among the kids, she wasn’t their standards and had hard time making friends, however the thing she enjoyed the most was studying with her favorite teacher that was teaching Science. The way the teacher was teaching the subject was exciting for her and she was one of his best students, always ready to study and prepared for classes.

Later having to pick the subjects she’s going to learn in college, Shiori was doubting. Eventually she decided to study Psychology, business management as her minors and Healthcare and Science as her majors due to the pressure that her parents put on her saying that she needs a good Academic degree for a
good life. Eventually after graduating she started working as a Nurse in the same school, But understanding how hard the job is and how much stress it gives her she decided to try a main job now and apply for a teacher being inspired by her High school Science Teacher.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Shiori Yamada.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 27):
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Single/not married

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

10 years? (notes)
Academic Degree:
Masters degree
Year of Graduation:
Healthcare and Science (Astronomy & Chemistry)
Psychology and business management

Native Languages:
Other Languages:
JSL (Japanese Sign Language)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Additional notes about your application:
I'm not sure about this question if referred in general and ic time then my char started working at the age of 26 as a school receptionist
Easter egg

Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, you have been accepted as a Highschool Teacher.

- You'll be contacted via Discord shortly regarding teacher training.​
- Great job on the application layout; well formatted.​

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