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'The Cat of Karakura' | Souta Fujimoto-Komorebi Biography


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Time in Karakura:
First arriving at Karakura, he would have his sights set on keeping his own eyes on his Nephew. Slowly, and over time, he would start to get bored as he would call it. Around this time, Alan had introduced him into the crime side of Karakura. Inviting him to join his first group, Forelli Mob Family. He would accept it and would work up the ranks to earn his spot in the Mob and in Karakura itself, having himself known and currently as 'LION'. During his time in the crime side of Karakura, he would start to be looked at by the Black Market and soon, 'DRIVER' would take him on under his wing.

This would be the height of his crime life, until.. he came to a semi-halt when he met Koizumi Saiky with one of his Mob members. Whilst talking to a Priest, he would hear his gang member scream and Souta would investigate it. At first, the small woman seemed like a joke to him and he took it as a challenge to get under her skin as her student easily listened to his words on leaving the area and giving the shrine some respect. Upon some bickering and beefing, Koizumi would throw one of her sleeping herb sacks at his face and he was knocked out and soon, started his fall for her. During their getting-to-know-each-other phase, they would be inseparable with one another. slowly move up and up in their relationship and soon into marriage.

(The background on Souta is barebones as to give you a taste of Souta and to get to know him ICly... please he has little friends)

Current Song with Timestamp - 'Beautiful Things, Benson Boone' 02:18 - 02:35

Comic by KomoVA - Souta is in a few of these chapters


The Fujimoto/Komorebi Family
'I love you all, and somedays. I miss being around you. Mum, Dad... please come back to me one day.. I know you can't but.. I pray for you to see me.'

The Zennix Family
'The only reason I see you SOMEWHAT as family is because of my sister. That is all, you are nothing to me.'

[!] The Entire of the Saiky Family would be removed [!]

Ren Misono Fujimoto | Oldest Adopted Son | Alive
'I love you my son, we might had met in very odd terms but you are still someone I will die for.'

Dorian Ikki Misono | Daughter-In-Law | Alive
'I know my son is much, and I thank you for loving him and the rest of the family.'

Buer Misono Tachitsu | Granddaughter | Alive
'REMEMBER Arson ONLY on the weekends!! And off school grounds... for the love of the Kamis....'

Kuro Fujimoto | Youngest Adopted Son | Missing
'Come back to me Kuro, I know you are trouble.. but I cannot lose my son's. I love you both.'

Burrito | Pet Fox | Alive
'I love you, i need to make you some more tacos.'

Kurai K. Tachitsu | Best Friend | Alive
'You always had my back and I will have your back.'

Alan Jackson | Best Friend | Alive
'You showed me this town and continue to put up with me. Stop being a jackass.'

Calico O'Sullivain | Best Friend/Ex-Girlfriend | Alive... Somehow
'You are someone I can tell everything to and not have the entire town know. I love you Cali.'

Vanora Crombie | ??? | Alive?

Sky Edgeworth-Hanazono Volante | Close Friend | Alive
'Thank you for being there for me.'
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Level 42
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YOOOOOOOOO the icon himself! I love this man <3_<3 (Your ability to RP is scary in all the best ways)

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