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The club isn't the best place to find a lover, so... wait, where do I go? | Shop Faction Suggestion


Level 3
IGN: simonblackquill
DATE: 11/13/22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Create or designate space for a bar or comparable establishment within the Shop faction.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Karakura is a dingy, crime-ridden town full of sleazy scumbags. From a narrative perspective, it makes little sense for such a despondent city to lack a bar. While space for a bar is theoretically present due to the nature of the Restaurants, Cafes & Bars category, it has instead been overrun by sit-down restaurants and cafes. There’s no inherent issue with this, but it seems a little redundant to neglect the potential for a bar in favor of having multiple cafes that essentially fill the same role with minor variations. Of course, an alternative solution would be to remove ‘bars’ from the umbrella category entirely, and create an individual slot for one bar.

From a glance, it might not be apparent why it matters. Plenty of existing restaurants have their own in-house bars, right? Why not use those, or buy alcohol from a store?

A bar provides a unique socialization opportunity that restaurants don’t. You’d be weird to sit down with a bunch of strangers while they’re waiting for their food at La Casa. However, bars and pubs are notorious for fostering first-encounters, especially between adults — a category of characters which have little opportunity to befriend one another in the absence of this type of space. Career day proved that there’s a thriving abundance of active SRP players willing to pour their efforts into writing their adults, employed and unemployed alike, yet there is no present area on the map for these characters to connect with one another, unless they’re pre-established co-workers. The bars at many of the existing restaurants and cafes often lack roleplay-centric execution, rather focusing on getting orders completed to deal with the rush of customers, and few head to them with meeting new characters as a goal. I’m sure I’m not alone as a member of the emergency faction that would appreciate a reason to go off-duty and an opportunity to meet others’ characters from the various adult divisions existing on Karakura. We worked for these roles. Many of us are dedicated to our characters. Bars are a special setting — nothing beats dumping your troubles onto a stranger while karaoke is poorly performed a few feet away. It’s a rare environment that encourages dynamic roleplay open to anyone viable who chooses to join.
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Level 9
i could definitely see a location like this being ran by any of the community teams, particularly the event and/or lore teams! it could function similarly to an event zone, that way it doesn't need to be considered a shop in the actual faction but instead a hip little lowkey, miscellaneous location with interactivity tacked on. +1 all the way.


Level 11
one-hundred percent this. i think the shop faction could serve for some really great roleplay opportunities if just given the proper chance, there's something incredibly charming about a sit-down bar full of characters all looking to let the edge off after a long week's work. the current system in which people go to shops, grab what they need, and head out is fine and works well in its own right, and the way that restaurants operate also makes sense for what they are, but neither of them provide writing opportunities like a longterm bar would


Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead
I really wanna bring back the Yakuza bar/ Mariner or something similar!!!
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Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
+1 I want more influence towards Valentinus relapsing on alcohol because who wants a happy character anyways?!?! (Just a joke… hahah the +1 isn’t though)


Level 91
+1 This would very beneficial and would liven up mood on the server, as same map remains plain for long and doubtfully will have many major changes, mini shops or drinking bars/pubs would give a small refreshment to a community. Maybe have weekly friday dj shows there for people to pop in vcs.


Level 121

There's a spot open for a bar, you can apply for one if you have an idea for that! Our roster can't be increased due to limited spaces on the map as is. Just apply for a shop!

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