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"The New Age" | Hanazono Clan ; Yakuza


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'The New Age' | Revival of the Hanazono Clan
"To the realm of tradition, loyalty, and strength. Within these revered walls, your heritage finds its home, and your spirit resonates with the echoes of countless generations."


We, the Hanazono Clan, exists not only as an organization, but as living compassion in action. It is our mission to protect those who cannot protect themselves, to be a source of hope in our town, to foster a new age in our town where the principles of kindness, loyalty, and chivalry come first. Karakura is a crime-ridden city, filled with street gangs and criminals who only serves to violence, running around the town with nothing but malicious intent towards others. The people have no other choice but to hide as they fear for their lives, but this could change, we need YOUR help to fight against what this town currently is, the Hanazono Clan only has one goal, and that is to make Karakura great again, this is not their only goal but one of their biggest priorities.


With the goal of helping the city, by joining our Clan we have smaller money-making tasks, like debt collecting, protection deals, and so on. Though if legal ways are not your thing, we do offer other types of 'jobs' upon becoming part of our organization. You may see clan members walking around with flashy silver marked pins to represent the clan, a silver flower that shines within the light, so feel free to approach any of us whenever.

OOC NOTE: Besides the things mentioned we offer training in P2L, as well as to how to properly CrimeRP on the server, or just aid new players in learning more about the server. If you'd like to join and experience a new type of "GangRP" then feel free to apply. To join you need a mostly clean reputation and a good understanding of what Play To Lose on the server is, if you think you meet these requirements feel free to join the Discord at the bottom of this post! Be sure to fill in the application with as much detail as possible, If accepted you will be pinged.


HANAZONO CLAN... Tied with the previous patriarch, Sakuta Hanazono, they were the ones who had a close history with another Yakuza, the Akihito Clan. Built upon the foundations of loyalty, chivalry, and a sense of belonging in Karakura, they were one of the few non-violent groups in Karakura that had a sense of justice among them. Though not as highly respected as the Akihito Clan, they tried to improve the lives of the people in Karakura by providing support and assistance whenever it was needed.

But tragedy struck as one of the higher-ups of the Clan betrayed the patriarch, leading to not only his death but a devastating internal conflict that threatened to tear the Clan apart.

Upon the murder and death of Sakuta Hanazono, the Clan was left in chaos and turmoil as the foundations slowly crumbled apart one by one. Before slowly disbanding, only three people were left in the clan: Asahi Higasa, Sky Edgeworth, and Eli Zennix. The three remaining members departed and went their own ways in Karakura. With unwavering loyalty and a burning desire for justice, Sky, the younger sister figure of Sakuta, vowed to uncover the truth behind Sakuta's death as she worked for the Akihito Clan. Meanwhile, Asahi picked up the Hanazono name and became Asahi H. Hanazono as he went abroad, traveling the world, honing his skills, and gathering knowledge from various cultures as he became a businessman in other countries. Eli, on the other hand, found solace in his role as a teacher. He dedicated himself to nurturing young minds and instilling in them a passion for learning before quitting and becoming governor of Karakura.

As fate would have it, years later, their paths converged once again when a series of coincidences happened in Karakura. Asahi offering Eli the chance to become a Hanazono, and by adopting Sky by middle name with the consent of her actual father, the Hanazono family was slowly rebuilt under Asahi. Though Sky's relentless pursuit of the truth led her to find out who the true murderers of her brother were—the people to whom she had dedicated her life and sacrificed everything she had—they were the ones responsible for his death.

Leaving the Akihito Clan, she sought Asahi's assistance, and in turn, she went after revenge, moving from gang to gang, gathering information, as slowly the Akihito Clan and its state fell. After the death of its own patriarch due to an unrelated event that the Hanazono Clan was not involved in at ALL, it crumbled as she watched. Now that the Akihito Clan was gone, Sky worked in secret as she plotted her next move to avenge the Hanazono Clan and her brother. Working to revive the Clan and restore its former glory with her now as the Matriarch of it.


During his years in Karakura Sakuta has been a part of the 'Akihito Clan' Karakura's biggest crime family to date, he stayed loyal as a thug under the patriarch for a few months, by the end of summer events started to unravel causing his behavior to change drastically his loyalty slowly starting to fade as he grew more stubborn and wanting to do more on the. . well less pleasant side of the clan, he wanted to do something that would let the clan grow and be more feared among the city but only being a thug that couldn’t happen. He decided to leave Akihito and start his own yakuza in his own name but a subsidiary under Akihito but the patriarch didn’t like the idea of one of his members creating their own clan. This led to Sakuta having a one on one fight with the patriarch, a few minutes Sakuta lost with the patriarch being much stronger than him, he also lost something else.

Sakuta left Karakura for a few years. . he came back to Karakura his behavior was different, he started the clan ‘Hanazono Family or Clan, it was different from Akihito in some places but still followed the Yakuza code, it was an independent clan with the Captain being Sakuta’s brother Lenard Hanazono, the clan was a rival to Akihito due to the history of both patriarchs and they both knew they would cross paths again and the conflicts that it would bring in the future.

-> Original Hanazono Family Post <-


If you share our values and are driven by a passion for protecting others, consider joining the Hanazono Clan. Together, we can continue to write a story of compassion, loyalty, and chivalry that transcends generations, a family that cannot be broken by others, and bonds that will forever stay. Do you think you have what it takes to change Karakura for the better? Do you have the determination to protect those who cannot protect themselves?

OOC NOTE: A reminder to those who will apply! We are unlike other gangs who tend to lead themselves to violence, as we are instead, a somewhat of a humanitarian gang as we protect and assist people. And though we still engage in numerous criminal activity, the rules are intended to prevent our yakuza from being involved in ordinary street crime.

-> Join and apply on our Discord today <-



Level 102
This entire threat is nostalgic

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