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Toyo S. A. Shimasu Biography


Level 7
Toyo S. A. Shimasu

Basic Information

First Name: Toyo

Surname: Shimasu

Preferred Name: Toyo

Aliases: Smiley

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height: 6’1

Weight: 180

Build: Masculine

Skin Color: Pale

Eye Color: Icy Blue

Hair Style: Long on top, and short on the sides

Hair Color: Brown

Fashion: Ripped jeans or dress pants, and mostly silk shirts and hoodies

Abnormalities: Sides of his face are cut open forming a huge smile

Date of Birth: September 21, 2000

Place of Birth: Cassino, Italy

Nationality: Italian

Race: Italian

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religious Beliefs: Christain

General Appearance

Appearance: He would be a 6’1 male and a muscular body, He would in a silk shirt and some dress pants, He would have wavy brown hair, and his icy blue eyes would glisten from the sunlight.

Personality: When you first meet Toyo, he will appear mysterious. He won't open up about any topics in his lifetime. Otherwise, he is kind and caring to others. He will put others first before his need. Once you are close to him, he will open up about his past and what he has gone through in his life

Diseases/Illness: N/A

Character Voice:

Kaneki Voice

Equipment: Toyo will always have a watch on his wrist. And he will often have a mask on him and a katana or a reaper

Clothes: Toyo likes to wear ripped jeans or dress pants and silk shirts and hoodies

Hobbies: Toyo likes to go out with his friends and to just mess around. And with the Shimasu family, he will often kill

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: n/a

Skills: At around 10 years old, Toyo took fighting classes so he could defend himself and not end up like his parents.

Quirks: He is mostly good behaved around everyone, but when out at night with his family he is quite violent

Family: Sadako, Aiko, and Shimasu


On September 21, 2000, a small boy by the name of Toyo Suzuki was born in the small town of Cassino, Italy to the parents of Evelina Suzuki and Roberto Suzuki. For most of Toyo’s life, he was abused by his parents, Toyo did most of the household chores and if it wasn’t done right his father would beat him with a belt. Toyo didn’t really have an education since their family didn’t have any sort of income, but whenever he could get his hands on a book around the streets of Cassino, he would pick it up and start to read. When Toyo was 10 years old, he came home from playing with his friends to the horrific sight of his parents both dead on the floor with their throats sliced. Toyo had no emotions shown, he didn’t feel sad or vengeance, he felt...happy. From that day, Toyo took the last name Suzuki out of his name for one reason. He never felt apart of their family. After that day, Toyo got a part-time job as a fry cook at a restaurant, he worked there for about 3 months After that time period, Toyo took the money he had earned and enrolled himself in some fighting classes. He learned many different skills and moves to use if you ever were in a combat situation. Toyo took those classes for about 9 years. When he was 19 he decided to move to Kurakara to experience what education was like for normal people. When he had arrived there he had made so many friends. And the best day of his life approached. He was invited to join a family, three actually, Sadako, Aiko, and Shimasu. He felt loved in all three of these families that he finally replaced his last name from Toyo Suzuki to Toyo S. A. Shimasu.

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