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Tranquilizer for EMS against Animals


Level 60
Mido doesn't work like that. Mido is only strong enough to knock down a human body, and is not made for animal usage. Plus we'd need to get directly upclose to the animal meaning we'd be at a higher risk of being mauled by the animal in order to protect others. - EMS is not about risking our lives, but about saving those who need it.
this feedback could always change that to make it so it works with humans and humans, EMS also has pepper spray which they could easily use against a bear if needed (tho thats not normally done..)

Edit: The tranq also doesnt last that long so in reality it be useless to ems, they cant do what they need to do to a bear in a minute or less...


Level 328
There seems to be a misconception of the idea presented here. The main issue that police has also been dealing with is the fact that players like to hang around bears, resulting in countless bear calls at times, which overwhelm KPD when they have other duties to attend to. Implementing this idea would solve that by taking away that duty from KPD so they can focus on other matters.

Moreover, there also seems to be a general dislike to this due to the fact that KPD takes quite some time and several promotions to be given a tranquilizer. You must know, though, that the tranquilizers handed to EMs can't be used on people. It's a tool that can only be used on animals.

There have also been mentions of Midazolam. However, this tool is only used on humans (The reason why EMS has been using it on bears is because there was no other way for them to deal with that. Realistically speaking, midazolam is not enough to actually put a bear to sleep). Furthermore, the issue of range also comes into play, as so far, EMS had to get up close to the bear, risking their own integrity (which they wouldnd't do it in real life due to obvious reasons).

Finally, not all EMS will receive this tool. The veterinarian role is exclusive to those who have passed the Vet certificate, which has their own set of guidelines, limited roster slots, etc.; just like police sergeants and above do. In essence, what this suggestion aims to do is to take away one of the burdens in emergency calls from police officers to EMS, taking into account the overall negative comments in regards to bear calls from previous forums posts.
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Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
Adding onto Yonio's response here - Only paramedics can use midozolam (as the permissions for it are restricted to the paramedic role), and they do not respond to animal calls (as its a veterinarian duty)


Level 60
There seems to be a misconception of the idea presented here. The main issue that police has also been dealing with is the fact that players like to hang around bears, resulting in countless bear calls at times, which overwhelm KPD when they have other duties to attend to. Implementing this idea would solve that by taking away that duty from KPD so they can focus on other matters.

Moreover, there also seems to be a general dislike to this due to the fact that KPD takes quite some time and several promotions to be given a tranquilizer. You must know, though, that the tranquilizers handed to EMs can't be used on people. It's a tool that can only be used on animals.

There have also been mentions of Midazolam. However, this tool is only used on humans (The reason why EMS has been using it on bears is because there was no other way for them to deal with that. Realistically speaking, midazolam is not enough to actually put a bear to sleep). Furthermore, the issue of range also comes into play, as so far, EMS had to get up close to the bear, risking their own integrity (which they wouldnd't do it in real life due to obvious reasons).

Finally, not all EMS will receive this tool. The veterinarian role is exclusive to those who have passed the Vet certificate, which has their own set of guidelines, limited roster slots, etc.; just like police sergeants and above do. In essence, what this suggestion aims to do is to take away one of the burdens in emergency calls from police officers to EMS, taking into account the overall negative comments in regards to bear calls from previous forums posts.

if it gets treated like how KPD treats riot shields as in limited number/in a chest not on them at all times then...ehhh? because in reality what vet is carrying around a tranq on them at all times.
with the death of gangrp i don't think kpd would mind dealing with those bear calls as its something for us to do in the end.

Edit..again: name a bear call where you've needed 10 tranqs? in reality they would only ever need 1-2


Level 19
Although bear calls have overwhelmed KPD in the past, it wasn’t because we had other duties to attend to, rather it was because people kept walking up to the bears and being attacked by them the second we left and returned back to the station. Taking this away from KPD and handing it to EMS would simply just overwhelm them instead as people would continue to behave the same unless some sort of punishment or enforcement would take place (such as a new FearRP rule being added or IC punishment other than just a simple fine). I am aware that we can arrest them for Obstruction of Justice if it’s a repeated offense, though that rarely happens. Like Eco mentioned, there overall isn’t much activity going on for the police faction lately for reasons we all know to the point where there are more 110 calls for EMS than there are for KPD (which is really uncommon). I don’t think this is a feature that needs to be added at this time as responding to those calls will at least give officers something to do other than to patrol and sit around the station.


Level 135

Comparing tranquillisers to glocks is a redundant argument. They are not the same, and despite them being used to replace glocks, it has nothing to do with the actual functional use of them.

I see EMS being able to use tranqs so long as it is for ANIMALS ONLY. I feel as if any EMS caught using a tranq for the wrong reason can simply result in a demotion from the faction anyways. If KPD are arguing the fact that they have no time to answer the many calls that players are making due to aggravating bears, don't you think it's time to pass the responsibility onto someone else who does have the time? Another example of this is how town faction took over filing restraining orders for the KPD.

There's no shame in passing responsibility on to someone else. It's best to give the ability to someone who does have the time and wants to spend the effort answering these many calls than to gatekeep it and claim that they wouldn't have the time either.


Level 19

Comparing tranquillisers to glocks is a redundant argument. They are not the same, and despite them being used to replace glocks, it has nothing to do with the actual functional use of them.

I see EMS being able to use tranqs so long as it is for ANIMALS ONLY. I feel as if any EMS caught using a tranq for the wrong reason can simply result in a demotion from the faction anyways. If KPD are arguing the fact that they have no time to answer the many calls that players are making due to aggravating bears, don't you think it's time to pass the responsibility onto someone else who does have the time? Another example of this is how town faction took over filing restraining orders for the KPD.

There's no shame in passing responsibility on to someone else. It's best to give the ability to someone who does have the time and wants to spend the effort answering these many calls than to gatekeep it and claim that they wouldn't have the time either.
I never said that KPD doesn’t have the time to respond to the calls, rather it can just be frustrating to always having to keep heading back to the forest to deal with the same call over and over after having just left the forest. As mentioned in my last response, handing this duty off to EMS would simply put them in the overwhelming and frustrating situation we get put in and doesn’t really provide a real solution to the issue.


Level 135
I never said that KPD doesn’t have the time to respond to the calls, rather it can just be frustrating to always having to keep heading back to the forest to deal with the same call over and over after having just left the forest. As mentioned in my last response, handing this duty off to EMS would simply put them in the overwhelming and frustrating situation we get put in and doesn’t really provide a real solution to the issue.
I disagree. KPD have a lot to do whereas the vet department doesn't. I don't think they're going to be too stressed out in the slightest. Again just because it's stressful for you doesn't mean it will be stressful for a department meant to handle that task.


Level 89
I see EMS being able to use tranqs so long as it is for ANIMALS ONLY. I feel as if any EMS caught using a tranq for the wrong reason can simply result in a demotion from the faction anyways. If KPD are arguing the fact that they have no time to answer the many calls that players are making due to aggravating bears, don't you think it's time to pass the responsibility onto someone else who does have the time? Another example of this is how town faction took over filing restraining orders for the KPD.
I completely agree with this, Only time I believe it should ever be used on a human is if they have OOCLY permission from the faction lead to be corrupt, However corruption in the hospital is very rare.


Level 19
I disagree. KPD have a lot to do whereas the vet department doesn't. I don't think they're going to be too stressed out in the slightest. Again just because it's stressful for you doesn't mean it will be stressful for a department meant to handle that task.
As I’ve said before, KPD has little to nothing to do lately with the decrease of active GangRP activity, so I think continuing to allow officers to respond to those calls until the activity at least increases again is only fair. I just don’t see a use for this feature to be implemented as of this moment.


Level 53
Community Team
Lore Team

Whether I like this suggestion or dislike it is out of the question - the points given are already offering strong arguments for this change. The only thing I would like to point out as a negative is the fact that the realism behind EMS (those with the required rank) having something to tranquilise bears with comes into play with the fact that, realistically, EMS aren't going to be carrying rifles. The actual tranquiliser item itself was made to become suited with that of the KPD, not EMS. So, to counteract this, I would suggest creating a tranquiliser handgun that substitutes as a rifle. I would also like to suggest that, if the handgun approach was considered, that the dart amount carried in the item itself was one dart per cartridge. If that proves unsuccessful as an implementation, then simply having an item with the same properties as the rifle to be copied over to the handgun.

The duties as a vet are simply additional features to their primary EMS role that they subject themselves to as far as I'm aware, so whilst they have other duties, the addition of a dart handgun may settle things on the realism front. No rifles, please! I understand that not everything on this server aims to provide realism on the odd occasion, but EMS carrying rifles on their back simply doesn't particularly settle with me. I understand some may see this still as the fact that 'EMS are gaining items from the KPD', but I feel as though this is the only other item that would be added that would truly be considered an option. Others are just pointless and should be disregarded unless there is some firm reason behind it.

Another thing I'm keen to inquire is - how are EMS managing to find themselves in an altercation with a bear during patrols? How are the EMS giving them motive, and yet, the KPD whenever they see a bear, simply don't? Please let me know if there's something I'm missing. A lot of these responses truly consider and defend the KPD, but the subject matter is about EMS. Nothing is being 'stolen', it is being utilised for a seperate purpose, despite the same idea of tranquilisation.


Level 19
I can see both sides here. As a retired KPD officer, the tranq did feel like a reward for making it as far as we did, which is why I can understand some people not wanting to give EMS the tranq. I like the vet role as much as I love being a psychiatrist. (sometimes) We have very little to do, being unable to patrol without a doctor or respond to calls as much as a paramedic would, and being able to respond to bear calls as a vet would give us something to do. And saying KPD worked hard to get their tranq, EMS works just as hard for promotions, which is why it seems a bit unfair to use the KPD having to work hard for the promotion to get their tranq a bit silly. And the vet has a limited role anyway, so very few EMS would even get a transcript! And as several people have mentioned, this can be used against bears only.

Along with what Will said, this does not have to be an exact copy of the tranq. It can be smaller with less tranq room, and EMS can be limited to how many darts they can carry on them, similar to how the Glocks used to work with limited clips.

Once again, as others suggested, if it's used for malpractice like tranqing people, it can result in a demotion and removal of the vet tag. This should be limited to only vets should it be added so that not every psychiatrist gets it.

This can also have its channel on the EMS side where we log each tranq dart fired to prevent misuse of the tranq.


Level 175
mo my dear lovely friend. . beautiful ides but -1

tranqs were a replacement for glocks, theyre illegal unless carried by KPD and EMS having access doesnt rlly make sense. In real life hospital workers dont have access to tranq guns


Level 105
mo my dear lovely friend. . beautiful ides but -1

tranqs were a replacement for glocks, theyre illegal unless carried by KPD and EMS having access doesnt rlly make sense. In real life hospital workers dont have access to tranq guns
tbh in real life officers also dont use tranqs, realism isn't a great argument in this scenario. if anything it makes more sense for vets to have tranqs than officers; if it's used for ANIMALS only (no exceptions, no corrupt, no events) then i think it'd be fair

ima have to switch up to +1


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We'll look into creating a separate model for these. If we do implement something, any use on humans would be considered FailRP.​

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