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Trust is a luxury | inspiredbyenvy BMD application #2


Level 61

inspiredbyenvy (applying account) - Adult
HYPN0T1Z3 - College cheerleader

Describe your activity on the server:
I am an extremely active person, especially lately due to my being out of school. From when I’m awake to when I fall asleep, it is quite explanatory that I have no life, Even when school does start back up again for me (end of the month) I’ll still be online from when I get out of school, and when I go to bed, yet my times will be very limited (around 6-8 hours per day) it does still keep me active, and more active than the normal person.

When school pops up (end of the month) my activity will be going down to 4 pm EST - 10:30 pm EST. From my normal activity as of now, which is from when I wake up to when I sleep.

I do understand that the activity on this account is extremely low, yet it should be popping up more soon.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
elliot3670 and I do have a microphone.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
I’ve had some very heavy motivation with GangRP for the longest time, ever since I joined SRP. I was a part of some major gangs, or some of the bigger ones, yet none of them were rather enjoyable, Whenever I do find myself in a situation, or a gang that I do find enjoyable, I try to stay a part of it for the longest time. Those are the ones that I find enjoyable; about two of all of the past gangs I’ve been a part of have been linked to this. You may be wondering, how does this link to my motivation? I find these certain situations within GangRP enjoyable, and I am very sure that these do happen within BMD! Due to the many interactions happening where you hand off a weapon, these most likely happen a lot due to the surroundings, along with these. It brings situations, where I am able to bring others the same narrative that I have seen in past gangs, GangRP situations, combatRP situations, and more. The purely roleplay-based areas in the faction also intrigue me even more to be a part of this from what I have seen; a lore-building group of people.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
I believe that how long I’ve been on SRP, and the strengths I have in keeping calm in certain situations can help me stand out from the peers applying for this role as well, especially with being able to adjust quickly to any situation, and the people around me. I also have what would be the proper motives to go for a role like this, especially in the crime faction. I’m willing to learn anything that is needed, and I quickly blend in (proper word choice coming soon) to any situation that can be thrown at me.

I have quite the joy of planning things for specific characters and people. To fit a certain group of people, especially in the GangRP community as I have been at least a bystander to most of the community due to the unliking in most of the events. Yet, whenever I can I help to plan events; the more interesting I find an event, the more likely I will be to help plan it. Interest in events is key to me and being able to help out with them, either creating them myself or helping out with ideas that are needed, or ideas that can make it more enjoyable for others. especially in the GangRP community.

I am able to say I am one of the most active people I know, almost constantly online even if it means I am AFK. You’ll probably see my name somewhere online at all times, besides when I am sleeping. (Sometimes I do even keep my PC on and on SRP when I am sleeping, yet that has not been something as of lately.) That is something I bring into every faction I join, I try my best to stay as active as possible and if I feel like I can not do so, then I ask for my role to be removed.

Even when school is in session for me, I am still as active as I can be. And due to me practically having no life outside of SRP, and online at the moment, I am as free as I can ever be.

Very flexible person, which comes with being free a lot of the time. I have been in situations where quick choices have been made and I quickly adjust to it. Along with this, I can make quick choices and adjust to them. This should come with everybody and everything, any faction. A lot of things can happen last minute and change a whole lot for what events could be happening in the future. This also comes along with, if you need an event quickly done, or a quick choice (most of the time) I am able to lend a helping hand, help with an idea or two; or just straight up give ideas that I have.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
I have been a part of many teams oocly and icly, I have specifically always worked to make sure everybody is involved in team events, as those seem to be a struggle all around within lack of communication! I have been a part of many things, that would help me out teamwise with teamwork (ex; (oocly) clubs, counsel, sports. (icly) clubs, sports). I personally am very good at making sure everybody's voice is heard, even if it can be something that others may not seem fit for the situation, I make sure everybody's voice is heard, and I make sure that they feel like they are a part of the situation. I’ve struggled with this before myself, and it never makes a situation better just leaving it be and feeling left out, ruins your motivation for what you are going for.

I, in full honesty find working with teams to be a lot more fun and enjoyable; especially if you ever need help with questions, The team around you can be better equipped in certain situations, or questions than others can be.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
The biggest suggestion I have at the moment is to make more public events for everybody to see and take part in; events, as we’ve been in the past, can be something along the lines of explosives! It happened during a trial, personally and in other people's words, they are the best types of events to see around on SRP, it shows how active SRP can be without its small groups of people causing chaos once in a while, and showing how active GangRP is behind closed doors, giving the slightest glimpse into what happens. A lot of the suggestions that I think of, come from friends' complaints or complaints I hear a lot of the time; that isn't rule-changing.

A lot of people I have interacted with, also want to see a more in general.. more events involving gangs, gang wars, less alliances in a sense that stop these fights. Along with that; introducing 'Hellweek.'

This inches into the real sight of gangs or the ones you will see in movies or TV shows. (I'm not well-equipped with a realistic knowledge of gangs, and I never wish to be.) Yet, introducing this can make more interesting situations within GangRP! The main purpose of the idea is to have more public events; I do sort of recall something like this happening before, within the housing district of Karakura, yet in a gang war sense. With Hellweek, the main idea I have for it is to introduce or re-introduce 'Gang Turfs' yet in a different way. During this week, we will find out the availability times for all of the UV (Unverified gangs) and V (Verified gangs), and assign each gang that wants to participate a street. Every gang will be given a symbol, like a star. You can not hurt anybody without a symbol, due to them not being apart of the event! Yet you can minor people holding a different symbol than you are. Specifically, all around each other (Ex; Denki Road, Dengen Road, Shicho Way.) Which during the week, they will basically have to 'protect' in a sense. If these is another Gang member, from a different gang, holding a different symbol in their 'turf' they are granted minors while they are in the turf boundaries. They count each KO (no mugging perms of money; some people will go even more broke than they already are) as a point, by the end of the week the gang with the most points will win a prize, which can depend on what is happening in Karakura at the time, or the current GangRP population can vote on what their prize can be upon winning 'Hellweek.'

That is the main idea I have at the moment, more ideas and suggestions do come and go over time, so no worries about me thinking of any more of them, more and more ideas appear the more time I dedicate to a faction. The main ideas I do have, will most likely be events. As that is so far, is the main thing I see lacking; as other factions have more events, public and private.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes, I am.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes, I am.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, I am and I hope that none of those will happen.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes, I am.


Full Legal Name:
Michiyo Saisei

Criminal Alias:

Age & Occupation:
29, unemployed

Gender & Marital Status:
Female - single

Ethnicity & Race:
Japanese, East Asian

Known Languages:
(Applying for; Korean & Russian.)

Former Associations/Occupations:
Coroner - Unnamed corp.

Highest Level of Education:
Ph.D. in Criminal Psychology

Physical/Mental Ailments:

Known Family Members:
Onryō Saisei - Twin sister
(I do play Onryō on another account, and it will be like that until I am able to get a different person to do so.)

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Michiyo Saisei is a Japanese woman who stands at a height of 5’6. She stands out by her peers due to her unique appearance, long red hair that is usually and mostly tied up into a messy bun to keep flyaways out of her face, she has vitiligo spots covering the bottom half of her face and her body. She keeps an eye covered with an eyepatch due to being partially blind in it, her eyes being narrow she almost fits the description of a fox, her eyebrows almost always furrowed. She had a few scars adorning her face, she never exactly had a straight style for what she wore, changing all of the time, she never exactly looked the same whenever somebody sees her. Forever changing, maybe even still finding her own style.

[ Once her skin is done, I'll be putting an SS here - hopefully shes done before these get checked! ]

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Michiyo is overall very complex, with her looks and with her personality... It changes a lot! At times, she loves to be around people, yet only people that she knows personally, she hates being around specific people (ex; cops… self explanatory) yet in certain situations she is willing to put it behind her and have certain interactions. She is the type of individual to plan everything in her head before she even breathes wrong. Sometimes it ticks like a ticking time bomb in her head with any event, she is always prepared for the worst-case scenario. She takes things seriously, she is the type of person to not exactly take a joke.. especially around new people.

She hates new people. She enjoys keeping her own little group of people and keeping them close.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:

The nonsense has escalated.

In the city of Shinagawa, there was a Family Dynasty between the police force and the Saisei family, They all followed the people that came before them and became police officers, and due to their family being so well known, they quickly all raised the ranks. That was expected for years to come until Michiyo came into the world. The one named after the ‘eternal generation’ completely stopped the Dynasty to their name.

You slowly realize you weren't meant to save the world, you were meant to destroy it.

As soon as Michiyo was born, she was instantly shown into the police world, through small games of cops and robbers when she was a child! It eventually became even more over time, her parents telling her about the family history that she was in line to continue, they also almost instantly during her years in high school told her about the corruption of the line they followed. The Saisei name meant something else to them than it did to their city, in the family it meant something of corruption, they all had power and they knew it. To the city, it meant savior, some people they could always speak to and ask for help.

'You don't seem to realize this yet, but I will find you, sooner or later. And when I do, it won't be pretty.'

Michiyo changed the meaning behind her name in her high school years, she told everyone she knew. She even tried to report it to the Commissioner of the police force, which failed dramatically, and she was reprimanded much during her teen years due to her attempt to save the police work from the people they trusted most. She ended up getting into a huge fight with her sister who was following her parent's choice to become an officer. Blood spoiled, yet again, Michi threatened that if she ever spoke to her sister again when she left the home the situation wouldn't be pretty, either ending in murder or attempted murder on Michi's end.

Congratulations, you have survived! Now live with the trauma.

The reprimands she was used to by her family and her own twin sister, worsened over time, leading to screaming matches due to Michiyo's unwillingness to stand down to her own family. She never lost these fights between her and her family. Her family thought she was more than strong enough to become a police officer, so they tried to manipulate her to the point of thinking that family corruption was something every single police officer had ever done, this quickly failed due to Michi's past research within the force, Michi laughed in their faces at their in her mind, sad attempts. This ended with blood getting spilled, her family becoming abusive, still trying to push the belief of becoming a police officer onto their daughter. This failed quickly as Michi ran away from home, going to the person she deemed closest, the uncle who decided not to follow the family line as well. This led to Michi joining his line of work.

'My bloodline is irrelevant to my value!'

Michi soon rose the ranks in her new job; as an online professional in hacking, of course, she was involved in hackings against the police workforce, hacking into their databases to change anything she could in her family name, that was her whole point in life during her high school years, was looking for ways to ruin her family name, once she was old enough at 19, she joined her nearest college. She searched and asked the people closest to her, and her uncle. She soon found herself in studies filled to the brim with morgue work, which is something she did end up doing once she left college, for around two years before the rumor that she had a criminal background spread, she quickly fled..

'I am the monster you created Onryō'

As soon as she left her old workforce, she and her uncle moved elsewhere. This is where her talent in manipulation sparked, she worked on it. Her friends and fake lovers are the victims of her mental maze. She completely had control of the people around her, it brought her power and she let it get into her head; she quickly developed what people call a god complex.. She now moves to Karakura, leaving her uncle behind. Her old life is behind her.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:

[ This situation may end up happening, it all depends on if certain things go to plan. ]

Snow crunching underfoot as Michiyo moved through the streets, hands in her pockets, her phone buzzing over and over again.. She was heading the hide-out, this was yet her choice to make money in Karakura, selling weapons and items that are not given out to the public.. Of course, Michi. Pick a difficult job!

Her phone rang and rang, it got to the point where she turned off the ringer on her phone to finish her order.. Picking up specifically what the customer wanted; a pocket knife and a gas mask! Typical.. She was humming a small tune in her head as she worked her way around the sewers, ending up at the spot a few minutes after her customer showed; masked of course. After making sure they didn’t have any phones or such on them.. She had the person pay, yet this didn’t seem like a normal order.

Stares between the two masked were shared, Michi tilted her head, which wasn’t normal behavior from a customer until a weak voice was shared by the stranger. “I know who you are, Michiyo.” Michiyo froze, she knew exactly who that voice came from, even if it was muffled. “What did I tell you last time I fucking saw you Onryō.” The masked no longer stranger was obviously irritated as they removed their mask; just as Michiyo thought.. Family, what in the world was family doing here, in Karakura? Michi left nothing behind before.

“I miss you, Michi..” The familiar voice said, Michiyo only getting even more angered by the nickname usage. “I told you this before, you will be getting hurt next time I see you, What are you; stupid?” Michiyo’s anger grew and grew as she spoke.. “I told Mama and Papa, you weren’t a bad kid.. Just misunderstood, come home to us. Help me fulfill the dynasty, you were misunderstood! I understand you now, Michi.. Come home.” Michiyo scowled, even more, she hated this person with all of her soul, it showed on her facade. "I've explained this so many times to you Onryō.. I do not want to be with the horrid people I am blood-related to, I made my own family here in Karakura." With every word that came from Michi's lips, more and more aggression appeared against this person she despised..

The blood related to Michiyo raised the knife she just bought.. "I'm telling you now.. It's so much easier to just come with me; come home." Michiyo grinned, staring ahead. "You won't even dare... You do not know me anymore." These two continued their argument, it just got worse as time went on. Blood is spilled, Michiyo leaves the area victorious, gloves stained with the blood from her own family.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
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Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for applying to join the Black Market. Unfortunately we have decided to deny your application, although well written it was unfortunately rather short compared to others. In addition to increase your chances of applying next time, we'd love to see more involvement from you within the Crime community.

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