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Valentin S. Kagenouta | BIOGRAPHY


Level 10

First Name: Valentin
Surname: Sidorov-Kagenouta

Preferred Name: Val, Valentin

Aliases: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 6’0

Weight: 135lbs

Build: Slim

Skin Color: Pale

Eye Color: A dark variation

Hair Style: His straight natural hair was neatly styled and kept to either side of his face.

Hair Color: God If I know, I’d say a coco type color. Maybe a variation of light ash blonde.

Fashion: Anything comfortable yet stylish, He enjoys making an effort on getting dressed and nice.

Abnormalities: Valentin’s personality differs daily, At some times acting completely different than other times.

Date of Birth: 11/18/2006

Place of Birth: South, Korea

Nationality: Korean

Race: Asian

Sexual Orientation: Very Closeted Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: N/A

Political Beliefs: N/A

General Appearance

A 6'0, 135lbs Korean male who seemed to have a strong easy-going personality. His hair was neatly kept and his skin smooth, He had a strong Vanilla Wafer scent. Although looking decently in shape and taken care of, the palms of his hands would have smoothen out calluses from a certain instrument or two. His nails were painted a sparkly white but seemed to have been slowly chipping away.

Personality: The closest way I can describe his personality is very stubborn. If you’ve ever watched the show 9-11 he is extremely like the character Evan Buckley and Albert Han. He is an ENFP personality type. (watch the show this is not a request it is a demand/j)

Diseases/Illness: N/A

Character Voice: Valentin Voice Claim

Equipment: Carries his photography camera, a singular cake pop in his back pocket. Strawberry pocky, and his phone.

Clothes: Usually seen wearing his white undershirt with a maroon red tie and a blue white striped jacket over that. This is along with white maroon striped pants and maroon shoes.

Hobbies: Music, Writing, Photography, Film-making.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Like I stated previously he is a very stubborn individual, Usually doing the exact opposite of what people say. He isn't addiction to anything and isn't diagnosed with no particular disorder.

Skills: Pretty much anything that isn't math or correlates with math.

Querks: N/A

Family: The Sidorov family! Too lazy to copy and paste what I have on my other char for the Sidorovs, So I'll list that biography here. Castiel Sidorov


It was a breezy and treacherous night, The rough wind clinking against the cold-to-the-touch window. There laid in a small bassinet was a fragile baby boy, Valentin Sidorov. Just hovering above him was
Two masked men, Their masks were pitch black but small splatters of blood were evidently perceptible. Their rough voices matched that of the wind, Grazing against Valentin causing a sense of fear to rush over his tiny body. His wails then began to fill the room, The wind roared louder with each tear. Soon enough, One of the men pulled out a diminutive and barely readable sticky note. Placing it on the top of the bassinet a gradual grimace arose on his face, The other masked man would then swoop up the bassinet, clutching it tightly in his hand before they began to walk out the door.

Valentin was born in South Korea, Then moving onto Karakura, Japan where he was given to the Sidorov household at the adolescent age of 13, He grew up not knowing about his biological family. Or not enough for him to remember anything, From what he knew. He was in the orphanage since he was just a mere infant. Over the years Valentin was a very active child, Both activity and personality wise. His grades in school consisted of the regulars, Never failing but not often succeeding either. Valentin’s personality as a child and now continued to differ, Whether it was yearly, weekly, or even hourly. He would take up many sports, curriculars and so on. The personalities he had varied from acting severely childish, to calm, to then aggressive and mean.

None of the activities Valentin did in his freetime stayed, In fact most would stop reaching his interest level after two weeks. One of the only things that Valentin still enjoys doing now is playing the electric guitar, As well as the drums. Because of these activities that Valentin would often participate in, He had learned a lot of useful things. Such as some medical history, Some criminal such as fighting, and dealing. Although, Valentin doesn’t speak much about his previous interests. He just sees them as previous phases he’s had, Even if they lasted a bit longer than two weeks. Occasionally they would return, But not lasting as long as they did for previous ones. As for the knowledge he upkeeps, He pretends he doesn’t know or understand most things.

I mean, Some of it perceiving true. Although he was a smart and fast learner he would occasionally get things confused and mixed up, Causing him to just pretend he was incompetent for people to think it was a part of his personality if he eventually acted like it. So, In front of others and especially family he would act as if he knew no better. One of the many things he struggled with was math, Valentin hated math. It wasn’t his best subject and at times it would cause him to break down and go nonverbal. Although it wouldn’t take long for him to recover, Other subjects for him were easier and less stressful than math. He enjoyed the little things such as English, and writing essays.

Valentin would finish schoolwork pretty quickly, Although never turning in his homework or even doing it for that matter he was a smart kid when it came to all things writing. Most of the time, He’d refuse to do anything math related even if it involved his writing journey. Understanding that most activities, hobbies, and jobs include math he still wasn’t set on the factor. Various people have tried to help him understand math, A variety of teachers, siblings, friends and family. To which, None have succeeded. Due to his occasionally stubborn personality when dealing with math, It was the least of his worries and it was clear he didn’t care much.

Valentin has no present medical history, He hates all authority figures. That being school faculty, KPD, EMS and more. The only people he actually likes that are in any of those are related to him, And even then he hardly tolerates it. He doesn’t like being told what to do, If you were to tell him the opposite. He would 100% do that instead, As if you were to ask him to clean the dishes while he was in the midst of doing it. He would stop, And not continue the process.

Author Notes:

I've had this character for a while but have been fighting back on making a biography for him. NOW HERE IT IS, YIPPEEE! The main reason for that is because I just have so many fucking characters that I play 24/7 and kept forgetting to make this. But here I am, RAAAAAAAAAAAH! Also if you see this, Join SIDOROVS!
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