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Venus 'Bun' Reyes; Character Biography (2nd one)


Level 118

Basic Things

Full Name:
Venus Reyes



Bun, "They're... Them", Ven, Venny



Bisexual? Pansexual? Omnisexual? Who knows, it's Venus for all we care about.

Venus, Venus, Venus.. Venus is a serious person but can be really bubbly. It may also just, not care about anything. Uh, doesn't really speak? She uses TTS most of the time, muscle memory kids. Venus may also get guilty, embarrassed or panicky (is that even a word?) really quickly.

Physical Description:
Venus is a 5'6 king with fluffy, short-ish hair which was both brown and blonde. Skin grafts covered their body while a chunk out of their right arm was missing, Venus' body was easily found, a face you could never forget.

J.D's Voice <3



Aurelie Reyes Nishikawa 'Eli' [!] Adoptive Sister [!] Alive
"The best sister I could ever ask for, I'm really thankful for her."
Hanako Reyes 'Hani' [!] Service and Guide dog [!] Alive
"My 1st furbaby. Such a sweetheart of a dog, really helpful too! Obviously!"
Chibi [!] Cat [!] Alive
"My 2nd furbaby. Well- No fur so- Skinbaby? Anyways, mah sphynx, adorable child!"

None, single baby

Arisu Mishimi [!] Crush, Friend [!] Alive
"She has my heart, although we haven't known each other for long, I've fallen in love with her. She's really nice. I felt really embarrassed about the kiss I never got, you left me there for like a minute, the wind passed us in that time before you did something."

Best Friends:
None :sob:

Eri ??? [!] Friend [!] Alive
"Ly, Eri."
Arisu Mishimi [!] Crush, Friend [!] Alive
As already stated above.
Hansuki Ikki [!] Friend [!] Alive?
"You helped me a lot, Hansuki. Your tutoring was everything to me. You mean the world."

None as of now

None as of now

MinJun Zennix D. [!] Ex-Boyfriend [!] Alive
"Min, the breakup really did break my heart. I do get that I stressed you out majorly though. Have a great life with whoever is with you next!"

Thomas Hikatashi, 'Bear' 'Hika' [!] Ex-Boyfriend [!] Deceased
"Out of the two, three? Two? I dunno how many, but out of the many relationships we had, none of my other ones could compete against those. You were killed outside of Karakura, I'm still yet to get revenge on those who had taken your life. Have a great time in your afterlife, I will not forget you Bear."
Kushabi ??? [!] Ex-Boyfriend [!] Alive
"Well, you see, I don't really know much about you anymore. We're complete strangers now basically."


Hair Colour:

Blonde and brown.

Eye Colour:
Eyes? What are those?

Hair Style:



Distinctive Features:

It's blindfold definitely being one, but aswell as their hair. The skin grafts and scar on her left forearm, connecting it to the upperarm.

Items of clothing:
Anything! Depending on the day and how they feel, he may dress fem or masc, gender neutral too!

Uh, items! Anything, plushies, bags, a little card (The sunflower lanyard type card, showing the disability). The card is usually in her bag or in his pocket.

Scars, Burns, Tattoos:
Tattoo scars, like, wherever a tattoo is, one where her forearm connects from reattachment surgery, skin graft scars. Scars from the missing skin chunk. 3rd-Degree-Burn on her right wrist "Do not touch" covering a tattoo. Tattoos, one on her right wrist which is covered with the burn, on her left wrist a newer tattoo of the planet Venus! On her left thigh was a cat and on her right was a dog tattoo. On her right forearm was a rectangle of tattoo ink, covering something that was pre-tattooed. On her back was a dolphin tattoo. The back of it's left hand had "Thomas Hikatashi" written down with angel wings and a halo, a dove close to it too. On his left arm was a daisy with 16 petals followed by the words, "M + V - Does not work out."

A monster tab septum piercing.

Two lip piercings
A tongue piercing
An earring on it's left ear.
A silver chain that connected to the
monster septum piercing, this was on her right ear.
A black industrial piercing on Venus' right ear
alongside the chain.

Mental Health:
Venus' mental health is definitely better than others in Karakura, still not the best but, at least it's decent? :) Although their insomnia, PTSD and Anxiety make it really horrible.

Venus has
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Summary of the page:
PTSD is a psychological disorder which is developed when a traumatic event has happened. Either past or present.
Venus has this disorder due to, them getting attacked by a bear, losing her eye as a whole, and causing blindness. Then being neglected by the man it chose to be as her father figure, bear in mind (pun intended ;) ) this was when she was just attacked by a bear, fully blind, in a dark, graffiti tunnel. Then finally, to top it all off, his boyfriend was murdered after they had just found out that Thomas faked his death before, they were together again for around 2-3 weeks, yet it felt like months as they never really broke up before he did fake his death. This hit harder than anything else since it was someone she loved dearly.

Anxiety Summary of the page: Anxiety mental disorder becomes serious once you avoid situations that might cause you to feel rather anxious, you regularly experience symptoms of anxiety, which could include panic attacks.
Venus has this due to all of the things that have happened/are happening to them in life just in general. A simple slap to Venus can cause a minor mental breakdown, and carrying them can cause a major or minor panic attack depending on the day. This affects them massively and gives them major trust issues with ones that come near.

Insomnia Summary of the page: Insomnia is a disorder which makes you lack the sleep that is needed, poor sleep can lead to being worried a lot which leads to a lack of sleep, it is an endless cycle of hell. This can affect anyone and everyone.
Venus gained this the night they turned fully blind, it made them paranoid, causing them to think, "Will I be kidnapped? Will somebody come to murder me?" It started off with small instances like that until they turned deaf, it became a lot more major as they couldn't hear around them, and their surroundings were complete void to them. It rarely sleeps anymore and when they do it's only for 30 minutes to an hour or two, that is when she is with trustable people and safe surroundings.

Bradycardia Summary of the page: Bradycardia usually occurs and appears in people who are over the age of 65 yet that is not always the case. Bradycardia may also occur in heavily active people. Bradycardia is where the heart rate is lower than the average person (60-100 bpm).
Venus had been diagnosed with this since they were diagnosed with Epilepsy, what caused bradycardia in Venus is seizures and the eating disorders, Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa, both of those previous eating disorders caused Venus to have electrolyte deficiencies and electrolyte imbalances.


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