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Venus Fly Trap | M3M0R14M's BMD application V3


Level 61



M3M0R14M (applying account)

Describe your activity on the server:

I am decently active on the server. Considering myself one of the more active players as of recently especially on this account and character as of recently, as my interest has spiked in Hoshi’s lore and character development. Especially with her being quite a unique character from my normal jock characters, or completely a**hole of a character (pardon my language).

Going back on the topic, my activity is always at its strongest. I will be online from when I get out of school ( as of the week of this application being written, it's been at an all-time high as midterms and finals are this week.. Giving me a surprising activity from around 12:30 to 12 PM. Which is unusual for me normally.)

4 pm EST to 11 pm EST
9 am EST to 2-3 am EST
10 am EST to 12 pm EST

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:

elliot3670 - I do also have a microphone and I’m more than glad to speak in vc’s.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:


What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:

Most new SRP players can always say one thing.. That they wanted to be just like somebody, and always wanted to be involved in the same group, for years. Sometimes it fails, sometimes it succeeds.

Now why am I mentioning this in my motivation?

The first group I was apart of on SRP was a family, a GANGRP one at that. Ever since that day, my little ‘greenie’ grade-12 self running around with a bat, running around icly with the wrong people, I have always been interested in what it holds, and what the future of gangrp will be. Finding the right group for my character to hang around about, was always difficult. Trying to figure out

I can say confidently from the day I joined SRP, from the first family I joined.. I always wanted to be a part of the ‘gang crowd’. Which I’ve almost kept up since I was apart of the crowd, of course some breaks happened in-between. But having the type of chance I can have with being in BMD, finally doing what I've wanted to do for the longest time would be something I'd be extremely grateful for.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:

I hate this question.. I never know what to put to it, because everybody is different and everybody has things that make them stand out, and provide to a team.. Yet - heres some things that I believe will make me stand out against the bunch.


In my own opinion.. I’m an amazing planner when it comes to events, I love being a planner to any sort of event. During my time in SRP GangRP, I’ve almost always been a bystander to these events, yet I want to change that. This application being accepted or not, I will still have my own motivation to being apart of these events, joining gangs, and finding out what happens specifically in these sorts of events.


Is there anything else I need to say on this..? Look at my activity!! I’m as active as I can be, and that is surprisingly more than other people are active.


With being such a freebird in a sense comes flexibility. I have been in more than I can count, with situations that I have to make a quick decision, yet I still need to make it to the same ending point, same destination if you will. A lot of the time, some small thing that can happen in a situation in under a MINUTE, can change an event or a planned situation out entirely..

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:


Clubs & Sports

Okay, anybody reading this is probably asking the same question as I was when I was originally writing this.

“What does clubs have to do with a damn BMD application?”

Clubs, especially in the one that I have at my school, go into deep about being active, and having active members. Meaning, we’re always thinking of new events to host within the school, and keep an active club going, and making it known. I’m mentioning this specifically for the part about suggestions - this shows through in the clubs that I am in, where the longer I am apart of something, the more suggestions I will think of to help something become better, or even event ideas.

Sports, who doesn’t love sports? I’ve been part of a few of them before, and I don’t like to repeat myself.. Most of this relates to what also happens to clubs in my school. YES, our sports host events, and I don’t mean football games where theres some stand in the back corner. I mean.. Actual events.



Now,. ICLY SPORTS!! Oh doesn’t everybody love some JockRP and being apart of a group with all having at least one thing in-common? Sharing the same love for a sport. Recently, and in the past I’ve been apart of the College cheer team and the college track team ; both of these have shown that I have worked in teams before, and that I thrive in them as I was apart of both of those teams, for around a year each.


This is honestly something I’ve debating on putting in this application for many reasons.. Families arent really realized to working with a team, or other people in general.. With being a higher up to a few families over the past few years, I’ve realized almost everything it can go into with making an event within a group, and getting your ideas across the table.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:

I don’t have many at the moment, as I will be completely honest. I’ve been lacking with being involved in Crime Situations, as it hasn’t been at its best as of recently. Yet, i’m here to help the crime faction see improvements. The more I get involved in the Crime Faction, CrimeRP, GangRP, and more the more I will be able to give.

Yet, there is one that I still keep from my last application.. An event idea to be specific.


From the gangs that I have been apart of as of recently, and from friends and my own personal experience, I’ve always wanted something along these lines.

This goes into showing the more “realistic” sight of gangs ; aka.. The ones I’ve seen in movies, or TV shows. Yet, introducing an event like this could make it more interesting in the world of GangRP. The main purpose goes into more public events ; this may not be something that BMD itself hosts, maybe an upcoming gang can.

I have seen something relating to this within a Gang war in the past around the Housing District of Karakura. YET, with ‘Hellweek’ this will be different. To keep it somewhat organized, every BMD will be granted a crew / gang to watch over, keep track of KO’s and if any majors are given out, keep track of who was majored. Upon finding out times that most UV Gangs and V Gangs are available, and assign each gang or street crew to a road (ex ; Denki Road, Dengen Road, Shicho way. - The people living on these streets, if not apart of the event are granted immunity, as long as everybody else that isn’t apart of the event.), to avoid people not involved in gangs getting involved ; every crew will have either a specific attire, or a symbol on their attire that resembles them being apart of a certain gang. During this week, everybody that is involved will have to protect their own road, basically turf. If a house owner on those roads, is apart of it, or wishes to be somewhat involved yet not be in a gang ; they can offer up their house as a group turf spot. ( Explained ; people are able to spray their house, leave behind things around the house. YET, after Hellweek is over, everything will be removed that was placed.. And they will earn some of the prize that the gang they were involved in as well.) Being granted minors, and nothing more during this time. From the event, nobody gets more than Minor perms on eachother ( even after being KO’d ) unless agree’d on oocly by both people. Each KO is counted as a point for their crew.

Upon getting points, at the end of the week. The winning group will win a prize, it can depend on what their crew is on what they will get.

First place ; special prize that is specifically chosen for their group.
Second place ; 3-5 weapons of choice.
Third place ; money prize.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:

Yes! I am.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:

Of course I do.. That sort of just makes sense, doesn’t it?

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:


Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:

Of course.


Full Legal Name:

“My name is Hoshi Andante, meaning Star and to Let go.. Kinda funny isn’t it? I was a let-go star. I was a falling star people say!”

Criminal Alias:

“I go by STAR.. well, with friends. Around my group, I go by ‘Rogue’. I’m sure you’re smart enough to figure it out.”

Age & Occupation:

“I’m 34, currently working under my friend..”

Gender & Marital Status:

“Female, she-her. I’m divorced, getting back into the dating life!”

Ethnicity & Race:

"French, European!"

Known Languages:

“French, German, Japanese.”

Former Associations/Occupations:

“I still work in an association called ‘The Operation’ if you want to know more, get to know me outside of the interview.. Let me tell you. Working with a friend is something good to have.”

‘The Operation’ is not considered a gang.. Rather a group made to scare a certain somebody - if more information is needed, shoot me a DM via Discord.

Highest Level of Education:

“College Ph.D.”

Physical/Mental Ailments:

GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

GAD, is uncontrollable worry about various aspects of life.

For Hoshi it stems from her teen ages when she was in constant fear of the startup of the cult of being in pain or being attacked for opposing beliefs. She always is on edge and expects a threat to become present, even when in the situation; there wouldn’t be any threat.

BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)

BPD is described by instability in self-image, relationships, and mood. People with BPD may experience the fear of abandonment, and act off of impulsive behaviors.

For Hoshi, it stems from how two-faced her nature is, where she can go from being a mother to many to all of a sudden ruthless. Her protectiveness over people around her stems from fear of abandonment and her struggles with trust show through the instability of her relationships.

Known Family Members:

The parents of the family are NPC so they will not be listed among the played characters.

‘NIET’ Andante
DEAD [ Unplayed character ]
Everett Andante
ALIVE [ Inactive character ]
Echo Andante
ALIVE [ Inactive character ]
Bao Andante
ALIVE [ Played character ]
Dionysus Andante
ALIVE [ Inactive character ]
Ushigami Andante
ALIVE [ Played character ]
Achilles Andante
ALIVE [ Inactive character ]
Hinnagami Andante
ALIVE [ Played character ]

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:

“What, want me to stand up ‘n twirl for you, darling?”

Hoshi stands at a tall 6'10.. yet along with her height, she radiates some sort of charm, and a motherly aura. Freckles covered her skin, nowhere untouched. Along with moles scattering along her skin. Along with a crooked nose, a golden septum piercing sat between her nostrils, star-like points going out to every angle. Unruly ocean green hair fell down her back, visibly damaged due to how many times she's had to redye it over the years, rarely ever pulled up into any sort of ponytail or bun. Her eyes resembled some sort of sea foam fitting into her ocean-esque design. She moves almost slowly, and with grace.. yet it is always obstructed due to her joint's painfulness and cracking. Beyond the constant cracks, she held wide hips and a curvy build, which she fit perfectly. Gold rings, necklaces, and sometimes belts build the elegance she already shows off. If anybody ever got close enough to look at her back, there were multiple stab marks covering it.. All healed, yet messily stitched up. Two carvings stuck out against her skin - S. E. on her right thigh, and 忠実さ on her right arm.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:

“I dunno how people describe me.”

“Oh- I didn’t know she was capable of love. - She’s so clearly pain driven, I didn’t think love was on her list..” - R. H.

Hoshi due to her past grew up respecting everybody she knew - until it was proven otherwise.. Which is still something she holds to this day, she’ll respect everybody like family. She is a mother figure to many, being protective of the people she holds dear. She is a friend of many, and even after showing what her actual intentions are, they stay close.. Most from the force of people who haven’t met the real her.

Hoshi is the definition of two-faced, one minute she can be the sweetheart she presents herself to be, calling everybody she knows ‘doll’, ‘darling’, ‘love’, ‘sweetheart’.. A typical mother figure or somebody who loves all will do. If you meet the other side of her.. Let's just say there is no going back from it, she becomes ruthless and unforgiving.. She does anything to protect the people she cares about, stemming from her fear of abandonment. She is completely impulsive, she doesn’t think back before acting or talking to somebody.. She says what's on her mind, even if she is aware she shouldn’t.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)

“I played in a symphony... Want to hear it?”

‘Break the cycle.’

Hoshi Andante was born into a working-class family in the small town of Eze France, both of her parents gave her what she wanted.. She was surrounded by the good arms of her childhood, family love, and friends. Her childhood was one that everybody wanted, a good one.

As Hoshi entered high school she gravitated toward a specific sport.. Hockey, she stayed in the sport and made some amazing friends throughout high school while she was on the sport; she became sort of a popular kid during those years as she stood out against the crowd of people for her constantly dyed hair.. She would always have dyed hair from that day forward, something she would always remember herself as.

‘God may forgive, but I wont.’

As college eased into her future, during her last year of high school she left hockey to focus on her studies..

Which worked, and ended in her having a scholarship at one of her local colleges, which she rejoined the ice. She loved the cold feeling because it was so distant from the feeling she normally had at home and around her friends with the warmth. Until the feeling of cold stopped being something she physically felt, and turned into something she socially felt.

She started off on the ice being amazing at her loving sport, something she would never have given up.. Until she became somebody's rival. Hoshi was the one getting all of the attention due to her being given a scholarship due to her sportsmanship.

The bullying and harassment from a teammate made her soon leave the toxic sport in her eyes, something she would always enjoy doing.. But she hated the people. She didn’t want to leave.. But she had to keep herself mentally healthy. And that always came forward in her eyes, since her parents both struggled mentally, to keep themself afloat.

‘One for sorrow, one for mirth.’

Hoshi looked for a purpose in life after hockey, and she found herself in a local cult in her hometown.. She was sucked in by the leader's charisma, it momentarily filled the void.. Yet she came soon to realize she was the leader of the cult after a few years when she was 24 - due to her being a dedicated follower. When she was moved up to leader, instead of doing teachings on the old leaders, she tought her own beliefs.. before the people started to riot, which made her flee.
‘Started as a Mugging and ended as a Hostage Negotiation.’

Theres not much here.. Hoshi doesn't talk about it.. at all.

Hoshi met her now ex-husband, everything started off amazingly until their wedding night.

He started abusing her.

Guess where he is now?

‘Echoes come back to me - A Whisper in Your Ear.’

Her ex-husband ends up in jail.. Where she makes a request of a hit on him from people she knew on the inside.

2014-01-14 17:30
2015-12-27 11:42

Forensic Detective
Lucien Beauchamp
Eze, France

Incident Report

Report Number: 0001503

Date and time of incident: 00-14-2014 15:43

Location of incident: Cell 4030

Type of Incident: Murder, 1st Degree

Reporting Officer: Lucien Beauchamp, E329

Involved Parties: [ REDACTED ]

Victim's Information:

Name: Étienne Dubois

Date of Birth: May 15th, 1984

Contact Information: N/A. The victim is dead.

Suspect Information:

Name: Marcel Démon

Description: 5’10 French male with a shaven head. Last seen in Cell.

Relationship (if any): Cellmate


Witness 1:

Name: Thierry Noir

Contact Information: Cell 4036

Statement: “He got what he deserved.”

Witness 2 :

Name: Sébastien Mortefeuille
Contact Information: Cell 4036
Statement: “He did what he had to do.. We were given an order and we followed it.”

Details of the Incident:

Detective Beauchamp and Detective Beaumont walked into the cell block and saw Marcel beating Étienne in Cell 4036 and Mortefeuille and Noir kept a watch on the situation while Étienne was bleeding out. Marcel was taken into police custody once again and was put into a private cell with an in-process added charge of Murder in the first degree.

Evidence Collected:

Photo evidence of Étienne’s beaten body.
Marcel’s fingerprints.

Actions Taken:

The investigation has been completed.
Marcel is now in a higher state prison along with his charge of Murder in the first degree.

‘You’re the one I need.’

As her second return to Karakura came into the picture, she found herself involved in a friends-with-benefits game with a player of hearts. She was sucked right into his game and fell head over heels rather quickly.. Yet she is struggling with wondering if it's just his game, or if there is something actually beyond the affairs. Along with this heart-wrenching affair, she tries to keep her reputation at an all-time low.. Staying out of the public eye.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:

Heels clicking against pavement.. The sound of Hoshi’s own melody, something she became more aware of whenever strolling through the sewers waiting for a call.. The waiting time for a call normally won't last long, but she found the peace in the silence.


“Whatcha want?”
“Knife - Pocket knife.”
“135000 yen.”
“I can do that.”
“Alright.. Meet me-”

The clicking and clacking against the floors were back again, she slowly made her way to the destination, masked, attired, and with a pocket knife in hand.. Not really ‘in-hand’ it was in her pocket. Hoshi made her way through the sewer maze, before stepping upon their agreed upon meeting place.. There was a long wait, before her phone rang again from the same number.

“Hurry the fuck up, I have other customers.”
“Turn around.”

Upon hearing that eerie message over the phone, she slipped the pocket knife originally meant for her customer out of her pocket.. Only to be met with a singular person standing at the corner, masked, attired.. Was Hoshi just being paranoid?

“Why did you take so effin’ long.. - 125,000.”

While paying.. The customer all of a sudden turned the knife on her.. A group arose from the shadows as Hoshi was fighting the person off of her, this was all apart of some planned attack that the group had on the dealer.

“See if she has any more money on her.”
“Take any other weapons she has.”

But did they plan on her actually fighting back from this attack? Apparently not. Who would have guessed what happened next? Even throughout the moment, where she was practically fighting for her life, she was able to think.. Some-what rationally, like anybody would. It was her fight or flight system going off.

Hoshi pulled out a Sai, a weapon of choice of her own. Something she always had on her, for her own protection.. Attacking the first person at hand ; the one with the pocket knife she just sold them. Cutting on the base of their arm that held the PK, causing them to drop it to grip in pain, dropping to the disgusting sewer floor.. Splashing in the water.

“Now, SCRAM! Or it’ll end up worse for the rest of you.”

Hoshi had no actual intentions of hurting anybody else.. But she kept up the persona, she didn’t want them to turn on her again.

Everybody else, ran off in a frenzy.. Hoshi was able to think more rationally in moments like these than their normal targets ; somebody they would KO on the street.. Hoshi bent down, picking up the pocket knife. She slipped about 100,000 yen of what she got from them back.

“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood today, now run off and get that checked out.”

The wounded scurried off down the sewers..

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:

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Level 270
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

Thank you for applying, but I've decided to deny your application for the following reason(s)

Due to the amount of applications we often have to deny good applications due to the lack of spots, whether it's due to differences in applications or server reputation. However, we encourage you to reapply in the future.​

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