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Very serious suggestion that is in no means a joke one.


Level 68
This suggestion is now serious guys and you can give it support in []

IGN: Hymol_13
DATE: 1/10/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: This event will add the following changes to the rules during the 24 hours of the 1st of April. Everything that happened during this event will be voided.


  • KPD members must act like the sterotypical "Evil Cop" and have the right to shoot anyone if they are being "bad citizens".
  • Where is your mask? All the masks of Karakura have fallen into the backrooms. (Masks are still in your inventory but you cannot wear them and masks are to be ignored during roleplay).
  • Money and items cannot be mugged.
  • The constitution claims that PDA (Public Display of Affection) is strictly prohibited as it is a menace to society. KPD members must arrest lovers on sight.
  • Breaking and Entering in peoples propertys is now a constitutional right (Breaking and entering doesn't require or give permissions to players).
  • All animals can talk in Japanese.
  • No dying. Minecraft EULA has prohibited death in minecraft. Every character revives 5 OOC minutes after death. During those minutes the player can move their character to another location and this has to be ignored by other characters. When describing how you killed a character your their execution must be cartoonish, never gorey or realistic.
  • All characters have KPS over goverment members. (Goverment doesnt know why citizens want to murder them. (KPD doesnt count as goverment) (They will slowly figure out that they are being chased by citizens)
  • All characters have KPS Unverified and Verified gang members. And they will have access to an IC list of gang members and. (Gang members don't know why citizens know their identities or why people want to kill them).
  • Faculty members gain KPS on students when: (Students dont know they can be murdered for this IC and so they dont have to FearRP)
    • Students bully other students (the bullied one shall perish too)
    • when students talk in class.
    • when students steal food at the line.
    • when students swear.
    • when students mention the bobcat/spartan drama.
  • Inflation: The prices are going up and now you can only buy (apples 250 yens, water 1 yen, grimace shake 500 yens, and fishing rods 2000 yens.)
  • Climatic change: Wheather will alternate between sunny and thunderstorm each OOC hour. This results in:
    • Thunderstorm: Any player with umbrella will be struck by lightning to death IC. Fishing will always give you a metal pipe that will attrack electricity and make a lighting strike kill your character
    • Day: Looking at the sun makes you blind for 5 seconds. It is very hot outside, drink water when the chat warns you with "[!] You feel very warm and hot, you should drink water" this happens every 5 OOC mins and shows to all players at once. Not drinking water will result in you starting burning alive.
    • Night time: Herobrine and SCP-096 come out of the sewers to hunt for humans.
  • Hakishida akadasha is now named Akihisher Hakadasher
  • The word "crazy" gets censored in OOC chat. No more rats or rubber rooms.
  • Dr bright cannot play SRP under any circunstances.
  • During a trial, claiming that you were "feeling quirky" leaves the Judge no choice but saying that you are innocent of your crimes.
  • France is IC a fictional country such as Narnia or the middle earth.
  • SCP-096 is in Karakura and will kill anyone who sees its face.
  • You can be dropped now at backrooms if you slip outta reality.
  • Grimace shake is now being sold at 7/11 and it instantly kills you.
  • Bears can leave the forest.
  • All cheerleaders members are to be ignored. They are attention seekers and that will make them mad.
  • Herobrine has been added to the game. He is roaming the sewers and will jumpscare you! (Some moderators have to act as herobrine.
  • (NEW!) Everyone has KPS on Tom Brown.
If the administration team wants to add a few changes to the base suggestion go for it! There are too many so dont be afraid of removing some.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This is meant to be a chaotic event for all players. I know very well the community of players you have on your server and we all know they are chaotic and random, this event will fit their way of thinking and make them cuase chaos for the sake of it. I would define this suggestion as a little trolling for the playerbase. There is not actual reason not add the Hymol_13 :) experience to the server. I understand that it is very chaothic but, isn't april fools meant to be random and quirky? RAWR
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Level 61
See... this would be funny for only October, there's already ghosties around. Why not have fun with chaos?


Level 62
This suggestion is in the general section because it is a joke. I hope this clears any doubts. I would love to see this in game tho.

IGN: Hymol_13
DATE: 1/10/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: This event will add the following changes to the rules during the 24 hours of the 1st of April. Everything that happened during this event will be voided.


  • KPD members must act like the sterotypical "Evil Cop" and have the right to shoot anyone if they are being "bad citizens".
  • Where is your mask? All the masks of Karakura have fallen into the backrooms. (Masks are still in your inventory but you cannot wear them and masks are to be ignored during roleplay).
  • Money and items cannot be mugged.
  • The constitution claims that PDA (Public Display of Affection) is strictly prohibited as it is a menace to society. KPD members must arrest lovers on sight.
  • Breaking and Entering in peoples propertys is now a constitutional right (Breaking and entering doesn't require or give permissions to players).
  • All animals can talk in Japanese.
  • No dying. Minecraft EULA has prohibited death in minecraft. Every character revives 5 OOC minutes after death. During those minutes the player can move their character to another location and this has to be ignored by other characters. When describing how you killed a character your their execution must be cartoonish, never gorey or realistic.
  • All characters have KPS over goverment members. (Goverment doesnt know why citizens want to murder them. (KPD doesnt count as goverment) (They will slowly figure out that they are being chased by citizens)
  • All characters have KPS Unverified and Verified gang members. And they will have access to an IC list of gang members and. (Gang members don't know why citizens know their identities or why people want to kill them).
  • Faculty members gain KPS on students when: (Students dont know they can be murdered for this IC and so they dont have to FearRP)
    • Students bully other students (the bullied one shall perish too)
    • when students talk in class.
    • when students steal food at the line.
    • when students swear.
    • when students mention the bobcat/spartan drama.
  • Inflation: The prices are going up and now you can only buy (apples 250 yens, water 1 yen, grimace shake 500 yens, and fishing rods 2000 yens.)
  • Climatic change: Wheather will alternate between sunny and thunderstorm each OOC hour. This results in:
    • Thunderstorm: Any player with umbrella will be struck by lightning to death IC. Fishing will always give you a metal pipe that will attrack electricity and make a lighting strike kill your character
    • Day: Looking at the sun makes you blind for 5 seconds. It is very hot outside, drink water when the chat warns you with "[!] You feel very warm and hot, you should drink water" this happens every 5 OOC mins and shows to all players at once. Not drinking water will result in you starting burning alive.
    • Night time: Herobrine and SCP-096 come out of the sewers to hunt for humans.
  • Hakishida akadasha is now named Akihisher Hakadasher
  • The word "crazy" gets censored in OOC chat. No more rats or rubber rooms.
  • Dr bright cannot play SRP under any circunstances.
  • During a trial, claiming that you were "feeling quirky" leaves the Judge no choice but saying that you are innocent of your crimes.
  • France is IC a fictional country such as Narnia or the middle earth.
  • SCP-096 is in Karakura and will kill anyone who sees its face.
  • You can be dropped now at backrooms if you slip outta reality.
  • Grimace shake is now being sold at 7/11 and it instantly kills you.
  • Bears can leave the forest.
  • All cheerleaders members are to be ignored. They are attention seekers and that will make them mad.
  • Herobrine has been added to the game. He is roaming the sewers and will jumpscare you! (Some moderators have to act as herobrine.
If the administration team wants to add a few changes to the base suggestion go for it! There are too many so dont be afraid of removing some.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This is meant to be a chaotic event for all players. I know very well the community of players you have on your server and we all know they are chaotic and random, this event will fit their way of thinking and make them cuase chaos for the sake of it. I would define this suggestion as a little trolling for the playerbase. There is not actual reason not add the Hymol_13 :) experience to the server. I understand that it is very chaothic but, isn't april fools meant to be random and quirky? RAWR
+1 dr bright one had me in tears lmaooo

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