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Vinciago Y. Tattachi bio!


Level 58
Authorization Team
Vinciago Yuji Tattachi

Basic Information

Full name:
Vinciago Yuji Tattachi

vinciago goes by a lot of nicknames and he is usually fine with any, only as long as he likes you of course.
some of the many he has are either jokes or just a shorter version of his name;
- Blueberry
- giant
- tree
- vin
- vinny/ie

Male, he was born a male and for his pronouns he went by

20, vin was born on December 25 which is actually the day of christmas!

Height and weight:
Vin stood at 7'5 (226.06 cm) and weighed around 215 due to the
amount of muscle he carried, majority of his weight being that.

Vinciago had the build of an athletes or body builders. He had wide broad shoulders and large
biceps that usually annoyed him due to making the sleeves on his shirts so tight. His rib cage had been wider
and his waist was more on the slimmer side basically going in a 'v' sort of shape. He had a v-line on his waist
and had some meaty thighs which were probably his best body part. Vin also had a bunch of scars along his body.


Skin Color:
His skin was more on the pale side but not that pale, he had a slight tan
due to being outside most of the days but still his skin would
stay a very light skin tone.

Eye Color:
Eye catching hazel eyes, but his left eye had more brown overpowering
the green making his eyes look slightly different but not very noticeable.

Hair Style and color:
Vin originally had black hair but once he moved to karakura he decided to try something different and dyed
it a dark blue almost blackish that was a lighter blue in certain lighting as shown in the photos above. His hair was naturally straight but it'd be
sort of fluffy straight and came down a bit on his neck, stopping halfway. He had it parted on the side slightly since he wasn't a big
fan of showing his forehead, sometimes he'd style it with his hair just all falling down his forehead.

His clothes consist of street wear and some sort of formal clothing. He usually likes to wear button ups
but simple ones and leave the chest unbuttoned since he likes to show a little.. chest. Whenever he feels like being comfortable
he wears things like simple cargo pants or jeans and a baggy t-shirt or a sweater depending on what the weather is.


Date of Birth:
December 25, 2002

Place of Birth:
Born in Tolyatti, Russia but moved to karakura in his sophomore
year to learn different languages and also work on himself along with school.

Russian/Japanese, His father had been full Russian and his mother
was half Russian and Japanese.

Sexual Orientation:
Vin is bisexual and really didn't care about gender, he was into whoever
if they matched what he was into.

General Appearance

Vinciago stood at 7'5 with a mesomorph build and walked with a slight hunch. He'd have fluffy dark blue hair with eye
catching hazel eyes & piercings in both ears along with one on his tongue. A Russian accent would be heard with his
deep but slightly raspy voice tone. A tattoo of a dragon ran down his right arm along with a butterfly also
tattooed on the back of his neck with an initialed 'C'. On his arms had been multiple bite marks, some fresh and some
bruised. A carving of 'K <3' would be on his neck near his collarbone.


Vin has a sort of laid-back personality but mostly kept to himself a lot. He usually doesn't bother to get to know people unless they were to approach
them then he didn't mind speaking unless he found something off about them. He is usually different around a certain group of people or in specific times like if he were with friends then he'd goof around and have a little laugh but if he were near people he didn't know or disliked he just kept quiet with a rested serious face. He is
pretty enjoyable to be around and is protective of those around him, he'd probably be willing to lose a limb for someone he loved. As
a kid he was more loud and talkative, sort of like a more bubblier personality but after multiple fights in his past he became more quiet and
serious, most people finding him intimidating until they met him. He was just a chill cool dude overall.

Character Voice:
Vinciago has a deep but slightly raspy sort of voice tone. When he speaks though there is
a strong Russian accent being heard along with it. Some examples are below!

Vins voice (Russian)
Also vins voice (Japanese)

- Skating
whenever he has nothing else to do he'll usually take his board somewhere down a street
and go skating since he finds it pretty relaxing.

- Football
Pretty much the only sport that vin actually enjoys and is willing to play because he does not
do well with basketball or volleyball. He enjoys it a lot and you can usually find him practicing in the football field
at school.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
- smoking
probably an addiction he has and someone would say
is a serious problem he has since its hard for him to really quit doing it. He carries a cig with him
at all times and smokes it on his own time since random people like to inform him on how unhealthy it is.

- playing football would be a good skill since he is actually pretty decent at it, not the greatest but also
not the worst. He is also pretty good at dodging things like in fights he has pretty good movement and pays attention
to his surroundings most of the time.


Ophelia K. Athein [ Sister ] - Alive
Takasato M. Athein [ Brother ] - Alive
Komatsuna M. Athein [ Sister ] - Alive
Vyxy Z. Athein [Sister] - Alive
Tattachi family

Zuko S. Portgas - Alive
Yelena - Alive
Callista Elyon - Alive

Kahula K. Mersett - Alive

wip! being lazy..


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