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Vlog #11 | Journalism


Level 154

“Hey guys, Mookie here! Sorry for the lack of vlogs lately, a LOT has happened since the last time you saw me but hey, June’s over and with it the rain!-” *He’d turn the camera to face the window, a torrential downpour on full display. He’d then turn the camera back to him, staring blankly; as if he was trying to tell the viewer- a specific viewer- something* “Yeah so- ‘cuz of that, we’re gonna be staying inside!”

“Yeahhhh… So- Since last time, I’ve now been assigned to lead the journalism club! On top of that, we’ve been working on some team-building things and even some SECRET projects!”
*He’d cough, mumbling something and winking at the camera*

“Not to worry- I have a lil’ something up my sleeve for today’s vlog! I’m gonna show ya what goes into making one of these bad boys, and I’ve got a lil’ help for today’s video! Now introducing the journalism club!”
*The screen would shift to a clearly edited in intro, it’d flash between the different members like a role call*

“These lovely ladies, and guy- make up the journalist club; for now. Now, we’re gonna run them through a few questions, let’s start out with DuPont!”
*The screen would shift into a glitch, coming back with a new image; that of Mookie sitting on one side of a table, on the opposing side sat DuPont* “Tell me, Annika, what made you want to join journalism?”

Annika: “Hmm..well honestly I joined journalism because Sana and I wanted to do something together as a team!”
*She’d ponder for a moment before continuing on* “At first it was just for fun, but as time went on I began to love journalism and writing stories. Something about meeting new people and hearing what they had to say made things more and more interesting!” *She’d slap her palm against her face, rather harshly, before rambling on as if she was in fear of being forever silenced* “Oh- Oh! We also can’t forget about going on trips and sharing our journey or point of views!” *Taking a short pause to calm herself down, she’d speak again* “So I guess in the end I joined to learn new things and meet new people!”

“Wow that was- surprisingly in depth! Speakinawhich, yer partner in crime; Sana!”
*His eyes darted around before spotting her, making a B-line straight to her; shouting all the way* “Sana, Sana, SAAAAAANA!”

“There you are! I just needa- ne- ha! Hah one second!”
*I double over, panting. I pound my chest before standing back up, smiling* “Totally in shape- Don’t worry about that- Pheww…. Anyway! I wanted to ask you-” *I’d whisper* “Say hi the camera- yeah it’s a vlog-” *Back to my normal volume* “So- I wanted to ask you, what’s your favorite thing about journalism?”

Sana: “Ooo, hmmm probably the creativity you have with it. You can literally write about whatever you want and it’s soo fun. Even just making random ass stories from the top of your head at 3am is super fun believe it or not. Also just the genuine freedom I have with journalism. I can write anything without being judged or criticized most of the time. But. . .yeah!”

“I know right?! There’s a reason I pump out vlogs! I can literally talk about anything! Oh- you wouldn’t happen to know where Rikiya is right?”

Sana: Actually… I saw him and the other one- Ryuko? By the football pitch!”

“Sweet, thanks!”
*Seeing the rain had finally cleared, he’d make his way there, walking past the times-board and parallel to the bobcat’s side of the pitch, coming to what the cheerleaders refer to as their domain*

“Yo Kozuka! How’re you doing? Ya know, after your traumatic experience n’ all”

Rikiya: “Oh, I’m wowonderful! Thanks for awsking!” *A single tear, would slowly stream down his face*

“Grand! Now, answer my question- You too Ryuko, you’re not getting off that easily! What’s one thing you didn’t expect, but encountered while being a journalist?”

Rikiya: “One thing I didn’t expect was how quickly it can change! For example- like the writing and editing part makes me want to literally pull out my hair, but the interviews are fun! Like- I thought it was gonna be like, SOOOOOO boring- but going up to people and asking if they're a furry is actually entertaining! I mean- I did an interview once, and we were interrupted by some guy who was like- a literal fugitive, running from the cops.”

“Reminds me of my gang interview- And you Ryuko? What’s your favorite type of report?”

Ryuko: “Mine? W-ell. . That's a pretty big question. . .”
*Ryuko scratched the back of her head, seemingly in deep thought. She tapped her chin with her index finger, before nodding* “Well. . Anythin' that's interesting for others to read!”

*He’d blink* “Well… thanks for answering the question…” *He’d roll his eyes, face palming before continuing on his walk, coming to the pool. To his luck, Hazel is sitting near the bleachers* “Yo! Hazel! I’m doin’ a vlog on journalism! Answer this! How do you personally find inspiration for reports?”

*She’d perk up, looking up from a journal* “Oh- uh- personally, I get my inspiration for my reports through nature!” *She’d nod towards the pool* “Water, the sky, and especially, the mountains! I like taking walks around Karakura and climbing to the top of Mount Karakura.” *She’d show off a few of her drawings, that of views of the city from the mountain top* “I find the top of Mount Karakura very relaxing and it makes it easier to concentrate on my work, as there aren’t many people around and it’s silent. You can see everything in Karakura and just watching the world go by helps my mind focus and gives me inspiration on what to do!”

“Ooo- well- doesn’t it get a lil’ cold up there? Also, must be a climbing pro- My sis, Sif, took me up there once- I almost died; again!”

Hazel: “A-again!? Err- well, I bundle up good! Plus the cold never really bothered me much!” *
She’d raise a brow as she studied Mookie* “Are you interviewing everyone?”

“Yeah- You wouldn’t happen to know where the others are, right?”

Hazel: “Well, I saw Sana and Annika near the gate- I think I saw Nichole and Kiko near the track a few minutes ago! I’d check that way!”

“Sweet! Thanks, short stuff!”
*He’d wink at the slightly pouty girl, though as he made his way towards the field, she gave him a farewell wave*

*Scanning the field, he’d only spot Raikia Miki, waving to her, he’d continue into the gym. Sure enough, there they were; sitting on the bleachers watching the bobcat team practice* “Heyo! What’re you guys up to?”

Nichole: “Oh hey Keiko! We’re watching them practice! What are you doing?”

“Uh- It’s Mookie- please? And errr- I’m going around to different journalists to interrogate- I mean, interview them! You two are last on my list; I’ll make this quick! What’s one thing you think you’ve learned from journalism?”

Nichole: “Oh- well- I guesssss one thing I’ve learned isss- how to stretch the truth-”
*The feed would cut out shortly* “I mean, I’ve learned how to- make up… stuff?” *The feed would cut out again* “I’ve learned how to take a small detail and make a story out of it! Always keeping my eyes open for the latest scoop and- elaborating on topics so that the viewers can fully understand it!” *She’d smugly wink at the camera, believing she did well*

“Wow, yes, elaborating; totally. And you Kiko? If you could say one thing to journalist-hopefuls, what would it be?”

Kiko: “Well, I’d say that writing isn’t about being perfect, nor having everything right! It’s about putting your own personality and creativity in it! So, when you're writing don’t worry if it’s not perfect! Just do your best, that’s all anyone can ask of you!”

“Which reminds me! We’re getting the club into a calmer state now- Soooo, we’ll be accepting new members soon! If you think you have what it takes, sign up today! Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of help along the way!”

*The feed would cut out, only to flash back, now in front of the journalist room. Everyone was lined up, waving at the camera*

“Bye guys! Hope you had fun! Oh- for more information either reach out to one of us- stop by the journalist room, or click the link below! Don’t forget to like, share, and comment! I’ve got a few more vlogs coming out and other members are soon to be posting too! Keep your eyes out! Thank you and good night!”

[I hope you all enjoyed reading and hopefully this was helpful in enticing you to join! We’re always looking for new members! Applications are opened and should be checked Friday if all goes well, I hope to welcome you aboard!]


Level 70
“Yo Kozuka! How’re you doing? Ya know, after your traumatic experience n’ all”

Rikiya: “Oh, I’m wowonderful! Thanks for awsking!” *A single tear, would slowly stream down his face*
needs more trauma

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