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Denied wethecreature's Event Application #3


Level 106

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:
I am on 6 days a week normally and am on from 2-3 hours, sometimes longer. I am very active on the server and usually do RP at different locations.

I do not have any punishment history on the server, and I do not intend to gain one.

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:
Accepted - Wethecreature's Monastery Maiden Application | SchoolRP

UNREVIEWED - wethecreature's Lore Team Application #2

DENIED - wethecreature | Event Team Application | SchoolRP
DENIED - Lore Team
DENIED - wethecreature's event team application #2

Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
wethecreature#6625. I do not have a microphone and I don't usually do VC.

What is your time zone and country of residence?:
MST, United States of America

Are you aware that you will be demoted if you are inactive on the team?
Absolutely, if I am going to go inactive, I will notify my fellow Event Team members IMMEDIATELY.

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:
I am currently on the Shrine Team, which is a good experience as I often work with my fellow shrine members OOCly and ICly to help out around the shrine and do many activities with them. This experience is fresh and fun for me, and I don't plan on exiting it anytime soon.
While I was not in many successful gangs or large gangs, I was invested in GangRP for a large portion of my time on SRP, and it helped me learn to manage and work with a team, which still helps me when it comes to other teams and groups I'm apart of today.
On another server, I have a role known as High Rank (a role similar to faction lead on SRP), and it is my job to lead one of these 'factions'. I work with the staff of said roleplay server to carry out a complex story and initiate thrilling events that contribute to the roleplay. I have 3 characters who are High Ranks, 1 of which leads a 'faction', and 2 others who help in leading a section of that 'faction'.
On the same server, I work with staff and older players to compile the lore of the server so that newer players can understand what has happened in the past and not be left in the dark when characters or events from the past are mentioned ICly and OOCly
I am currently a Lead of the Writing Team on another server. I am currently helping the server be developed as it is in the stages of being set up and populated with members as well as staff. I was also a former administrator on the server as well.

Are you currently part of any Community Team? If so, which one and do you think you are able to manage your activity in both?

Please provide a minimum of three (maximum of five) detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:

(Tried to make these a bit more realistic)

1 THE BEES!!! (Flash Event)

Staff to make a /EVENT
Event Team/Staff to play Beekeeper characters
Staff/Event Team to play Bee
An apiary to be built somewhere on the map

The school needs to be likely over since the bees will most likely be roaming around the entire city.
Bees are allowed to sting players if their characters provoke the bee

Spring has begun, and the flowers need to be pollinated… but, by who? The bees, of course! The bees have escaped the apiary and are roaming around the city! Will you be an enemy or a friend to our striped flying friends? It’s time to have fun and watch the bees roam around the city! Help the bees escape the beekeepers, or help the beekeepers get them back into the apiary, your choice!

/EVENTs, /ITs, /MEs:
/EVENT Pollen floats through the air and the plants grow wildly, but something is amiss during this beautiful spring weather! There are beekeepers walking around, chasing down bees! Uh oh, the bees have ESCAPED THE APIARY! Will you help the beekeepers get them back, or help the bees be free forever? It’s your choice!

2 CONNECT THE DOTS (Long-Term Event)

Event Staff/Staff to play Secret Event Characters
Somebody on the event team to design an editable image of a board of pinned images (Conspiracy theory/murder style)

Famous characters need to go missing
Players need to be engaged through OOC means such as discord

EVENT DETAILS: Strange things are happening, people missing, things disappearing, and odd things happening around town. What is going on? Well, in this string of events, the only way to find out is if the players in the community can connect the images and clues on the board (OOCly) and understand what the riddle means, and a new event will happen that begins to help us understand what the heck is going on in the story.

THE BOARD, THE STORY: What is on the board is up for debate and what is actually going on is also up for debate.

/EVENTs, /ITs, /MEs: These are also up for debate since this event is overall very flexible. The board could be announced OOCly or ICly, while there might be SOME of these for each new event in this large string.

3 Comic-Con (Minor Event)

Shopping District

A trophy to be modeled for the winner of the Comic-Con
A place to be built for people to vote on comics

At least more than 2 people need to make a comic for people to vote on

It’s time we bring some creativity to these dark islands! A large business has gotten a permit from the government to use the Shopping District to host a comic-making contest! An announcement will be posted in the SRP discords with an application to have your comic done in 2 weeks when the event will take place. If the application is done and the comic is done by the end of that time frame, the person will be able to show their comic at the voting during the Comic-Con. People will vote towards the end of the festivities at the Comic-Con, and the winner will receive a trophy. Everybody will be able to view all the comics during the voting. All comics must be appropriate, neat, and nice-looking. They must have proper grammar as well. Comics made OOCly are considered to be made ICly in roleplay. Make sure they slightly reflect your character when making them.

/EVENTs, /ITs, /MEs: [Event] Congratulations to <InsertCharacterName> for winning the Comic-Con vote and earning the Comic-Con trophy for their monumental comic, <enter comic name>.

Additional notes (You may leave this blank):

Good luck to the other applicants!
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Level 211

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Event Team! Unfortunately, we have chosen to deny this application for the following reasons:
- We really see your potential looking at your past applications, but unfortunately, we felt that you didn't put much effort into this one. You do have creative and some unique ideas and I would love to see you re-apply again with a much more detailed application, maybe mixing your best events from each app.

Feel free to re-apply anytime!

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