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What are you thankful for?


Level 13
Thankful that I found this server accidentally a year and a half ago <3 (Found it in a weird way, ill tell you guys later)


Level 43
Thread starter
Thankful that I found this server accidentally a year and a half ago <3 (Found it in a weird way, ill tell you guys later)
That's a wonderful response, Thank you and remember that you are always unique in this server in your very own way :)


Level 14
The server is a life changer, like I felt pretty down before I found this server. On this server I found many friends, now everything in my life is fine!


Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead
I could go on and on about what I'm thankful for, but I'll keep it short.
I'm just thankful that I had the chance to meet so many people, make new friends and just be part of a large community, I don't think I'd be the person I am today, if I hadn't!


Level 47
I’m thankful for really a roof over my head, honestly though. It’s crazy the things I’ve seen.
I went to Haiti once on a missions trip, I wanted it to change my life, it somewhat did but it takes a lot of time. What a missions trip was is a church program that partnered with a program in haiti to help people there. For example pack food, go to villages and spread word of god etc etc.. it was supposed to change a lot on how I view the things I take for granted.
One for such is the family I have. I am adopted and I should be lucky I’m not still in foster, nor haven’t been. I know it’s hard for people in foster, whatever it is with parents, anything. It’ll get better soon.
Have we mentioned the access to electricity? Electronics, touchscreen.. not a necessity but to us it seems it is.
Our houses? What I saw in Haiti were 4 sticks and a scrap metal put up together. Nowhere near protective, advanced, safe, big, cozy our houses are.
Food? I have plenty, I do always complain about the food I do get and it is a horrible thing to think about when you think about kids who don’t have food.
Maybe this isn’t positive, but I tried. I’m thankful for all of you guys, I’m fairly new to SchoolRp and plan to leave some sort of mark some day. I’m thankful that most of you have been kind to me, and being my friend icly and oocly. I’d mention names really, but it’s hard to keep track! I’d love to name all of you really.
And to @Hairing thank you so so so much for the rank, as it was not needed but for you to be as generous to give out ranks to people on the server.
Let’s go:
@Mity Yes, my gay hoe, love you bih, would love to know you more! You’re active and kind to everyone pretty much, where is your award?
@Pjouto Greek Dad goals. Why am I not put up for adoption yet?
@Circusnarwhal Wow, you big nerd. Librarian does fit you though, you get the job done well, pretty well to say. You’ve kept things always organized and you’re probably capable of doing great things!
@Sensational Ways Oof, dapper fellow Hats off to you! Weren’t kadatchi emotions your favorite post?
And to all staff, retired or not:
You have all my utmost respect, dealing with us is quite hard sometimes. You’ve probably learned a lot I hope, and maybe you still will. I thank you for helping the community out, for we would be a jumbled pile a shit without you
And then there were those, the ones I have no ducking clue if you have a forums account and if you’ll ever see this
Kori damn, day one honestly! I do miss you a bit we have grown a bit. I honestly at first only had gay guy friends.
And if I forgot you? Holy shit you care ;)))!! I’ll add you tbh because I love you all..
I’m also thankful I haven’t died icly ;) *next day automatically dies*


Level 17
I am thankful that this community exists.
Thankful that I stay strong no matter what happens.
Thankful that I'm given opportunities.
Thankful that it's impossible for me to give up on you guys even after what happened.
@toodlekim my first guardian angel that raised me when I was a hardcore skindex
@Sensational Ways i enjoyed giving him the basics when he was new to the staff team. when I see him doing staff things it brings me memories of my first days as a staff member.
@Relevance put a lot of trust into him, he never fails to impress. a great friend and comrade
@Luna™ she is the best help I could ever get in my life. helped me out when I needed it the most, and I made sure to return the favors. wonderful person. :)
@Hobbits friendly bastard that knew what was up. also a professional.
@Atakka he does his job without questions, reliably and remarkably outstanding.
@TechJD his positive nature isn't very common to find in many people. he just wants to fix things goshdamn.
Thankful that my 3 cats are in good care, away from the slums of the streets.
Thankful that I have the possibility to make a difference even if everything seems grim.
I'm most thankful that this server managed to appear out of nowhere, because otherwise I wouldn't find it.
It is a life changer, and many things would not have happened if not for this server.
There are many more people I should've tagged, but they know themselves.


Level 137
I'm thankful for the forgiveness I've gotten, and the friends I've made. And I am also thankful for meeting the friendly ol' boys of the staff team, they helped me through a lot. :clap:

Big round of applause for

@Boroski You have helped me A LOT! I can't thank you enough for being there when needed, you brought me more closer to this community than I could have gone on my own. You are a great comrade!

@Atakka Honestly. You are very nice, you do your job well. You have helped me through a tough time, and I am forever in your dept.

@Tristamo To others this will seem suprising, considering what happened. But you have been very caring and a great friend, then and now. I think you are one of the funniest guys I have met so far (NO OFFENSE JOJI) and I wish we could be greater friends now than ever. I really do hope the controversy is fully behind us, so we can continue to grow as friends. You have been a great guy so far that you deserve a big applause!

@TechnicWolfie fucking rat.
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Level 26
I'm thankful for that im forgiven. Because i was perm banned and you guys just unbanned me ( when i applied ) And im thankful that the staff team is so good!


Level 71
I am thankful that this community exists.
Thankful that I stay strong no matter what happens.
Thankful that I'm given opportunities.
Thankful that it's impossible for me to give up on you guys even after what happened.
@toodlekim my first guardian angel that raised me when I was a hardcore skindex
@Sensational Ways i enjoyed giving him the basics when he was new to the staff team. when I see him doing staff things it brings me memories of my first days as a staff member.
@Relevance put a lot of trust into him, he never fails to impress. a great friend and comrade
@Luna™ she is the best help I could ever get in my life. helped me out when I needed it the most, and I made sure to return the favors. wonderful person. :)
@Hobbits friendly bastard that knew what was up. also a professional.
@Atakka he does his job without questions, reliably and remarkably outstanding.
@TechJD his positive nature isn't very common to find in many people. he just wants to fix things goshdamn.
Thankful that my 3 cats are in good care, away from the slums of the streets.
Thankful that I have the possibility to make a difference even if everything seems grim.
I'm most thankful that this server managed to appear out of nowhere, because otherwise I wouldn't find it.
It is a life changer, and many things would not have happened if not for this server.
There are many more people I should've tagged, but they know themselves.
My favourite student- SaintChaoz.

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