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What is one of your character's goal and flaw?


Level 87
For my characters;

Eileithyia's goal is to have an open family where everyone would be safe and secured, to give the orphans a loving parent, her biggest flaw however is how sometimes, she lack empathy to people who did her family wrong, adoptive and/or biological.

Miyoko's goal is to love her nieces and nephews unconditionally, her flaw is her random bursts of anger and frustrations but she's working on it.

Shio's goal is to teach and love the students equally, her flaw is how she's unable to express her emotions well in her personal life, her school life's smile and hyper-acting isn't really her, she just prefers to have the students around a teacher, like herself to be positive rather than focusing on the negative like she does in her own personal life. This, her flaw of putting other's above her.


Level 107
Shu - To become a 'good-willed' gangster.
Flaw: She lacks emotion to those around her.

Akinori Hoshino - Wants to be a respected actor, to show you can maybe achieve your dreams
Flaw: Is a criminal, who illegaly.. does things, including sharing addresses, and as well names of people to the criminal underworld.


Level 60
Event Team
GOAL: She wishes to be understood, to be praised for her accomplishments.
FLAW: Immature and impulsive; she's very open minded, manipulative and enjoys to lie.

GOAL: "Get a boyfriend," to be loved, to be understood.
FLAW: His mentality is like a rollercoaster, he's a red flag, he complains too much, too impulsive and worrisome.

GOAL: Take pictures.. Become known but not too known. Oh, get with Cupid.
FLAW: Snobby, delusional, somewhat manipulative, people pleaser.

GOAL: She's just here to be here, to kiss around. She just wants to be loved and known.
FLAW: Awfully blunt, she can't take anything seriously, manipulative, red flag!


Level 100
Goal: To get somewhat of a romantic/social life
Flaws: Quite emotionless, very clingy

Jeong B. Jett
Goals: again, a sort of romantic life as well as some form of popularity.
Flaws: Does not have the social skills to approach people


Level 79
I have, like, a bajillion characters, so I'm gonna go with my main ones here.

Goemon Asōgi:
Goal: To help Karakura become a better place - little by little, leveraging his title of Attorney General.
Flaws: Y'all ever heard of the saying, "you can't change the world unless you change yourself"? I feel like it suits him. He tries to change - over the past few months, he's become less impulsive, is trying to be less aggressive and overall more calculated - though this comes at the cost of him being more secluded from everyone.
Asōgi isn't as open to people anymore. He's gone to great lengths not to close his heart to things, but to no avail.

Ayame Banjīkusu:
Goal: To make a new life for herself in Karakura. That, and dropkick a few people (obligatory).
Flaws: She's extremely impulsive, rash, insubordinate and most of all, prone to batshit crazy moments. Despite being in the world of crime - even if not fully immersed in it - she's got soft spots. Certainly not flaws by healthy standards, obviously, but in a world where people say it's "kill or be killed", being an outlier may not be so good an idea.

Aria Saiky:
Goal: To enjoy Karakura to its fullest, while pursuing his performing arts studies, alongside becoming a fashion designer. Yeah, this one dreams big.
Flaws: Aria, while trying to put himself out there and make friends, isn't the very best at striking up conversations. It isn't as though he's anxious about speaking with people, but it's more so that he's socially inept. After all, he's one of those kids that lived in the Saiky Estate their whole lives. The boy has trust issues, but is well-liked all the same.
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Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead
Oo I always love posts like these!!!

Annabell Sturm

Goal: Her goal is to find a way to better herself. She wants to find a way to find forgiveness for the horrible things she did as a KPD officer.

Flaw: Her ambition was snuffed out. Nowadays she has no motivation to go further. Everything is alright now, so she sees no use in trying to change. Why fix it, if it's still working!

Kazuo DeLuca

Goal: Surprisingly, part of his goal is to be a better man than his father and family were. He wants to learn how to love people properly.

Flaw: He's an addict, addicted to adrenaline. This and impulsivity has lead to some bad situations and troublesome relationships. But he doesn't care, all because it was fun.


Level 42
GOAL : chat he achieved his goal of wanting to be in a happy relation chat. WOOOOOOO (the one char who got a happy ending is him.......)
FLAW : He has trouble speaking his mind, trusts too easy, de-sanitized to the horror of the world bcs he is engaged to an active criminal LMAO - yeah i can't think of anything. man i love aaron sm <33

GOAL : He wants to be there for his family. More than ever, he also wants to be a father in the future and house his kids, giving them the security he didn't feel much in his childhood.
FLAW : He tends to puts everyone first, leading him to being burnt out and often times, this leads to him making mistakes and a serious lack of focus. He also lies and cares too much ! ..

GOAL : He wants to feel safe. that's it, he just needs safety, security and unconditional love.
FLAW : He's is a WHORE with terrible tendencies and serious trust issues. He also is cruel, impulsive, and his emotions are all over the place. He has serious trouble with attachments and lacks morals. . (lmao).. manipulative and 100% a walking red flag . man, he's not only a red flag he's a whole red ocean

X. 'SNAKE' DOE [20[
GOAL : He wants to find himself in a healthy relationship.
FLAW : He is emotionally DE attached due experiences, is rather formal- too formal- which tends to intimidate people. He has trouble keeping a friendship / relationship going.

Y. 'EAGLE' Xean[18]
FLAW : he has terrrriiibbbbllle social skills and is somewhat cruel to people.

GOAL : She wants to be able to have genuine conversations and allow herself to be .
FLAW : She has an internal fear of opening up! D:

sir meow

Level 40
im joining in
Llorenç V. Petit
Goals: Wants to make Karakura a safer place to be in with less death rates by working as EMS to help the injured ^_^
Flaws: Sometimes he can be too helpful, thus leading himself to being worn out or even having to take a break from the thing he loves; working!

Varujan Zaharia
Goals: He wants to pull apart the itty bitty citizens of Karakura, just to figure out why they would even live in the damned town! With his attitude, he wants to be seen as something more than just a 'man'. He wants to make a name for himself, any means possible.
He can be a bit too up his own ass sometimes, thus leading into arguments or even having to get physical with another.

Ha-Joon Tae
Goals: Just wants to swim his heart out, win a few tournaments here and there if he ever has time and maybe create a small bakery with his dad if I ever get someone to play him ^_^
Flaws: Hes wayy to shy to even do anything correct, leaving him in a bit of a depressed lonely space, even around friends hes like a ghost!


Level 27
Abeni-Zari K. Togomi
Goals: She mainly wants the best for her friends, family, and loved ones, Abeni is a very straightforward woman. All she wants in life is to make those she cares about feel safe and make them happy

Flaws: Abeni gets jealous very easily and has severe trust issues when it comes to relationships. Her temper is often stretched very thin by her family. As a result, her emotions run rampant in her life and that has heavily affected the vast majority of her relationships.

Suzuka A. S.H. von Moltke
Goals: Suzuka has a very defined set of morals that guide their life:

1. No drugs or alcohol
2. Do not attack the weak or defenseless. Innocents are taboo targets
4. Respect is earned, not given. Actions speak louder than words.
5. Murder and violence is a cruel solution. Resolve a situation through using your words and reason, never a weapon of negativity. Only use your fists and limbs to defend and block, never attack out of ill intent
6. Family comes before anything else. Adoptive or otherwise.
7. Never let your guard down, even around those you think you can trust. Keep up the charade until you know someone is trustworthy.
8. If you’re ****y, you’re weak.
9. Never let your emotions get the best of you. Use them as your tools to guide you, don’t let them consume you.
10. Never break the Tenets of Taekwondo: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-control, and Indomitable Spirit. “Observe the tenets of Taekwondo. Respect all seniors and instructors”

Outside of these morals, they strive to keep their father's memory alive and essentially to look out for themselves and nobody else. Unless, of course, you're able to get close enough for them to lower their walls.

Flaws: They are a very hostile individual, as stated above, Suzuka's guard is almost always up in public or around new people. It takes a lot for them to open up to someone. They are a very complex character and can be extremely stubborn.


Level 70
Shrine Lead
Koizumi Saiky
Goal: Finally find peace in her raging life and become free for once.
Flaw: She’s too scared to let go of the past and show emotions to people around her.

Sakura Harukichi
Goal: To be loved.
Flaw: Never understands human emotions right.

Midori Otori
Goal: Be the best and try her best.
Flaw: She’s a snail


Level 42
Community Team
Lore Team
Okemia Kuroki [College]
GOAL: To find the love she lacked from her parental issues and past trauma.
FLAW: Being far too emotional and negative to attract a lover.

Hanae Kaeda [Adult]
GOAL: To bring light to Karakura and to give love and support to Karakuran children.
FLAW: Far too gullible and easily swayed by emotions.

Inorei Hirano [Adult]
GOAL: To acquire strange and unusual knowledge, that may one day lead to him knowing the secrets of the world.
FLAW: Far too judgmental and very set in his traditional beliefs, to the point where he is unkind and drives away those who could lend him said knowledge.

Yurei Gushiken O'Sullivan [Priest]
GOAL: Spread Shintoism and thank the gods for saving him
FLAW: Being brought to his knees with the realization he has not mastered the demons he spent years trying to mediate away from and seal.

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