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What would(or does) your character do after graduating from college!


Level 278
Theodore would go to school for a profession in surgury or medical standards, and i’d apply for EMS with him if i could

Tobias would go to school for engineering, as he’s much smarter than he seems and he’d go on do stuff getting him by n all that


Level 88
Nozomi - She'd die before she would finish college.

Andriy - He'd become a reporter, he has the energy to be one. He would probably still try to live his life as best as he can.

Hyo-sonn - She'd go into lots of studies and try to possibly be a lawyer and live her life as she always planned.

Kaisan - He'd just go around the world trying to find out what he wants to do, he'll then find what he wants to do most and come back to Karakura to become an owner of a shop, probably something that goes around a book cafe or something as a nice calming place.


Level 194
Oh boy....

Celeste - After she graduated she went on to work around as a doctor for many years then starting two of her own companies in France (Tailoring and Medical) retiring in Karakura as a Caretaker, where she is now.

Kyouya - Still need to work on his lore.... sob

Lekio - He studied engineering in multiple forms in college, probably going on in his life to . . .

Ji-Jae - I have two things in mind.
A) She never graduated and went on to be an arsonist. Simple!
B) She graduated law school at the top of her class and became a lawyer or judge being unable to forget her past.

Chiara - She will go on to either follow in her mothers' legacy of being a lawyer to keep the family name, or she would keep rebelling and A) drop out of school or B) become a black market dealer, there is other outcomes that are unknown.

Oscar - He won't make it past his twenties.

Emer - She doesn't know what she wants to do in life and is currently only working on her music career, potentially becoming a hospital worker or KPD officer based on where her life heads



Level 50
Alrighty uh

Olesia - Gave birth to her 3rd child and then continued to become Karakura tutor and now hopefully a Professor and still adopting children and probably will soon be getting engaged but I don’t know honestly

Amancia - She would honestly die after college or be a useless adult. I have no real idea for her


Level 183
Mandla is never graduating because I want to keep him a Bobcat but, based on IC means he seeks to become an EMS one day and more specifically something therapy related


Level 27
Zacharie T. Edgeworth - What she would do after graduating is to find a place to settle down with her partner and eventual kid, likely someplace more quiet but still living in Japan so that she could still visit Karakura for family and friends. But one of these days, she would want to be a teacher

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