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Accepted Xaavia's Nurse Application <3


Level 4
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
Weekly, usually for a few hours when I do get on. About 2-3 times a week on average, give or take depending on how juicy the in character drama is?

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yep :)

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
School Nurses have a duty of care to the students as their primary healthcare provider and must abide by the guidelines of the nursing practice standards. They must be professional with staff, parents and students to be a trustworthy figure. They are there to tend to usually more minor wounds and illnesses, communicate with staff and parents and maintain records. They must be patient as injured children can be difficult to communicate with and be a trustworthy figure so that students open up to them instead of being dishonest or purposely causing trouble. They must be wise when it comes to looking out for signs of dishonesty, as children sometimes use school nurses to skip classes or get out of school entirely, but they must also communicate with staff and parents to put a plan into place of a child exhibits this behavior as it can be a sign of underlying anxiety or other mental problems. Nurses must have an ability to remain calm and rational to maintain control over potentially life risking situations.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Roleplaying on Minecraft/Discord/DnD for 10+ years

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Literally desperate to get this character in a role as an adult and I want to have a healthcare roleplay role on this server sooo bad lol. As said in the notes at the bottom, my priority is to get into the Hospital faction but I'm happy to do the school nursing while I wait to get accepted as it's taken a while and it already has plenty of people. I'm in a weird timezone for SRP where not many school faculty are on so it'd be nice to allow more school roleplay with faculty in that time.
I also already have a friend or two OOC who have school faculty roles, so it would be nice to open up some roleplay opportunities there too.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Tsukina Sasaki | Grade 12, Occult Club
Eris Fujiwara | Grade 12


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Eris wouldn't react much besides an eye roll or a sigh, not caring much for children but needing to further their medical career. Verbal abuse from children is easy to ignore.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Eris would forcibly get themselves between the two students and attempt to get both of the students, verbally, into their office to talk and tend to any wounds from the fight. They would be stern about it, annoyed by children fighting. They'd probably call for a co-worker to help manage the situation as they, like anyone else, doesn't like dealing with angry children.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Eris would contact a higher up, probably through a casually worded text. If the situation permitted, Eris might try and sneak a video or picture of the behavior as evidence to back the claim.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Tired and annoyed. Eris would be a frequent visitor of the coffee machine and would probably spend breaks half asleep with their head on the table.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me would sigh, waving for the child to sit down. They reached for the bandages and other first aid supplies to deal with the wound. They sat down in front of the child with another, loud sigh, and began cleaning dirt and dried blood off of the wound with a cloth and saline solution. Once clean, they began to neatly wrap the wound in a simple bandage.

/me mumbled to themselves as they attempted to re-organize the medical supplies, standing on a stool to reach some of the higher shelves.

/me leaned in to examine the burn wound, brows furrowing as they did so. They sat upright again and rolled backwards on their chair to reach for the saline solution. &f"You'll have to run that under cool water for a few minutes. Sink is over there. I'll tell you when you can stop."

/me blinked slowly, staring at the gaping wound for a few seconds before scooting their chair over to their desk, grabbing their phone and tucking it under their chin and shoulder to talk after dialing the number. They reached for supplies to temporarily deal with the wound while they spoke.

/me stared at the coffee machine with glazed over eyes as they waited for their cup to fill. After a few painfully long seconds, they picked up their cup and set it down by the paperwork they had to finish for the day with a loud grunt as they dropped into the chair.

/me sat up in their chair to peer over the top of the monitor at the person who entered the office. Dead, tired eyes stared for a moment before Eris opened their mouth to speak. &f"Hello, how can I help you today?"


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Eris Fujiwara
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Preferred Name: Eris

Age (Minimum is 25): 26
Gender: Nonbinary

Academic Degree:
Bachelor of Nursing

Nationality: Japanese
Known Languages: Japanese, JSL (OOC: Applying for JSL)


Eris, or their actual name Sora, was born in Okayama in an upper middle class area. Their parents were both Christian and Eris was an only child. Their parents were kind to Eris during their youth but their relationship went downhill when Eris realized they were a lesbian in their teenage years. This only worsened when Eris also realized they were autistic, nonbinary and decided to change their name. It was petty fights at first but became more hostile over time.

Eris began to spend as much time as possible outside of the house to avoid being around them, choosing to volunteer at animal shelters and attend boxing gyms. Eris didn't have many friends despite spending so much time away from home but they were content with the peace it brought. They found it hard to socialize and make friends and gave up at a pretty early age.

Eris' parents eventually decided to have another child, despite the large age gap their children would have. Their reasoning to Eris was that they wanted a child to "raise right" and Eris was reasonably offended by this. They decided they were done with Okayama and started saving money to move when they turned eighteen.

Eris worked odd jobs to earn cash, consisting of art commissions and temporary job positions. They occasionally dipped into petty crime, shoplifting food from stores to save money or stealing minor things like makeup. They were only caught once and got off with a warning for being a minor and this only added more fuel to the fire with their parents, creating an even more toxic environment.

Eventually Eris' sibling was born, a girl named Mai. Eris' parents were distracted with this new child, allowing Eris to spend more time at home without being bothered.
The day Eris turned eighteen they moved away from their home and arrived in Karakura. They decided to legally change their name to Eris once they could afford to, as they landed with not much cash in their pockets. They considered going back to a life of petty crime to save money, but decided against it, wanting to keep their new start positive. They hopped from bad hotel to bad hotel while they searched for housing until they ran out of cash, meeting a lifechanger on the docks that night.

Evangaline Delarosa was a strange girl, having approached a complete stranger, who smelled of alcohol, to talk. Evangaline invited Eris onto the dock amusement rides with them and took photos of Eris on their polaroid camera. After a night of strange, but fun, activities, Evangaline invited Eris to spend the night at their apartment since they had nowhere to go. Eris agreed, not being a fan of sleeping out in the open, but was hesitant since the offer was strange. They had met only hours before and was now being invited into her home.

What was meant to be a temporary solution turned into a strong friendship and eventually a relationship. The two would be inseparable at school, with Eris following Evangaline around enabling her weird ideas and yelling at the swim team with her. They became the sarcastic and unsettling balance to Evangaline's aggressively optimistic and chaotic nature.

Evangaline wanted to be a teacher at first, but then refocused her efforts on working at the shrine. Eris was disapproving at first but they weren't about to tell Evangaline not to do what they loved either. Eris set their sights on working at the hospital and began actually trying their best in school to achieve this. It proved difficult because of Eris' learning disabilities, but they were sticking at it.

Eris would've gotten this nursing job either while studying for their bachelor of nursing, or after completed. Their ultimate goal is to be a nurse at the hospital, but healthcare is a hard field to get a hospital job in and they would've taken what was available to be able to afford living.

When accepted into an adult role: Eris eventually came around to Evangaline's obsession with the shrine despite their initial hatred for all religions and spiritualities. They found the shrine beautiful and peaceful and tried to respect it and the people there, even if they didn't fully understand. They now show up at the shrine on a weekly basis to help make food and be a general nuisance to the spirits.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
Eris would've joined this role out of desperation for a job in the field they worked so hard to get into. They don't like kids, but they would've faked their way through that part of the interview. Eris enjoys healthcare and would put their all into their work but probably wouldn't be super liked by the kids.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I've always had an interest in healthcare jobs but cannot work one IRL due to disabilities. I'm autistic and this hyperfixation has lasted almost my entire life so I would be pretty dedicated to realistic, healthcare roleplay, even if my character is a bit on the annoyed/lazy side, especially around children. I'll be on a lot more if I have something to do and it would give me an excuse to spend even more time studying healthcare stuff IRL. I also spent a lot of time at the nurse's when I was in school because I am/was a medical/mental health nightmare so I kind of know how to roleplay that well, lol.


Additional notes about your application:
I have also applied for Hospital (Doctor) for this character and reaching that role is my priority, but this role fits thematically with their studying journey. I'm applying for this role as well since I think it'll be a while until I get accepted into the Hospital and I'm happy to do this while I wait. I'll be on a lot more often if I have something like this to fill my time. I have in real life obligations obviously but I'm mostly free because of being disabled.
edit: I might stay in this role if I end up liking it, now that I think about it. I feel like I'd get more roleplay opportunities in this rather than in the hospital, honestly.
Do you have any questions?:
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for your patience and for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. After review we've decided we'd love to have you as a member of the faction, please DM me on discord for the next steps! - ozinth

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