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Level 75
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IGN: Xangaji, although I have 3 other ranked accounts. (Xangaji2, Omegus_ and OmegusMC)
What is your discord name and tag (name#0000)?: My discord is Weasel#6704
What is your timezone/What country are you from?: GMT I think, England.

Do you have a microphone and are able to speak VIA discord?: Yes I can! I am self-concious about my voice, but I will talk if it's in a professional light, I'm quite introverted sadly, but I'm working on it.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you can be removed from the team at any given time?: Of course, I wouldn't apply for the Lore Team if I didn't want to write dedicated content for Karakura's past events and updates on Karakura's development such as new buildings, reconstructions and improvements of people's liberty, all the intellectual stuff.

What makes you different from other applicants?: I haven't got a huge life-long passion for writing like others, nor do I have amazing experience with writing these things. However, when I have an idea I put my damnedest into developing that idea into a full-fledged story or background, and put my best efforts into the description. Whether it be a fanfiction, an existing piece of history needing explaining or as I'm applying to do, a lore. That's what stands out about me, my will to work on an idea to make it work the way I think it should by using my words and advanced language, while taking into account the direction I'm supposed to go. Examples being me writing a fanfiction of 2 of my favourite movie characters. Let's take Shrek and Fiona. When I make fanfictions or stories in my free time, I always take into account the rules of the universe, the boundaries and some basic ideas. Constructing on the spot I know shrek is about parodying fairytales and putting a unique spin on their story to make it funny and make fun of old disney movies, so in my fanfiction I plan to put references or jokes in there to do with pop culture, specifically because shrek has this feature within it's story. Then from there, I'll construct a full-fledged short fanfiction judging by the ideas of previous material and shrek content. My idea being a story where shrek and fiona watch some old disney films and make fun of them for their classic tropes, and from there I can use my descriptive writing to enhance my basic idea into a good fanfiction.

Do you have any previous experience writing any lore?: As I said, I don't have the best experience, but what I do have is an ethic to create fanfictions, stories and forms of english in my free time. Also I'm going to have to bring up the fact I'm not the most intelligent person when it comes to anime or classic japanese story events, so I'd have to be educated on this. My best experience I can offer is my experience with writing and constructing stories based on already existing media and resources. By acknowledging the elements of these pieces of resources, I can re-craft them into a functioning short story (or sometimes long story) and turn it into something actually decent and if I manage it right, my ideas can come together like a beautiful tapestry. My experience with this can allow me to take previous karakura lore and put it into my own piece of karakura media, to improve upon the already existing story by a new piece of history.


Writing prompt #1
Write a 200+ word essay on an average day for your character in Karakura.

Tetsu's eyelashes unweaved themselves as he woke up to a bright, vibrant sun in the middle of July. He casually, as always, lifted his torso off of the soft cotton pillow and the barely-fit for him, springy mattress. He then proceeded to slip into his black leather slippers and slid his way to the front door, where he swung it open with a creak. As he made his way onto the shining, spotlessly clean deck he'd hear the soft almost-song of the hummingbirds and the pleasant cheeping of the newly-hatched baby birds in the tree in line with him, waiting to receive their first meal.

He then tilted his person forward to lean precariously onto the balcony, and looked at the shear abundance of beauty shining from the cliff-sides and hilltops of the Karakura Mountains. He then swirved to his behind and paced back into his apartment and swung the door closed. He lept up the polished cream birch stairs, and into the warm bathroom, glistening with cleanliness. He awkwardly stepped out of the dressing gown knit by his dear mother, who sadly passed away due to a stroke years ago, and into the shower where he gently slid shut the shower's door. He then turned the knob on and warm, fresh water flowed down from the head and through his ginger, red hair as he breathed a sigh of relief, happiness and tranquillity. As usual, he would reach for his bottle of peach-smelling soap and let it run down his rosy-red cheeks, but he realised no such thing was going to happen today; the bottle was empty.

He then realised that his most delightful wake up was not to last, as things started to crumble and he started to lower his mood. He heard below him a commotion, his neighbours started screaming at the top of their course voices, he heard the constant annoying noise of an ear-busting air horn next door, and after that he just couldn't take it. He angrily shoved the shower door out of his way, he tied up his gown onto him without even considering drying himself off first. He stormed down the stairs, trekking dirty water onto them... He flew his feet into the slippers, swung open the door where it made a large THUD! Against the bright white concrete walls, leaving a permanent mark of black, what Tetsu saw in his troubled mind and thought he'd never get out at this moment. The birds hid their babies, and the sweet chirps turned to sour cries...

He lunged with rage filling his body into the closing elevator doors. Tetsu then started to bolt towards his neighbours' door, and slammed his normally flat, balled up fist into the rough-looking spruce which followed with some sharp, agonising splinters which he ignored. A young, 19 year old college student with thick wavy locks, a button nose, tanned white skin and a cute smile answered. She started to utter the words "Can I help y-" but before she could, she stared into the eyes of this man who looked like he'd seen the real depths of hell- or worse. Her smile faded to a look of pure shock and fear. Her small, greenly-painted eyes turned white with fright as she realised, this was her neighbour. A man of near the same age, screaming in what sounded like physical pain to his throat: "BE QUIET, OR I'LL REPORT YOU FOR HARASSMENT!" She thought she was going to get brutally murdered so without thinking she swung the door closed and double-locked it with here extra key; onto his already splintered blood-red hands.

She heard a screech so incredibly disturbing that anyone would think he was a freely-released mentally sick human being. She had immediately realised what happened, and opened the door offering him a hand for help. Tetsu accepted her most polite offer after he knew she wanted to give him a helping hand and he was especially thankful because it took place in this awkward matter. She opened a few cupboards upstairs and came with a pair of dirty tweezers, which she used to try to pull out the splinters in Tetsu's hand. For each one it felt literally like ripping off a band-aid: "OW", "OWCH", "OW", "OOH", "OH". She then coated his hand in a cleanly wrapped bandage to heal up his incident with the door. He thanked her for help but before he could finish this sentence, a tall 19 year old man with shiny-black hair and a little nasal piercing walked into the room. He dropped the transparent-glass tray he was holding, spilling his cereal bowl's contents onto the carpet. He then went directly at the girl and put his face up to her and kissed her then turned to this now frightened Tetsu to get out. She mumbled a chuckle awkwardly as a signal towards Tetsu to do what he wants. Tetsu, noticing his fury, walked through the door frame like a train leaving a station, and up to his apartment above. While he was tying his tie and laces, he heard a smashed plate and a scream of a young lady. He tried not to get involved within their conflict, and continue with his usual day.

When period 1 started Tetsu made his way to Creative Media, where he and his classmates had a lesson on lighting and how it has effect on movies and stage musicals. Tetsu, being the highly intelligent and bright student he was, used the one time he could express his true inner self and answer most of the high-level questions. As usual, his teacher was very proud of his extensive knowledge of the lighting subject in film industries. The same lesson format continued for all his lessons, but he wasn't sick of it's textbook definition of repetitive. It was the one thing he shined bright in, like the sun of his morning. At lunch he witnessed a series of events which toyed with his emotions, he witnessed a young teenage couple passionately kissing each other at the empty lunch tables, he saw a 7th-grader with big, rectangular glasses that barely stayed on his head getting horribly teased by an older child, he even previewed someone being brutally attacked by another student. He tried his best to ignore all of this petty drama, as he had plenty of things already to deal with. Like his revision for his Drama and Law courses.

When he got home, he immediately got to doing what he loved best. Gaming. He logged onto his Neentendo and started to play against those other desperate to win users, which he was usually a "beast" at, but today his head was in it, but his heart wasn't. He lacked the motivation to play the game any more and went off to jump into bed, but looked at it like he was ungrateful for what he already had. Before his head hit the pillow and launched him into the perfect world of his dreams, he heard a screech which made him jump. He recognised the same high-pitched, young scream from earlier that morning and he realised... it was the girl! The one who helped him remove the splinters, the one who bandaged up his hand! It was her! And she sounded in grave danger. Tetsu put on his slippers and he started to bolt heroically in his pyjamas down his now dry, polished stairs and opened the door, being sure to shut it gently behind him. He rushed down to the elevator and quickly jumped into it like he was tackling someone in a rugby game. He sped down the corridor to flat 1103, kicked open the door with his slippers and was ready to fight.

To his surprise he didn't find her in trouble. He had gotten the wrong message. He walked in on this girl with her boyfriend- making out... For Tetsu to walk in on what was happening, he and them were both utterly mortified. He then realised it was just his same, paranoid, hurt mind playing tricks on him. He felt really disgusted with himself and shocked. He apologised quickly in succession and shot back to his apartment. He started quietly sobbing in his bed, filled with guilt and rage towards his actions and himself. He couldn't sleep at all that dark night, too much negative emotion filled his brain from top to bottom. He just wished this terrible negativity be over and he could have a positive life.

Writing prompt #2
Write a 300+ word essay on your character. Tell us about his/her history? What leads them to be the way they are?

Tetsu has had such an incredibly tragic and complicated life, so this is just the basic backstory. Tetsu was a boy born in July of 1999 in Britain to a man named Kyoto and a woman named Tiresa. Kyoto worked as a safari man, studying endangered animals. Kyoto was a very big man, being 6'5 and weighing 250lbs. He unlike the rest of his family with dark red short hair, he had long black hair to the point where he looked almost like a goth girl, but with chiselled manly features, like a strong jaw and prominent abs. His mother was the total opposite. She stood at 5'3 with a very tiny hourglass body. She resembled more of a depressed toothpick than a functional human being.

When Tetsu was born, he was a very handsome and good-looking baby. He resembled the charming face of his father and the great intellect and work ethic of his mother. Tetsu was an only child as his brother was sadly a miscarriage, which devastated Mr and Mrs Ryujin. Their family was tied with lots of other families like the Tokuras and Chidoris, but Tetsu lost connections with their families when he moved away at the age of 4 with his father to work on a Safari project. Sure, his mother could've looked after him at home; but that would be even worse of a life that he already was going to have.

Tetsu struggled to make companions in early life. At the age of 5 he couldn't communicate in Afrikaans - the language in the country where his father travelled to study the rhinoceros - but he did eventually have a professional tutor hired for him by his father. He learned basic Afrikaans like types of foods, shopping, maths and literature, so he'd have a chance to make friends, which he for a matter of fact did! Her name was Monique Karnahl and she was the same rough age as Tetsu. Monique sat next to him in class all the time, never leaving his side during school. They played with little thomas the tank engine toys together, had regular play-dates and were the best of friends, the real best of friend; like the sibling Tetsu never had. Though sadly it wouldn't last, Monique was diagnosed with a severe stage of Leukaemia, or blood cancer. She died at the age of 7, an incredibly young and tragic age to lose your life. Tetsu balled his eyes out for 2 years straight. It got so terrible, to the point in which his father requested to be moved to Hawaii for another project just to relieve the suffering of his only son mentally. When they did eventually take off to Hawaii, thinks got better a little. Even still, Tetsu flooded his cheeks day and night. People glared at him in school with worried looks, almost fearful, his name was mentioned in a language he didn't understand, he was punched, kicked and bullied. By this most recent point, he was an older child and other people were starting to be more violent with him, despite his conditions and understandable background by the few who did really feel sorry for him.

The same rough cycle repeated and Tetsu asked his father to hire a tutor to teach him the language and culture again. His father hired a kind, understanding woman named Ms Novakih, and Tetsu learned Hawaiian in class, as she translated useful classwork and questions to him. He then learned the language later, only to find out the nasty things that people were saying about his episodes: "What a freak" "Disgusting" "Did he see someone die or something?" And that pulled a hard nerve in Tetsu. Filled with absolute rage, he attacked them until he mixed up this poor boy's blood for his. He was sent home with disgust from the parents and carers. His father was extremely disappointed and his mother was sending very angry letters to him overseas, that were given more stamp priority than his usual letters, which was heartbreaking. He returned to th school the following year, and he became friends with many more people as they had forgiven and forgotten him for his mistakes and understood his suffering. He felt now what he had with Monique, happiness and care for other human beings, but sadly he wouldn't stay like this for the rest of his life. He was to return to his lonely mother in Britain the following year, and when his friends found out that he couldn't keep in contact? They left him. Alone. Entirely, utterly, alone. They didn't understand why he had to do this, and so they forgot him on the spot.

They didn't spread rumours to others; they just pretended he never existed. He returned with a broken head, heart and motivation to Britain, with hopes his mother would take pity on his situation. When he arrived however - he saw police and a blaring ambulance outside. His mother had just been announced as dead because of a stroke. Distraught and hurt, Tetsu ran away from this whole catastrophe, he just didn't want this life. Police conducted a 72-hour high priority search for him and he was later found in a back alley eating the leftover food from a takeaway service. He was thin and his face looked tired and worn. He looked like his poor mother with her droopy facial features, like that of a bulldog. Kyoto decided it was finally time that he goes to live in a kind, more accepting form of education; an exchange school. So at the age of 13, Tetsu boarded a flight with his father to Karakura, a small Japanese town with a highschool with exceptional grades and kind students. Kyoto regularly checked on Tetsu via the newly invented phone, and texted updates on his work every single day to him. Tetsu stayed with some of his family's friends until he became of age to live alone in a rented apartment, or with newly made friends if he wished.

Tetsu chose a quiet, well-affordable home in the shopping district of Karakura near Shinboshi Station, and wrote a letter to the college dean applying for Karakura Academics. He was accepted into the college at the grand age of 20, and since he's been working hard to learn and to explore his mind, studying Law, Drama and Medicine and even got a range-rover car! And the perfectly red cherry on top of all that delicious progress is that he's making new, amazing friends; who this time, actually like him for who he is inside. He's getting through his many traumas through help of his friends and trying his best not to mistake innocent acts for malicious ones.

As I said, Tetsu's story is much more long and detailed, this is just the main important parts of his tragic life with a happy ending, although I'd say most of our lives are in this vein to be honest.

Thanks for reading and I hope I get accepted!
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Level 53

I do like your writing, however I'd like to point out that your writing prompt #2 was set as more of a biography rather than the history of how your character came to be who they are today.

- I'd like to also quickly mention your use of the italics is something we'd like people to keep to a minimal.

- You are allowed to apply again in the future when spots on the team are open.


Level 75
Thread starter

I do like your writing, however I'd like to point out that your writing prompt #2 was set as more of a biography rather than the history of how your character came to be who they are today.

- I'd like to also quickly mention your use of the italics is something we'd like people to keep to a minimal.

- You are allowed to apply again in the future when spots on the team are open.
Okay I understand :)

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