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Accepted XU4NYU4N's science teacher application part dos


Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


Do you have a microphone?:


What is your time zone?:


Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I am on almost every day at Schoolrp for four to six hours if I am not busy. If I am busy I will let people and my higher ups know my situation no matter how small or large it is.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server: (DENIED) (ACCEPTED) (ACCEPTED) (ACCEPTED)

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

College - Bachelor


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Science (Biology)

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

I have been on SRP for three years now and I was once in the teacher faction not too long ago. I left due to IRL issues but I'm ready to come back to resume teaching once more!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?

I do understand this, yes.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:

Yes I do.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

Teacher class logs are your proof of activity within the faction, they are also important because it shows who is putting in their merit for a promotion and who may be a bit lacking in reaching their quota for the month.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

No being on your phones in class, no talking over the teacher, no fighting, no eating the supplies, no starting fires in the classroom and no pressing the big red button.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

Like I said previously I have been around for three years now on SRP and I have been involved in gangs, gang flash events, big families with important roles to help other members and on top of that I used to be part of the Roniry company ICLY on one of my other characters, also still an acting guard for Bao Koji.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD

↳ Meaning: Head of Department
↳ Description: Head of the department for the topic, the big boss.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A teacher who has showed their worth and are clearly dedicated to their job! They help out the newly qualified teachers from time to time when they need it along with helping out the new Untrained teachers.

↳ Meaning: Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A fresh and new teacher who went through their training and are now able to hold their own classes. They also help out the untrained teachers learn the ropes and get used with the flow of things.

- UT
↳ Meaning: Untrained Teacher
↳ Description: A freshly hired teacher who has yet or is currently undergoing training to be qualified enough to host their own classes.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers in game:
Teachers on SchoolRP are there to give everybody the chance to roleplay as a student, delinquent or whatever they choose to be, just do not be annoying about it. Without them SchoolRP would just be another regular roleplay server where crime is relevant in and out of school and it would just get boring without them in general. They host classes, give students classwork, host field-trips, play kahoots and much much more! They also act as the guards within the school, when I say guard I mean more of a protector role than anything, they make sure everybody is being respectful to one another and they are above all else making sure no fights are happening. Their salary is based on their total classes they host each month, if they reach their full quota they get paid but if they host more than can earn slightly more than what they would usually earn, but their position also matters a great deal as UQT’s earn ¥350,000 for being a part of 10 classes. QT’s can earn ¥400,000 a month for hosting 10 classes. Also after they reach their quota a teacher can earn an extra ¥50,000 per class up to a maximum of ¥500,000 per month with overtime.

Teachers out of game:
Teachers out of the game are there to provide the students a safe and inviting learning environment for everybody to enjoy! But, each teacher is different with how they conduct their classes, their learning plans and their lesson plans. Not every teacher is going to be the same, they are human and everybody is unique in their own way at the end of the day after all. Some will take note of how certain groups interact with one another and how they should go forward with trying to educate those who think school is nothing but a joke. Also, a teacher tends to only be able to teach one subject rather than a vast variety like how a professor or a tutor would be able to.

Methods of teaching:
Each teacher will have their own different and unique way of teaching, while one may be more hands on and likes to have people pair up into groups to tackle their work. Some others might prefer the quiet tranquility of not speaking while students do their work and focus on getting the task at hand completed so that they can go over it as a class to see what is right and what is wrong.

Free time:
While most people would assume teachers ICLY and OOCLY do not do much outside of their teaching job, they are still people with their own lives and hobbies! Although their work may bleed into their free time, the right teacher would go up and beyond to make their classes the best and put extra time into planning out lesson plans or field trips. They also have their own families they need to attend to and some of them might even be married with a wife and kid/kids on the way, they are busybodies who sacrifice their time for those around them despite the idea that it might be nice to take a load off but, what about putting a smile on another person or students face instead? They might sacrifice dinner with a friend for work and they might leave early to prepare for an important opportunity!

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Teachers are important to a SchoolRP server because without the teachers there would be no SchoolRP, it would just be another generic crime infested city roleplay server. They are there to provide people with the opportunity to roleplay as a student and work their way up through the grades until they graduate.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

The school works on the MoSCoW planning system, MoSCoW stands for: Must have, Should have, Could have, Would have.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Ichigo is a Korean-Italian male in his mid twenties and has several facial scars that he obtained from when he was younger. His hair is jet black and he also has multiple facial piercings! He is different and unique due to his history, he was bred into a criminal who eventually broke out of his painful seemingly-never ending cycle and went back to school and continued his studies. He reformed himself into someone who could go around his family and friends and not have to worry them constantly about what he was doing or if they would never see him again after that day.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

He sees students as the youth of the city, they have the extreme potential to become intensely smart and just as vicious if they were to decide to be violent towards someone. He believes that every student should have the chance to have a normal school life despite how bad the outside of the school walls can be. Ichigo sees his co-workers as his friends and family. He goes to work with them, laughs with them and makes lesson plans with them or even has collaborative classes with other teachers!

What are their plans for the future?

His plans for the future is to be able to provide for his family, friends and loved ones. He wants to be able to make an impact on at least one person and help younger kids who have no sense of direction. He wants to be able to help those out who are lost to get back on track where they belong.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

I would approach the group and politely ask them to please watch the language, this is after all school not the back alley of the powerplant. This is a place for learning and growth, not a place for delinquents to get together and curse like sailors. If they refuse to take my first request to heart I will remind them once again that they must follow the school's rules and code for no cursing.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

If nobody in my class were listening to a word I was trying to say, I would tell them in a stern tone to please pay attention to the board and the words leaving my mouth. They came to my class with the intention to learn and grow, not chit chat. If they have no intention of being respectful and didn't come to listen to the lecture they can leave my class and go to another so some other student can take their place and actually learn.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

Ichigo would talk with his co-workers about their classes and if any of them would want help teaching their next lesson if he wasn’t planning on teaching during a period. He would also talk to them about what their plans for after work are and if there is anything going on like a dinner at a restaurant or a social gathering. He would not be afraid to make friends with any new employee of the School regardless how they appear or present themselves.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

walked around to each desk while holding a small stack of papers which contained a lesson plan for the unit on the various topics that he would be going over for the next month. “If you take a look at the paper I am giving each of you, you will see a small bulleted list of the lessons I have in store for us, thankfully this time around we are doing evolution once again but this time on fish! Not birds.” Once he was finished handing out the papers he turned around and slowly walked back to his desk down the middle of the classroom between two rows of desks. “At the end of the unit I plan on taking us to the beach to go look at some fish and have you jot down the different types you manage to get a glimpse of, now, who is ready to begin?” He then turned around and strolled behind his desk and sat in his chair, taking out a rather thick book and opening it to a marked page in the beginning.

/me opened the doors to his classroom and let his colleague walk in first, his gentleman demeanor being shown for once. “Today I am having one of the PE teachers help me with one of my lectures, now do not get excited we will unfortunately not be throwing dodgeballs at one another this period. But thankfully my friend here plans on doing exactly that next period and I will also be helping them!” He then shut the doors behind him as he walked in and approached the chalkboard and began to write on it: ‘The human body and the effects of vitamins on it!’. “Now this lesson will be short and easy since it is essentially a dual lecture, mine being more focused on the effects of certain vitamins on our bodies while my colleague’s class will be on making sure we are active to take advantage of said vitamins!”

/me would turn around to face the chalkboard as he drew some of the flowers he was just talking about on it, one of them was a Lady slipper while the other was a Bleeding Heart flower. “Now the difference between these two flowers are rather easy to tell, one of them will make you wish you did not eat it while the other will just taste funky. The Bleeding Heart here is the one you need to look out for because it has the chance to kill you if you ingest it. So, let’s not do that, yeah?” As he finished up speaking he noticed a student walking over toward the big red emergency button on the wall and shot them a sternful glare. “Whatever you plan on doing with that button, think twice and sit down unless you wish to stay after school today and write about what you did wrong.”

/me lent his back against the desk as he crossed his arms at the class before him, he raised his left hand up as he pointed to the ceiling with his index finger. “Birds, as you know, fly through the sky, yes? Most of them do but others such as ostriches and penguins cannot fly through the sky, this reason being because penguins have no feathers to keep themselves airborne if they do in fact take flight. While ostriches cannot fly, they are the fastest bird on land! No other bird competes with their natural run speed of thirty miles per hour to thirty seven miles per hour. Their full sprint speed can reach up to forty three miles per hour. Which is as fast as a motorbike like a moped.” He brought his hand back down as he then turned around to face his chalkboard and approached it. He would pick up a piece of chalk and draw an ostrich running around in a circle at max speed it seems! After he was finished drawing the example of what he meant, he turned back around to face his class whilst saying. “Now who can give me three detailed facts about Ostriches before class ends for a golden star?”


Ichigo Takeo was born and raised in a small fishing town on the coast of Italy, his older sister was the one to drop him off on his uncle’s doorstep when he was just a mere newborn. The cause for this was because his mother, whose name is still unknown to him, had an affair with a wealthy Korean businessman while her husband was out of town for a while, each one having an affair on the other consistently and without remorse for the other. But, when her husband found out she was pregnant with another man’s child that was not his own, he wanted to kill the baby with his bare hands, he wanted nothing more than to see it on the bottom of the heel of his shoe. He told his wife that if that child was born he would make sure that the boy would not live to see a second day so when the day came of his birth. His mother ran off somewhere with Ichigo’s older sister and had Ichigo, they were in hiding for a month before they had to drop him off at his uncle's hut, from there on his uncle would be the only family he thought he had, for now that is. His uncle raised him and instilled the idea in his head that he should grow up and inspire other people, teach the people who need help and put those lost back on track again. Life was peaceful and calming for young Ichigo and his uncle Santiago, nothing to worry about but what type of fish they would bring home to sell to the local market, and the smell. Gods the smell of fresh fish would cake their nostrils until they couldn’t smell anything else other than fish! On the dawn of Ichigo’s eighth birthday his entire life would change for the worst, unbeknownst to Ichigo his uncle Santiago owned the Italian mafia who ran the streets of the small fishing town at night a good sum of money, enough that just a fisherman and his nephew could barely even make in two years without the interest rates. They came knocking on the fishing hut’s door on a rainy night; they had both just finished having their dinner and were cleaning up when they heard the sudden and unknown knocking. Ichigo walked up to the door and slowly opened it for the men in pitch black suits who towered over both Ichigo and Santiago, they shoved Ichigo outside and slammed a blackjack over the backside of his small head, concussing him and making him unable to stand up and help his uncle. They managed to get ahold of poor Santiago as they dragged him out of the hut by his hair and forced him to his knees, everybody in the town was outside waiting to see what would happen, would they spare his life or would they ruthlessly take Santiago’s. The Don walked up in front of Santiago and spoke to him in Italian, telling him that he had five years to get the money he owed them and if he did not have it, there would be consequences.. Santiago looked over to the young and concussed Ichigo and told him for the last time that he loved him and remembered what Santiago had taught him over the eight years he had been living with him before his neck was quickly cut and he choked to death on his own blood. He was made an example of in front of the whole town, the townies dropped their heads and wept in sorrow at the sight of Santiago’s lifeless bodily shell. The Don walked over to Ichigo and grew a wicked smile as he knelt down and grabbed Ichigo by the hair and brought his head up and spoke to the poor boy, “Your uncle couldn’t pay off his debt so instead of killing you as well, I am going to take you in as my own and break you into one of my lackeys until I see fit to let you go, hell I might not even let you go to begin with and keep you imprisoned within my mafia for the rest of your natural born life kid, let’s go. We have work to do.” After the Don finished speaking to Ichigo it all went black as he was hit over the head with another swing from a blackjack.

The next time Ichigo woke up he was in a dark room with only a candle burning for light, the room was gray and there was a suit hanging in a closet, and only just the suit. He had woken up in his new personal hell with no escape in sight, he knew this was it for him. He knew there was no way he could escape the Don’s powerful iron fist even if he tried to. He curled up into a ball and sobbed his heart out, his eighth birthday forever being stained with the blood of his uncle’s death for as long as he lived and there was no way for him to change that cruel and unforgiving reality. For the next several years until he was seventeen he worked under the Don who killed his uncle, resenting him everyday silently as he continued to follow his orders, accompanying him to public executions similar to the one they did to Santiago. Anything he was told to do he would do it just to not raise suspicions on himself but that did not stop the Don from beating on the poor boy and calling him a ‘Debt slave’ to his organization. He could take the beating but whenever he was called that name he grew ever so closer to snapping until one fateful night where there was a chance for him to escape. He managed to spike both the Don’s wine and the securities wine with a powerful knock-out medicine similar to melatonin, non lethal but enough to knock out a horse if given to one. He escaped out the side door which led down to the docks but before running there he took his fedora which donned a blood red rose clip on the side of it and put it on his head and turned to face the estate. He took out a singular cigarette and light it up as he stood there staring at the towering building, as he inhaled the cigarette he took out a small container filled with Kerosine and lined the bottom of the side door with it, taking one last inhale of his cigarette as he flung it at the kerosine watching it ignite on contact with the lit cigarette. He pulled his fedora down enough so he concealed his face as he walked to the docks, the Don’s men running to the estate to save the don but when they got there the entire place was up in flames, Ichigo slowly stepped into a boat which was owned by the Don and hotwired it. Turning his head to the left as he watched the estate burn bright in the night sky, he broke into a small smirk as he shed a singular tear, the first he had shed since he was taken in by the Don and softly said to himself under his breath.. “That one was for you Santiago, I hope you can see the fire from where you are now, I love you.” Before turning the boat on and driving away from the scene. He would drive himself to the nearest airport and booked a one way ticket to a city where he knew he could, not safely but for sure lay low in called, Karakura Japan.

While his life in Karakura was, well, violent, saddening, adrenaline inducing and heart-breaking. He met a few people he could call his own, even joined a few families although he quickly left them due to mistreatment and neglect. He still found friends and loved ones in those families that he could confidently call his family and was even adopted by a woman at the local joint highschool and College who was head of the nursing department at the time, her name was Maribelle and she took him under his wing. She saw the years of pain and torment he had to endure all by himself and all she wished to do was to ease his burden as much as he allowed her to. He trusted her enough to call her his mom even before she officially adopted him as her son. While he attended Karakura High he watched her work with the younger students and cared for them and he remembered what his uncle Santiago told him, to help those in need, to teach to those who wish to learn and to make an impact on those around you. He remembered his purpose in life and eventually graduated from Karakura High to Karakura College, his mother Maribelle had never been more proud of him in her life than in that moment, and when he told her he wanted to study biology to become a biology teacher he wept with silent joy as she embraced him into her arms, she told him she was so incredibly proud of how far he has made it until now and to not stop going forward. She would not hold him back but instead assist him in going forward with whatever he needed. She would support his endeavors no matter what like a real mother would, in his eyes this was his real mother, nobody else could or would replace her in his life and if they tried to well, they could answer to the short angry country mother if they wished. But, in the end there was one thing he needed to do and that was to help out and teach the ones who were never given the chance to be taught, just like him, he wanted to make an impact, he wanted to become a teacher.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Ichigo Tokugawa

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:

Mr. Tokugawa

Age (Minimum is 25):




Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:

Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

I have taught Biology for nearly two and a half decades now.

Academic Degree:


Year of Graduation:





Chemistry and Physics

Native Languages:

Japanese, Korean and Italian.

Other Languages:


Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

If you are reading this, you're a cewl cat. :3

Do you have any questions?:



Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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