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Zacharie T. Edgeworth | Biography


Level 27
Do not take any information ICLY. Thanks.

< ザック・エッジワース >

"Years had passed, we all went on different paths. But every summer, I see you, and change no longer seems so scary."

[Basic Information]

Name: Zacharie Tizon Edgeworth
Birth Name: Zacharie Duran Tizon
Date of Birth: January 31st 20XX (22)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her

Height: 5’2 (157cm)
Weight: 49kg~ (108lb)

Religion: Catholicism
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Engaged

Birthplace: Manila, Philippines
Current Location: Kyoto, Japan
Deathday: [MISSING]

Affiliations: Karakura College (Masters)


A shortened version of her first name. Commonly used by basically everyone. She preferred to be called by this.

A nickname given to her by her boyfriend, Riku. Though she only prefers being called by that by him. She tolerates her family and friends calling her that.

Given by her younger sister figure, Sky. Simple, but cute.

Only said by her current parents

Riku called her a nerd. She's okay with that.

A mixture of Nerd and Zacchi, nicknamed given by Riku. She thinks it's cute. Not a common nickname though.

A small joke given by Riku due to the fact she often naps at random times of the day.

An alias she goes by sometimes, but not often.

Umbrella friend
Given by Russel, who also bear the Umbrella Friend title.

Given by Bubbles. It was mainly due to her often wearing yellow shades.

Nickname was given by Mr Hiroshi. She's still pretty flustered about that.

Nickname given by Ms. Sakura. She is also still pretty flustered.

She strangely doesn't recall who gave her this nickname.


A nickname given to her by Soo-Yunn. Somehow, this nickname made her more embarrassed.


Physical Description:
A 5'2 Filipino female stands before you, with brown eyes that lost a bit of its glint. Her equally brown hair is short and styled in a manner that made her appear as the opposite gender. She would have a faint flowery scent. Her right hand would have ink stains on them. Around her neck is a necklace with a meteor pebble on it.

Body Type: Ectomorph
Skin Color: Fair
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short

Clothing Style:
Quite frankly, Zacharie does not mind wearing anything. But nowadays you may see her in smart-casual attire made out of cotton.


Zacharie tends to ignore those around her, often drawing or playing video games to pass the time. She is only able to interact if someone initiates it. Otherwise, she is more responsive to those she deems as friends, family or familiar faces. Zacharie is more akin to following the rules and guidelines, and is considered to be a good student in Karakura College- at least in terms of attending class. Other than that, she keeps to herself and does not get herself involved in anything bad unless her friends are involved, in which case she becomes more aggressive (Only Riku seemed to be able to effectively calm her). Zacharie will be neutral to those that are strangers to her, not fond of having to interact with anyone that she doesn’t know (Or perhaps it’s her not being a sociable person in the first place). However, she'll eventually get used to their presence and relax. She tends to be more talkative during conversations that interest her. If not, she becomes quiet.

Zacharie's views became more pessimistic due to the death of a dear friend of hers. She absolutely gives no shit towards those she sees as manipulative or bad people (or even people she doesn't even know), only caring about those that she calls friends before she changed. Though she has been trying to change this part about her… Though the pessimism is still present, she had learned to relax a little more.

Zacharie seems overly protective of her friends and family, in particular Riku, who has been her boyfriend for over a year and currently fiance. How this came to be is not really known, especially since she wasn’t this protective when they were younger. But if anyone spoke ill of him, or even did anything to Riku that crossed over boundaries of ‘Friends’, then she would become hostile and aggressive.

She seems easily overwhelmed when surrounded by loud noises or when thinking too much. Therefore, she lashes out regardless on who it is. Though no matter what she may actually feel regret and guilt for doing so.

Sometimes, Zacharie is found in the plaza. Although she doesn’t actively talk to people there, especially when alone, Zacharie seems to prefer having the presence of people around anyway (Likely because of her Autophobia). Though usually, she would be in the company of her fiancé or friends if they are around, following wherever they go.

In a good day, Zacharie would wave in greeting. But regularly, she responds with a "What do you want?" kind of question, obviously not very happy. The only exceptions are the school faculty, or any of the adults, really, becoming more formal and polite, especially in the way she speaks. Around friends, she's quite casual, mainly joking and having one or both hands in her pockets.

Voice: SAD-ist (English), Emma from The Promised Neverland (Japanese)


Over the years, Zacharie had been skillful in the fields of art, mainly visual art. She is able to do acrylic paint and oil paint, as well as using markers and color pencils. Though she often creates her art pieces in a stylized way, she is able to create realistic pieces. Her favorite medium are ball-point pens in a dark blue color.

She started playing guitar sometime after turning 17. For awhile, she had used it as a coping mechanism when drawing wasn't working for her. But over the years she honed her skills in playing her acoustic guitar, now she plays it for fun.

She's not the best in volleyball, but with her fiancé's insistence with wanting to play volleyball she does eventually learn the basics of it. She's essentially the perfect target practice.

Not with actual guns, but she began to take an interest in playing around with ranged toys. Like the toy glock, a toy rifle, even a bow, she started messing around and found herself having an accurate aim.

Paper Folding:
The only thing she knows how to fold are bunnies, nothing else.

Her cooking is horrendous sometimes, but she is able to bake mainly brownies. Though her baking comes from having to cope with stress.


Biological Family

Edwin J. Duran|Biological Uncle
"You came just in time to get me and kuya out of my father’s rage. You saved us, and gave us another chance in living and I can not thank you enough for it. I hope you’re doing well in America. Take care of your family."

Tyler D. Tizon|Biological Brother|DEAD
"I'm sorry that I waited too long."

James Tizon|Biological Father
"I suppose you tried. Fuck you anyway."

Jakob C. Duran|Biological Cousin

"Don’t make your dad’s life a living hell, yea? You’re growing everyday. . . I hope to meet you soon."


Riku J. Adelaide|Fiance
"Who knew that we'd come to this point, huh? With how our life played out before we met each other, the trials and challenges and falls we had to endure during our relationship. People leaving, people dying, people hurting us. Yet we're still here together, continuing to love together and spend another day waking up to be in each other's arms. I can't convey my unlimited love and adoration and fondness towards you. But, this ring on my finger shows our devotion- my choice to spend the rest of my life with you. You're mine, and I'm yours. Mahal na mahal kita, Riri."

Dylan M. Edgeworth|Father
"I looked up to you a lot, maybe I still do. But it was perhaps only recently that, perhaps I looked up to you too much. Now, I'm not sure what to think of you. It doesn't really help Atlas hasn't talked to you since then. I'm still grateful for what you and mom has done for us."

Keiki Z. Edgeworth|Mother
"Hey, still remember me, Ma? I hope you didn't... you got two grandbabies on the way."

Atlas Edgeworth O.|Brother
"Who would have thought that we would start off being roommates, then becoming actual siblings? I wished we had met at a happier time, but honestly, just meeting you was the best thing that could happen and for many reasons. Thank you for being there for me, kuya. I love you."

Isoroku Adelaide? Okinowa Edgeworth|Close Friend?/Brother uh
"I still don't understand dad's reasoning. And it was sudden. All I know, is that it could be worse. I still need time getting used to the new title but, yea."

Miyako Edgeworth|Aunt
"Tita Miya. . . Chaotic is the only word I can describe you. You’re technically my aunt, yet you act more like a sister. I guess it’s because we are quite close in age. Whatever the case, you were the first person I met that spoke my language, and for a moment I felt like I had someone that I can relate to in Karakura. Thank you."

Enokii Z. Celestial|Uncle/Close Friend

"You’re one of my precious friends, I’m sorry I don’t often express my gratitude for your company. I cherish every little moment we had together. Despite that, you always come for me every time I needed help. Thank you, Eno, for everything. I know you'll be moving away soon, please take care alright? Let's stay in contact."

Hector Zaalate|Uncle/Close Friend
"I don't say this much often, but I really appreciate you. And enjoyed your company a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Thanks for being our friends first, and then apparently becoming my uncle. .. even though I'm older than you."

Other Relationships

Barbatos V. Archon|Brother Figure/Bestfriend
"Hey, remember when we first met? It felt like it was yesterday but it has been years. It was during the summer, remember? Whenever summer comes I'm brought back to the time had met you for the first time, met everyone for the first time. I don't know where I'm going with this in all honesty... just... thank you. For being here."

Sky U. Okinowa|Younger Sister Figure/Bestfriend
"Wherever you are, please be careful. There's always a plate of brownies on the counter if you want."

Emilia ‘Ella’ Sauer|Close Friend
"We don’t often hang out much, yet I still consider you as one of my closest friends. You were one of the first friends I made when I first joined our friend group. Lots of stuff has happened over the years while you were gone, but I'm glad to have you back here in Karakura. I'm glad to still be able to call you a dear friend of mine."

Joutarou ‘Jojo’ Kuujou|Uncle Figure/Respected
"I. . . still don't understand how you see me as your niece, but, uh, thank you so much si- Mr- uh- Ti- Uh- Uncle??"

‘Rei’ Seong|Friend
"Of all the friends I have made and lost, you were one of my oldest friends that I still know to this day. Seeing you around school always seems to brighten my day. Just knowing that some things don’t always change. . . I hope you’re doing well, dear friend."

Soo-Yunn V. Adelaide|Friend
"We haven't hung out that much recently, but I have to admit that you helped a lot with my self esteem, encouraging me to try new styles and be out of my comfort zone. And although I still have a long way to go, I want to thank you for giving me the courage to take my first step."

Cadell Percival Adler|Friend
"We don’t talk much, admittedly. I don’t actually remember how we first met, but honestly I’m honored to be seen as a friend by you. I hope we get to talk more, Cad. Though, I haven't seen you much recently. I have a feeling you're still alright though."

Russel C. Chelov|Friend
". . . I’m not quite sure how we met, or if we met at all before. The feeling is there- but anyway, we may not have a lot of conversations but I know our actions speak more than words. If anything, it is enjoyable having your company around, Umbrella Friend. Hope to see you again, though, it's been awhile."

Bubbles Adelaide|Friend
"Hey Bubs- wait shit, you can't hear."

Akari ‘Ak’ O.S Namaah|Friend
"You were one of the reasons why Riku and I even got together, did you remember? And even after we started dating, you stuck around and became one of my friends. I’m happy to have someone like you taking care of us and looking out for us. I hope you're doing well, and if not, you know you always have us to call."

Andrew Kiyami|Friend
"We don’t talk much, but I care for you. You’ve looked out for Riku so many times now, I’m just glad that he has a friend like you around to care for him when I can’t. It was also fun talking to you, though it's not that much. But safe to say that I do see you as a friend."

Antoinette ‘Ace’|Acquaintance
"We don’t know each other that much. We only really knew each other through Kashii. I don’t know how you’re feeling now that she’s gone, but I'm glad to know you. Haven't seen you much around, I hope you're taking care of yourself Ace. Don't get yourself into too much trouble."

Rei Kiyama|Respected
". . . You look like him. But, thank you. For caring."

Hiroshi James Y. Adelaide|Respected
"Thank you for being the father Riku needed in his life."

Koyuki Okinowa|Respected
“Your brother is really cool. So are you.”

Lost Relationships

John T. Rin|Close Friend
"I miss you. When we first met, I thought you were going to be one of the sane ones but you are just as chaotic as Tita Miya. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. I haven’t seen you in awhile but wherever you are, I hope you’re doing well. You'll always be one of the closest friends I've ever made here in Karakura, stay safe, alright?"

Bonnie ‘Boni’ Usagi|Friend
". . . Hope you’re doing okay, friend."

Jiyura Macleod|Friend
"Our time at the DnD Club may be short, but I appreciate all the hard work you put in. It has been awhile since I last saw you, but thank you for helping me when you did. I also graduated High School, are you proud?"

Winnie D. Tizon|Biological Mother|DEAD
"Kuya Tyler said I looked a lot like you with long hair. Father can never look me in the eye, being reminded of you. I wonder how you would react, seeing your daughter grow up the way she did. I wonder if you would be proud of me? Or would you also despise me, given that you died after giving birth to me. I’ll never know. I at least hope you continue being at peace, wherever you are."

Nicholai ‘Niko’ Pavel|Friend|DEAD
"We never talked that much. We don’t even interact that much. All I know is that one day, you were with us. And the next you were gone. Despite our little interactions, I see you as a dear friend of mine. I hope you’re at peace."

Kashii A. Cortez|Sister Figure/Bestfriend|DEAD
"I knew you were going to leave sooner than later. It was bound to happen- Karakura isn’t the safest, and I know you affiliate yourself with, well, bad people. I know you tried to change at the end. I saw that. I wish I could have talked to you more. I miss you, Kash. I miss you. I just wished we had more time."

Cyren ‘Rigger’ Midori|Friend|DEAD

"You were Riku’s sister. Kashii’s colleague at some point. And my friend. Everything was going to hell so fast I didn’t get to properly mourn your death. I wished we had talked more, hung out even. But we never did, and we never will. Rest now."

Remiru Namaah|Friend|DEAD
"How did we even meet. . . I don’t even remember, but I know you’re a very close friend of Riku. I’m happy to have you and Riku looking out for us whenever, and being generally a good friend. That's why... I miss you. I wonder if you knew this was going to happen. I, heh... I don't even know what to say. Rest easy, friend. Thank you."

Sakuta Hanazono|Respected|DEAD
"I honestly don't know you very well, though I don't have to, to have to respect you, Sir. You came to aid me and Riku when we needed it despite not knowing us that well. Moreover. . . You cared a lot about Sky. And I would know, Sky talked highly of you as a big brother. Rest now, Sir. We'll. . . We'll take care of Sky. Thank you for everything you've done for your family."

"You were the first person that left my life. I didn’t know that you died until years later. I’m sorry, friend. That I abandoned you, left you because I was scared. But you’re safe now, in the afterlife. . . I just wished you were safer earlier."

Edwin Aiden Winter|Ex-Boyfriend
"You found me under that tree when we were younger, remember? Just a bunch of kids that had a crush on one another, unaware of the harsh reality of Karakura. You were there for me when I had no one. Then one day, you suddenly said goodbye. I said goodbye, but your permanent departure from my life cut a hole in my chest. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t speak. You told me to find someone that would care and love me like he once did. Well, I did. And I know that you would be proud of me for moving on. I hope you moved on as well, found a girl or guy. Hope the military hasn’t been entirely an ass to you."

[Extra Information]

Make (very bad) dad jokes
Punch a wall for some reason

Languages Known:


Playing guitar
Video Gaming

Inventory/Important Items:

Smartphone with a White Panda case
Wallet with a bunny keychain on it
Meteor Pebble Necklace
Neentendo Switch
Eggward (Gifted by Dylan)
Acoustic Guitar
White-Cyan Headphones (Gifted by Ezekiel)

Separation Anxiety

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Meaning of Zacharie
”the Lord Recalled” or “God has Remembered” in Hebrew [אלוהים נזכר]

Favorite Subject(s)
Art, Music, English

Favorite Color(s)
Blue and Yellow shaded colors

Favorite Drink(s)
Preferably cold or sweet, Banana Milk

Favorite Food
Filipino Food, Fried stuff

Favorite Animal(s)
Red Panda, Dogs

Favorite Flower(s)
Periwinkles, Daffodils

Favorite Season

Favorite Song(s)
> Playlist

Last edited:


Level 27
Thread starter
[BIOGRAPHY UPDATE #1] 14/6/2021
-Edit Speech Pattern a tiny bit
-Revamped Backstory, as well as WIP of the next part following her highschool years (13-14)
-Added new Relationships
-Removed Gallery

Edit (because I forgot):
-Added new appearances (WIP)

Last edited:


Level 27
Thread starter
[BIOGRAPHY UPDATE #2] 17/6/2021
- Edited Physical Appearance
- Edited and Added Personality
- Added Backstory; Highschool Bliss + WIP following the next few school years
- Added and Edited Relationships, as well as relationship statuses
- Added Fears and Trivia in [Extra Information]

I can't stop writing help



Level 27
Thread starter
[BIOGRAPHY UPDATE #3] 20/6/2021
-Removed 1 Relationship
-Removed Skills
-Added more Trivia
-Edited Fears
-Edited 'Lost' Trait



Level 72
yeah thats kashii- wanting to pass marine bio and does not give a frick about anyone who trys with her ! she can throw hands and words !!


Level 27
Thread starter
[BIOGRAPHY UPDATE #4] 30/6/2021
-Edited Known Diseases/Health Concerns/Disabilities in [General Information]
-Edited Traits and Behavior in [Personality]
-Added Backstory; Act 3
-Edited Relationships
-Added 'Lost Relationships'
-Added on to Fears and Inventory in [Extra Information]

[BIOGRAPHY UPDATE #4.5] 1/7/2021
-Edited Behavior, Speech Pattern and Voice in [Personality]
-Added on to Inventory, Habits, Trivia and Hobbies in [Extra Information]
Last edited:


Level 27
Thread starter
[BIOGRAPHY UPDATE #6] 7/7/2021
-Edited Appearance
-Edited and Added to Personality
-Slightly Edited and Added to Relationships (+a lot of WIPS)
-Edited and Added to Extra Information


Level 27
Thread starter
[BIOGRAPHY UPDATE #7] 12/7/2021
-Edited and Added to Relationships (Mainly descriptions)
-Added to Extra Information


Level 27
Thread starter
[BIOGRAPHY UPDATE #8] 26/7/2021
-Removed and Edited to Backstory
-Edited Extra Informations
-Edited Appearance


Level 27
Thread starter
[BIOGRAPHY UPDATE #9] 4/8/2021
-Revamped the whole freaking thing into a google document
-Some information removed
-Will still post updates here though
-Pls im actually proud of this

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