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Denied zacizach | Counselor Application


Level 27
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
Ever since coming back from my hiatus, I would log on for 2-3+ hrs but if there was a roleplay scenario I was doing, it would increase to up to 6+. I rely on having something to do in the server to stay for longer. Since I am in college, my hours can vary depending in the day. However, I am more active on weekends.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I have never been banned.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge that if I am inactive, I will be demoted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for Counselor.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The Counselor’s main goal is to be the pillar of support for the student body. Whether it would be emotional needs, seeking advice for future aspirations, or simply in need of a listening ear, the Counselors will be there for them.

Students have a safe space to share their thoughts. No matter the background of the student, if said student requires assistance, counselors will be there to provide such assistance to the best of their ability without biasness. Counselors’ number one rule will always be to prioritize the needs and health of the students, both emotional and physical. However, if the students wish to not seek their help, then it is also the Counselor’s duty to respect their decision, but still keep an eye out for their safety.

There is a safe space in the Counselor’s office for students to share their thoughts as it would be kept confidential. No matter their backgrounds, views, or personality, the Counselors are there to provide assistance while being unbiased. Their needs and health will always be prioritized, thus Counselors would have the choice to contact professional authorities if they believe the lives of their students’ are at risk.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have generally roleplayed for over ten years now, especially towards literature roleplay. Some of my experiences come from Discord RP servers in the past that also do a lot of detailed roleplaying. I joined SRP back in 2021 and roleplayed in the server for over a year, experiencing different scenarios such as FamilyRP and RomanceRP, and participated in a handful of the events which allowed for more roleplay opportunities. However, I did take a break for months to prioritize school. As I have more time now, I familiarized myself with the server and roleplaying once more.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
First and foremost, new experiences. I have played characters that are either in Highschool or College, even participated in clubs, but never as an adult. Since the year I started in SRP, I believe that I did everything I wanted to experience as a student, and therefore I want to do something new and admittedly out of my comfort zone. I initially thought of applying as a teacher, but figured I’d keep it something more simple and decided to look into the employee faction, instead. Furthermore, I’m intrigued by how the school staff work behind the scenes, unlike how we normally see them on the server.

Secondly, lore reasons. One of the characters I want to bring back is Zacharie Edgeworth and have her story continue into adulthood. The last time I played her, she was in college and about 20 years old. However, her brother, Atlas Edgeworth, continued to be active in the server until he eventually aged up to be over 30 years old. Those two characters grew up together, so I want Zac to be close to her brother’s age as an adult to keep their lore consistent.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Filipino Language [Accepted]
JSL Language [Accepted]
Third Lang Authorization [Accepted]
French Language [Denied]
French Language [Accepted]
Chinese Language [Accepted]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
College Masters

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/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
As a counselor, Zac would politely ask the student if they require a listening ear, or need someone to vent to. In her eyes, she’d believe that the student targeting her specifically had to come from somewhere, perhaps projection. She herself would understand if that were the case. If the student refused, and continued to verbally insult her, she would issue a warning, taking a more serious approach. If the first warning is ignored, she would issue one last warning. If that’s ignored as well, she would give them detention, and offer them their counseling services if needed after school.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Zac would first intervene by telling them verbally to stop. If that doesn’t work, she’d radio the other employees of the situation, asking for assistance. Then she would physically involve herself by putting herself in between and create a barrier between the two students- even if she did sustain injuries along the way. She’d, once more, ask them to stop and explain the situation. Regardless of what the situation is, whether it's a quarrel between friends gone wrong or bullying, she would still have to issue both students detention as physical assaults are not allowed. Afterwards, she’d send both to the nurse’s office to get their injuries, if any, treated. Then, she’d offer a counseling session with the two of them in case they are in need of help that a counselor could provide.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Zac would initially question the employee’s actions. If it’s a one-time thing, Zac would simply remind them to not behave in such a manner- they are adults, after all, they should know better when to act appropriately. However, if it’s repeated- depending on what exactly the employee is doing, Zac would radio for help if she believes she needs assistance or if her safety is compromised. If not, she would confront them once more, reminding them again to behave accordingly or else there would be consequences. However, if the employee refused to heed her warnings, she would stop interacting with the employee and inform the Principals or the Deans of the employee’s unsavory behavior and actions.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
She’d be polite and kind, only really coming to the break room for coffee. However, once warmed up to her colleagues, she’d be more friendly and chatty. It is still clear that Zac is a little socially awkward regardless. If she has the time, she may buy treats that she could give to the other teachers as a sign of her showing care to their wellbeing and support.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me She’d reach for something on the desk, placing them in a ceramic bowl like the sounds suggest so. “I’d like to reassure you that anything you say here will be kept confidential. Unless it risks your health, but there’s a reason why you came for a counseling session, yes?” She’d then walk back to where they were initially seated, and placed the bowl of candy treats on the table between them. She’d smile kindly. “So, tell me what’s on your mind?”

/me She nodded, listening intently as the student in front of her spoke of their ambitions and dreams. Zac didn’t interrupt their long tangent, but rather seemed interested at the thought process this student possessed. Yes, not every student thinks like them, but there will be a few exceptions. Such exceptions sat across from her. She remained silent, continuing to listen with rapt attention.

/me She sighed as she faced the two students in front of her. “Look, boys, we are here to talk things out. You two came here with a problem you think I can provide assistance with. I have no doubt I could help, however, I can’t offer advice if neither of you are willing to cooperate with each other and tell me exactly what happened.” Despite the calmness in her tone, it was clear she was exasperated with them. “Here’s what I recommend; I’ll speak to you both privately. Hopefully, while the both of you are apart, you both can calm down.”

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In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Zacharie Edgeworth

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Zac (Friends and family)
Mrs. Edgeworth (Work)

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:
Masters Degree in Music
Masters Degree in Psychology

Music, Psychology

Education, Fine Arts


Known Languages:



Zacharie Amelia D. Tizon was born in Manila, Philippines on January 31st, 19XX. Her mother died during childbirth, leaving only her father and older brother Tyler. But it didn’t stop there, as her birth came with complications that required her to be in the ER for a certain period of time. Thankfully Zac was healthy and safe, but due to the complications, she struggled to focus on simple things and was unable to formulate words. This proceeded on until she reached three years old when her father decided to make her attend speech and behavioral therapy in hopes for her to be ‘normal’.

Zac’s family was poor, and because of the fees required for the therapy as well as school for the two siblings, they were financially struggling to make ends meet. Her father was mainly absent throughout this period, as well, for he was juggling three part-time jobs. However, when she turned six, her father lost his jobs due to reasons she was not told of. At the time, Zac was happy to have her father around the house once more, but she did not understand the aggression that was thrown to her whenever her father saw her. It would only be later, as she grew older, that she would understand that her father was still grieving the loss of his wife, and Zac was almost identical to her mother.

Verbal abuse became normal, even though she didn’t understand why. She was confused and lost, unaware of the pains her father was going through but also being too young to sympathize with him. Her brother tried to help, but he’d end up in the crossfire. She may not realize it at the time, but the constant comparison between her and her mother would make her hate how she would look later on as she grew older.

At the age of 12, a relative comes to their home for the first time. His name was Edwin, the younger brother of her late mother, and also someone who she had never met before. When Edwin realized the state the kids were living in, as well as how constantly drunk her father was, he made the decision to take custody over them. The legality of it was lost on young Zac, but before she knew it, she was living with her uncle and brother somewhere much more safer and comfortable. Despite missing her father, she would believe that living with her uncle now was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Sometime after she turned 13, Edwin got a job offer that pays well. However, he’s required to travel all the way to Karakura Island, Japan. It was a difficult decision, but Edwin decided to bring the two siblings with him and have them continue their studies there. For the next month, Zac diligently studied as much Japanese as she could before they were required to fly over to the island. From there, Zac’s life changed drastically- for both better and worse.

Karakura (Highschool & College)
Zac was enrolled into Karakura Highschool. For the majority of her first years, she’d meet new friends, lose some, even start living in a shared apartment away from her uncle and brother as it was closer to school. There was even a point that after mutually breaking up with her first boyfriend of three years, she was stricken with depression over losing somebody that she became selectively mute. Such depression forced her into some kind of dissociation, and during that period of her life, she admittedly does not remember much.

But she was surrounded by loving and supportive friends, who took care of her and made sure she was okay until Zac felt ready to tackle the real world again. So at age 16, Zac started living once more. She began playing the guitar as a coping mechanism, but was genuinely interested. She would later meet Keiki Edgeworth, and later on Dylan Edgeworth, two notable adult figures in her friend group that would look after them (as well as a Surgeon and Music Teacher respectively for Karakura). At some point, Dylan would adopt Zac into the Edgeworth family (with permission from her uncle after discussion), becoming siblings with her good friend, Atlas. It was through Dylan that encouraged her to pursue a career as a music teacher, which she began to work towards.

After her adoption, she’d meet Riku Kiyoshi, her second and final love of her life. He became the pillar of support she needed, as well as becoming his pillar of support. Two opposites, but found love and safety within each other.

Highschool came and went, and Zac found herself enrolled in Karakura College, where she would take a bachelor’s degree in Music. Close friends started leaving, whether through passing away or leaving the country entirely, Zac’s life felt… out of place. The only happy memory she vividly remembers was Riku proposing to her on her birthday trip out of the island. Zac was unsure of what her emotions were telling her.

After completing her Bachelor’s Degree and continuing on with Masters, there came a pleasant surprise when Zac realized she was pregnant. That was likely when Zac realized she can’t stay in Karakura- she can’t have her future kids experience what life is like in a dangerous city. After completing her Masters, she and Riku made the decision to leave Karakura at age 21 and move to Kyoto together. It was hard, having to leave her friends and family behind, but she believed that this was the right decision. Karakura was not a place for her children to grow up.

Kyoto (Adulthood)
After her twins were born, Zac stayed at home to look after the kids while her husband got a stable job as a coach in a nearby primary school. For the first two years, Zac felt content with her life. She helped the bills by doing art commissions and being there for her kids. But that emptiness inside of her came back. She found herself struggling to keep doing art and music.

Riku encouraged her to seek medical help, and she went to a Psychiatrist. Though there were no immediate concerns regarding Zac’s physical wellbeing, it was made clear her mental health had been affected during her time in Karakura. With the support of her husband, Zac continued to get help to regulate her unstable feelings.

It was only at age 24 did Zac become influenced at the work psychiatrists have done to help her. She realized she wanted to help others, like how the psychiatrists- and everyone that was with her, helped her in her time of need. So she went to Tokyo University where she applied for an online course. While working towards her degree, she was looking back on her life in Karakura.

She was lucky to have found adult figures that care for her, and eventually being part of a family. But not many others have the same treatment. If anything, some could be worse. Students will have to grow up to be adults, and how adults in their time will affect their worldview in the long run. This mindset made her realize that she could make a change in Karakura, even on a smaller scale, and her aspirations changed from being a psychiatrist to a school counselor instead.

After five years of schooling, Zac finally got her Masters Degree in Psychology. She then applied as a Counselor for Karakura High School & College. While awaiting for a response, she continued to take care of her kids and spent time with her husband, until she received an email, accepting her as a Counselor.

During her studies, Zac and Riku did discuss and decided that Zac will travel to Karakura alone while Riku continued to stay in Kyoto with the kids. While saddened, they both agree to not subject their kids into Karakura’s lifestyle. With the acceptance email, she packed her things and paid for the first boat that will take her to her old home. She now resides in Karakura, living with familiar and new faces, working as a Counselor for Karakura High School & College.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
“My motivation for joining KHS instead of any other school… Starting off, both my parents worked as a nurse and a music teacher. They were well-liked by the students back then, and made a few of their days better. As their daughter, I felt like continuing the work my parents left behind, and continued to nurture the kindness and respect they give to the student body. But also, as an alumni, I want to make the community slightly better. We both know how dangerous Karakura could get- if I could support them, direct them to a better path for themselves, then I’m doing something right. The other reason is much more simple- being employed in KHS requires me to stay in Karakura, which means I will also stay near family and friends, which I consider to be a positive.”

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
“No, I did not have any personal experience working in a school environment.”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“The reason why I should be accepted over other applicants is because I know what these kids are going through being a student in Karakura High or College. Maybe some things did improve while I was away but you never know. It’s such a personal reason, but to me, it acts as my main motivation to put my best front forward, and dedicate myself to the job. I want to be a safety net for them, someone to fall back to and to trust. It’s why I applied for this school specifically and nowhere else. Furthermore, I consider myself to be adaptable. Speaking to other students from all backgrounds will require me to change tactics on how I approach the subject, after all. Being able to relate to their struggles will make communicating with them easier as well.”

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Additional notes about your application:

Keiki Edgeworth and Dylan Edgeworth are actual characters that did work in KHS. Zac Edgeworth is also related to Atlas Edgeworth working in EMS.

Do you have any questions?:
No questions, but thank you for taking the time to read my app <3


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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