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Idea For Phones!!


Level 49
Shrine Lead
IGN: RandomlyAccepted
DATE: 10/28/2020
Ya know... I was gonna make a basic simple idea, just have a GUI system for contacts and I put down a few ideas. But nooo… my stubborn ass has to add more detail than I should and make a WHOLE other concept of group chats. Enjoy this...

Now lots of you can agree the phone/contact system isn't the best. It's hard to know you blocked, who is on your contact list, and many other things. So here is my idea on how it could be fixed and some ways to add a 'favorite' system and a way to easily see your contacts plus the people you blocked.

Using the chat just spams it and it's so hard to see, so something like a GUI
Example of GUI (1):

The edit contact page example (2):

How the contact will look example (3):

Now let me explain everything!
When opening the phone or doing something like /contacts a GUI will pop up (1) and you will see a variety of buttons and your contacts, let me explain them all!

Online Only: Click this will only show the contacts that are online
Offline Only: Click this and it will only show contacts that are offline.
Favorite Only: This will show only your favorites contacts. It will show the ones online and offline.
Enchanted (favorited): If the contact is shiny like it's enchanted this shows the contact is favorited and will be easy to see.
Blocked Numbers: Clicking this will show all the numbers that are blocked, this can cause people to easily unblock people or see who they blocked.
Edit Contacts: Clicking this will allow you to edit your contacts, you click on this button and the contact you wish to edit. (Will go into more detail)
Previous Page: Goes back a page
Next Page: Goes to the next page
Pages: Easy way to click through your pages of contacts.


Contact Name
: Will show the basic info of the contact: Name, Phonenumber, and Username
Remove Contact: Clicking this will prompt a ‘are you sure’ and if clicked yes the contact will be removed.
Edit Name: Instead of removing the contact and readding the contact to change its name clicking this will allow to quickly change the contact name.
Favorite/Unfavorite: If it's shiny (enchanted) it means the contact is already favorited. You click it to favorite or unfavorite that contact
Block Contact: If you have a contact that you want to block, click this and it will block the contact.

When you hover over a contact it will show the basic info (3). It shows the name of the contact you saved, their phone number, and their username. To quickly call the contact without doing /call (name) you can simply click on the contact and it will automatically put it in chat, alternatively you can use /call.

This is just a way I thought of that is a new way of viewing your contacts and stuff. But wait.. There is 1 more thing! This is something that does not need to be added BUT I know lots of players want this… group chats!

Now if there was a GUI system for contacts you can easily edit and make group chats. Let me explain how..
If adding a group chat thing, on the main GUI screen there could be a button to view, create, and edit group chats..

This is how it could look:

Viewing Group Chat:

Creating Group Chat:

Now let me explain the buttons…
Group Chats
: The number shows how many people are in the group chat (To reduce spam min is 3 and max is 10) and you can change the color to tell the group chats apart.
Create Group Chat: Clicking this will make you create a group chat (more detail later)
Invites: See the invites you have been sent. If enchanted it means you have an invite.
Back: Just goes back to the main page.
Edit Group Chats: Clicking on this and a group chat, you can edit the group chat such as the color.
Leave Group Chat: Clicking this and the group chat you wanna leave will leave the group chat.

Online Members:
Shows the online members that are on. It shows their name, phone number, and username. (Will go into more detail) If you want to private call the person you just click and it will put /call [Number]
Offline members: Shows who is offline, shows the same info as online.
Open slots: Show how many slots are open.
Enable/Disable Group Chat: Clicking this will enable or disable the group chat, you will be a part of it just won't receive any messages.
Group Chat Info: Hovering over this will show the basic info of the GC such as the name, how many members are in it, and who the owner is.
Remove Member: Only the owner of the group chat will see this. Clicking this and the member you want to remove will remember the member.
Edit Group Chat: Only the owner of the group chat will see this. You can edit the name of the group chat.

To add more people to the group chat, the OWNER will click on an open slot to add.

Goes back a page
Group Chat Info: Create a name for the group chat
Main Group Chat Color: The main color that the group chat will start as.
Add/Remove Members: Now this is a bit more complicated. Not really actually.

When you add a member you put their phone number in it, it will send out an invite to that person and when they accept the person can put their name and it will automatically set their username.

When getting invited to a group chat you will see the name, the phone number of the person who invited, and their username. You can click on YES or NO to accept it. If you accept it you put your name as you want to be known in the group chat.

To talk in a group chat you can do a command such as /GC or /group chat [groupchat name] than whatever you want to put.

Calling & Texting

Now sometimes you might be in a situation where you cannot answer your phone, or you just don't want to answer the phone. You can simply ignore it or do something like /callw [Name] [!] The phone would not pick up. Something like that, I saw Leon's idea and I want to branch off that with calling and texting!

If you are gonna call someone you would just do /call [Name] and to the person, you are calling they will get a thing in chat saying something like:
[!] You are getting a call from [Name] [!] [ANSWER] [DECLINE]

If you answer you can freely do /call until you do something like /hangup.

Now for texting! If you don't want to call you can simply text someone, this can be done by /txt [Name] and it will automatically send through.

Now those might sound good and stuff but what if you don't want any text or calls? Well, here another idea- SETTINGS!

Now the settings can be on the main contact screen, it could be something like a nether star. When you click on it you can disable or enable certain things, here are some ideas!
1. Texting: If someone tries to text you and it's disabled it would say "This person is not receiving any texts at the moment"
2. Calling: The same thing as texting, if someone calls and its disabled it would say "This person is not receiving any calls at the moment"
3. Invites: If you do not want to get invited to group chats you can disable it!

Now that's all! Let's hope I don’t make this longer and add anything else. Thanks for reading!!
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Level 7
This sounds so radical, it's soo rad that I -1 this, thanks for the suggestion, hope to see it in the future!


Level 14

BUT I'd like to see an idea where the person has to answer the phone call before the message goes through, I feel like that would be cool as a farther addition to this suggestion


Level 146
While I agree with some of your suggestions with how phones should change, I feel there are many places where your proposals are either not beneficial, or a change would be unnecessary.

To start, an inventory based GUI for contacts would be tedious, as there is no way to differentiate your contacts at a glance. Even if you replaced the glass with heads (or some other identifying item), it is undeniably more convenient having a list of names neatly displayed. Chat being flooded with contacts is undesirable, though I favor this option over needing to slowly sift through a GUI to see your contacts.

I understand the appeal in a "favoriting" function, though we could accomplish something similar in an easier way; simply introduce a command which brings a contact to the top of your list, so that players you call often would always appear on the front page of your contacts. It accomplishes the same goal without introducing a new menu, which is much easier and less time consuming for the developers.

The addition of a feature allowing you to edit contacts is appealing, and the same is true of a list of blocked numbers. Though just as everything else, they should be commands for the sake of convenience.

Your explanation of the group chat feature is severely lacking. You've gone into detail about your vision of creating and managing a chat, though never elaborated how exactly they would work. Regardless, implementing them would be unnecessary, as I fail to see any roleplay situation that would benefit from this feature. If you want to have a conversation with 3+ people, it isn't difficult to meet up somewhere, as it is a Minecraft server and the map isn't very large.

The calling suggestion is something I approve of 100%. It would definitely prevent FailRP, such as calling multiple people at once, or not actioning to use your phone (such as in class or in situations where it would benefit one party). I also think the phone should be held through the entire call, and your character should hang up if you switch to a different item. I am aware how tedious this seems, but it is realistic and would prevent FailRP.

I see the appeal in texting, but it simply wouldn't work. FailRP would be a consistent issue, as it would just reintroduce the problems we have with the current calling system. Lying OOCly about the content of texts or about the existence of a text conversation would also be problematic, as the only way to confirm any claim would be a screenshot from somebody who participated in the conversation. If you want to text ICly use a platform such as Onrain or Touko. This alternative shares similar issues, but it's your best bet for texting on SRP.

Seeing as though I disagree with 2/3 of the suggestions the options menu would affect, I believe it's clear what my stance is. If you don't want to accept calls, simply turn your phone off.

Though some of our opinions are different, we can both agree that phones need to be reworked, even if only slightly. I don't think we need a complicated system as our current one works just fine, but a few touch ups here and there would definitely be beneficial.


Level 42
wooah! i love this thread for the phone. honestly i think this would be a pretty cool and more interactive setup for the phones!


Level 67
I love this idea! It’s a great idea well explained and well written! Don’t want to be a negative person though, but with the new map right around the corner, I think waiting for the new map would be better! We all are used to the way phones are ran, although this is a needed and nice change, I think waiting to equipped this plugin would be smart! We would all have to adjust to this new phone system, perhaps the adjustment would be easier as it’s not just a random change.

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