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What do you want for Christmas


Level 25
For those who celebrate Christmas, as a Social or Religious event, or under a different name, what do you want for Christmas? Do you want money? If so what do you want to spend it on? Do you want presents? If such what do you want. And if you have a special gift, for example a trip, what is it? I understand a lot of you don't get told what you're getting for christmas as it's a suprise. But you'll likely have some idea, or if you don't, then what do you want?

I know this really dosen't have anything to do with SRP. But I'm lacking people to talk to so I just deceided 'Well, it's December.. There is a large community here.. Why not ask?'


Level 10
I'm hoping for a limited edition Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch! i hope your present wishes come true too


Level 25
Thread starter
Either a chance to spend time without being constantly annoyed and yelled at by my family. I just finished high school this year and I've been working hard to get on a path for my career and the nagging and distraction by my family makes filling out the paperwork and getting an interview time set impossible. I have tried to ask them to let me be so I can work but it lasts about 5-10 minutes before they start yelling at me when I'm gonna get a job and work on my future. Doesn't that my parents want to move so I have to divide my time between listening to them yell at me, packing up my shit, and having to drive around with both of them as they settle their divorce. It's fucking annoying as shit and sometimes I kind of wish I could just walk out of my house and disappear for a few weeks without a question asked. So my simple wish for Chanukah/Christmas would be a single day of peace to myself.
Damn man. That's deep. I hope you get your wish, and I hope everyone sorts itself out.

Merry christmas


Level 67
A dream Christmas for me would be, buy me another alt, get me into KPD, and buy that account and my other 2 accounts the max rank, then to cap it off by a custom car! That’s the dream Christmas!

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