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Arabella Ansley | Biography


Level 2

⟹ she holds the sun’s warmth in her smile. ⟸

full name | arabella seraphina ansley ⬦
nicknames | ara - bella - bells ⬦
gender | female ⬦
current age | 18 ⬦
date of birth | 8th of may ⬦
zodiac sign | taurus ⬦
sexuality | heterosexual ⬦
languages | japanese and italian ⬦
place of birth | siena, italy ⬦
alignment | chaotic good ⬦
scent | strawberries ⬦
occupation | student ⬦
association | baseball team ⬦


Arabella is a petite Japanese-Italian young girl who stands at 5’1”. Long, dark black hair cascades down her back to her small waist in soft curls, bangs delicately framing her heart-shaped face. Past her bangs, her stark grey eyes stand out against her fair skin, her gaze piercing, and inquisitive. It is almost peculiar in comparison to the otherwise-innocent air she has about her, with her rosy cheeks, and her bright smile that normally sits on her pink doll lips. Her outfits regularly have an air of academia, with neat sweaters, collared shirts, and skirts. Lately, she had donned animal dresses, such as a duck dress and a bear dress.
A sweet lilt tints her words when she speaks.

basic personality traits

⬦ almost overbearingly kind ⬦ extremely optimistic ⬦
⬦ dense when it comes to other people’s thoughts and feelings ⬦
⬦ energetic ⬦ sweet even to those who are rude to her ⬦
⬦ humorous in her own way ⬦ caring for everyone ⬦
⬦ flustered easily ⬦ tries to be very proper ⬦ immensely sympathetic ⬦
⬦ wants to befriend every stranger she meets ⬦ cries often ⬦
⬦ worries constantly about what others think of her ⬦

her prologue

This was their last chance. They were growing older, the amount of time for them to conceive growing shorter every second. A dull ache in his neck made him realize how tense his shoulders were. Niccolaio attempted to straighten himself up and loosen his neck by craning his head up and twisting it to either side, while still holding onto his wife’s much-smaller hand.
Ichika was sat up on her hospital bed, quick breaths escaping her lips in rapid succession as she tried to ease the pain she felt. The nurse on the opposite side of her husband offered words of encouragement in soft Italian an attempt to calm her down, despite it being a language she had not yet grown accustomed to. Although from the context, she could tell that the kind nurse was asking her to take deeper, slower breaths, so she attempted to comply, taking in one shaky breath, and releasing another. This is our last chance, she thought to herself. She prayed in her heart--hoping, wishing, wanting for this to finally be the day where her baby would come out healthy, and not stillborn like her past children.
The noises in the room--comprised of the doctor giving a different nurse clearly well-practiced instructions, Ichika’s breathing, the nurse in front of him calming his pregnant wife, and the soft beeping of hospital machines near them--were drowned out by Niccolaio’s own thoughts. His lips were pursed in a thin line as he tried to manifest his wishes into life. Please, please… Give us our daughter, his thoughts pleaded.
And finally, after hours of grueling pain for Ichika, it happened.
Cries shattered the tension in the air.
Arabella was then born on a warm night with a clear sky, in Siena, Italy.


her first few chapters

Ara is an only child. She spent her childhood lonely without any friends, with only her parents as company. They were extremely overprotective of her, wanting no harm to ever come to her since she was their only child. However, also because of this, they were quite strict on her. Her mother (Ichika, a housewife) pushed her to excel in all of her schooling and everything she ever did. She even had her begin piano lessons at a young age, telling her she needed to learn piano in order to look good on her future applications for college, as she was constantly thinking of ways to have Ara one day get accepted into a wonderful university.
Ara was fine with this and came to be very studious, and politely always followed her parents instructions and rules, as they raised her to be well-mannered and disciplined. Her parents let her choose one activity to do after school (besides the piano lessons Ichika had her take), and she chose to learn ballet. She came to love it, and Niccolaio (her father) would take her to her class every time. Ara cherished these moments alone with him, and they came to be very close. Her father also wanted to leave her with all of his knowledge of cooking, as he loved it and owned a small restaurant in their city, which led to her learning how to cook fine cuisine from his own recipes that he wanted to hand down.
When Ara was 10 years of age, Niccolaio was diagnosed with lung cancer, due to his prevalent smoking habit. He passed away nine months later.
Depressed, and new to having to work for the family, Ichika decided to take Ara back to Japan, which was her home. Slowly, her mother became more and more involved with drinking alcohol, until Ara would be left with a blubbering mess every morning and night. She was left to take care of her mother, who never raised her voice any more, or even seemed to care about anything that had to do with Ara. Luckily, her grandparents were kind enough to send them just enough money that they would not starve, or become homeless. But now, Ara was completely alone.
She no longer danced, as the memories of her father tainted ballet for her. Ara tried to avoid any recipes her father ever taught her, as they hurt her as well. She came to no longer play piano as they no longer owned one.
Arabella enrolled for Karakura High in Grade-8, and was accepted.

personal relations including her notes

ichika agawa | mother ⬦
I miss her.
niccolaio ansley | father ⬦
I miss him.
zenkai senet | husband ⬦
The sweetest and cutest ever! He makes me so happy, I love him so much. Out of any place, any time period, I’m really lucky that I was here at the right moment just to meet him.
blaire hashirama | currently ex-best friend ⬦
She was my best friend. She was one of the first friends I ever made after coming to Karakura. We're... We're not on good terms right now.
vincent holland | close friend ⬦
He’s goofy but I like him a lot!
yamato hozuki | close friend ⬦
He’s funny but kind of weird. Very lovable though! He reminds me of a little rabbit.
kazuto garcia | close friend ⬦
He’s really sweet to me! He cares about me a lot, and I care about him too.
erriko garcia | close friend ⬦
Ahh, so cute! She’s so sweet and kind, and I appreciate her.
troy garcia | close friend/father figure ⬦
Troy is the best! He’s always taking care of me. I love him a lot.
brady holland | close friend ⬦
He’s always there for me when I need it. I hope he knows I’m here for him too.
nihongo senet | friend ⬦
She’s very adorable! She’s Kai’s sister, and I really want her to be happy all the time!
brock constantine | adopted son ⬦
I forcibly adopted him, but it’s fine! I’m a good mom.
kiyomi fujiya | baseball team captain ⬦
She's really nice to me, which I really like! We're going to go boating on land sometime soon!
ricky sticky | deceased friend ⬦
I miss you a lot. Why did you leave me?
[[ Okay, okay, I know that there’s more, but I can’t list all of her friends, otherwise this will go on for a while. Just know that she loves all of you! ]]

some things she enjoys
⬦ writing/reading poetry ⬦ ballet ⬦ classical music ⬦ eating sweets ⬦ going on adventures ⬦
⬦ making friends ⬦ reading books ⬦ memorizing dumb puns ⬦
some things she dislikes
⬦ pickles ⬦ small bugs and insects ⬦ afraid of needles ⬦ afraid of the sound of thunder ⬦

her voice

Arabella drawn as a princess by Zreneo.
Arabella drawn by Zreneo.
Arabella and Zenkai.

↠ “Strangers are just friends I haven’t made yet!” ↞

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Level 234
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wow no Aleksei but there's Brock? Feelin betrayed

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